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[FIC] Variable Geometry: Once again on hold
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:35 am
by Tsushima Masaki
So I decided since I haven't written in a long while... I might as well get to know more about FMP! since all I saw were the the two anime series and a little bit of one or two series of the manga. So I decided I'd read the novels to familiarize myself more with the FMP! world and make it more interesting. Heh... I might even have to do this from the ground up again... with fewer original characters.
Table of Contents
Variable Geometry: Part 1
Variable Geometry: Part 2
Variable Geometry: Part 3
Variable Geometry: Part 4
Variable Geometry: Part 5
Variable Geometry: Part 6
Variable Geometry: Part 7
Variable Geometry: Part 8
Variable Geometry: Part 9
Variable Geometry: Part 10
Variable Geometry: Part 11
Variable Geometry: Part 12
Variable Geometry: Part 13, Section A *New!*
Note: Hey guys, this is my very first FMP fanfic, the setting is... I guess in the second season, and this is based off of the show, not the manga/novels, however... if I actually continue writing, I may add some manga elements into the mix, like that other Kaname lover (Martial Arts otaku), etc.
Yeah, uh... the names are ALWAYS gonna be western style in the non-converstation parts. If the person happens to be Japanese and says "Chidori Kaname," that'll only happen in the quotation marks. I'm think I'm gonna use a some Japanese terms, but not much
Moshi moshi = telephone greeting
-ku = ward suffix
-to = suffix for Tokyo, since it's its own district/prefecture in Japan (Tokyo is technically, and officially no longer a city, it's region comprised of many wards, cities, towns, and some villages)
And that's about it, I hope someone can find this fic readable, or enjoyable, whichever happens first
Anyway, I don't care if you flame the hell out of it (cause then I know not to waste my time with more instalments), or if you add some criticism/suggestions, cause I know my prose isn't the greatest and there's always room for improvement. Now, enough ramblings, cause I know some of you have already lost interest. 
Variable Geometry: Part 1
6:43 am
25º N, 138º E (Pacific Ocean)
Aquileia (Mithril Naval and Air Force Base), Aquila Islands Chain
Just after dawn had struck the Aquila Chain, a small transport plane left one of the runways and adjusted its heading northward. The cold morning sun basked the islands in its remarkable radiance. In the passenger section of the aircraft, which was heading towards mainland Japan, a teenager with aqua-coloured hair sat quietly. She was clothed in a pale yellow t-shirt and a pair of blue flared jeans. Her head was supported by both of her palms, and her elbows rested on her thighs. One part of her was angry, the other was worried, and the last part was sad. She was angry because once again, a visit to Mithril had turned into another mission for Sousuke. She was realistic enough to realize that her... Sousuke was not invincible, and this mission had potential to be his last. Her sadness was brought on because of those other two reasons, and because she was heading back to Tokyo alone. Her only company was the two pilots in the front and the faint thrum of the engines.
An almost inaudible swoosh entered through Kaname's ears, and curiously, she stole a gaze behind her to look through the small porthole. Her eyes searched above and below, looking for the source. 'It was probably another aircraft,' she reasoned.
Eventually, her orbs located what looked like a fighter aircraft. Her expression of mild interest quickly turned into one of shock, her brown eyes widening considerably. The plane was travelling in a steep descent towards the glittering sea below. "What happened to the pilot?" she whispered softly, her eyes still locked onto the contrasting black shape quickly losing altitude. 'Was he alright? Was he just pulling some stunt?' she wondered uneasily.
Kaname now turned her body around and grasped the edges of the porthole, compelled to see it through to the end. However, her eyes quickly failed her as both crafts fell out of visual range of each other. Quickly saying a silent prayer for the unknown pilot's well-being, Kaname shifted back to her previous position, hunching her back forward again and contemplating how she was going to deal with the coming week.
Aquila Mithril Secondary Airfield
"Mithril Fighter XVF-05 has just been recovered. The pilot is in a semi-conscious state, but we haven't found any external injuries. We're in need of transportation to the medical facility," responded one of the recovery team members.
"Roger that, we're sending out an emergency vehicle. Can you tell us the status of the fighter and what caused the mishap?"
There was a pause over the airwaves, then air control got it's response. "The 05 is in pristine condition, at least on the outside. I think the pilot initiated the auto-pilot landing sequence. The best we can think of right now for possible causes are: engine failure, perhaps a flameout; spatial disorientation could be another possible cause; another plausible explanation would be that the pilot had already been performing a high or low g maneuver, then fell victim to its effects, which caused him to accidentally cut power. We don't know for sure."
"We appreciate the insight, we'll notify the proper superiors immediately, over and out."
Seabirds, both organic and mechanic were either taking off into the sky, or landing for a quick break. The sun was now rising higher, washing more radiation onto the earth. Outside on an apron surrounding the hangars, technicians swarmed the large jet-black aircraft. Some inspected the engines, others checked the landing gear. A small number of specialists were in the cockpit, downloading the flight data from the internal flight recorder. Several other aircraft were being taxied into their own hangars, and tests were run. One blue-grey multi-role aircraft decreased its thrust as it performed a vertical landing on a modified helicopter pad. The pilot deactivated all systems and opened the canopy to exit the fighter. 'Just what the hell happened to him?'
10:17 am
Medical Facility, Aquila Mithril Air Force Compound
The periodic beeping of the pulse monitor was continuing to occur unhindered. The pilot, who was now unconscious, had been stripped of his flight suit and he now donned a hospital gown. An intravenous tube had been inserted through the inside of his right elbow joint, and the fluids drifted slowly into his circulatory sytem.
Captain Testarossa's Office
The petite, platinum-haired captain of the Tuatha de Danaan flipped through the multi-page report that had been delivered to her on a brown clipboard. Her lightning eyes sprinted over the fine text, then her even faster mind absorbed the meaning of the report. Setting it down on her neat oak table, she reached to her left for the cup of Earl Grey tea that had been neglected ever since the reported had been handed to her. Soothing sounds of ocean waves, plaintive strings and a classical piano created an air of calm and elegance in Captain Testarossa's private office. She left her mind to calculate the repercussions of the document while humming along with the lone cello, the crescendo, and then the decrescendo to a new, allegretto tempo.
'2nd Lieutenant Kayashi may suffer chronic headaches, migraines, for a temporary period due to the his exposure to low gravity forces. His ability to do his current job may well have diminished to less than satisfactory, and the project he was a part of may be halted indefinitely,' the captain paraphrased mentally. 'The Finance Division will not like this.'
Growing weary already, despite the relatively early hour, the captain turned off her study lamp and moved to her grey love seat, choosing to have a quick nap before she would meet with the downed pilot to decide his fate.
11:34 am
Lotus Apartment Complex
Ota-ku, Tokyo-to
Kaname Chidori had already unpacked her belongings and was now preparing for lunch. However, she stopped by her room to drop off a memorable item. It was a framed picture of Melissa, Kurz, Sousuke, Tessa, and herself with the sunset in the backdrop. If one were to inspect the photograph with scrutiny, they may have been able to detect a ghost of a smile on the chocolate-haired sergeant's usually stony face. Kaname smiled fondly at the picture in her hands, before setting it down on her night stand and trudging out of her room to the kitchen, resuming her previous state of mind. Her usually buoyant blue hair seeming to droop, reflecting her current mood.
A familiar tone to Kaname sounded as she had started cutting up the vegetables for her tenpura. Half-expecting the caller to be Kyouko, she answered with a bland voice, "Moshi moshi--Ah, hi Dad!" one could tell that Kaname's mood had lifted considerably.
"Hai, I'm fine, yes I'm still doing well... I promise to visit you sometime. Anyone special in my life? You know I'm too young for that!"
However she was lying through her teeth. At least... she currently was.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 8:09 am
by Taurec

... please continue .. somehow the mix of Yukikaze in the FMP universe makes it interesting ...
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 9:35 am
by darkbane
there is one major deficiency --- the fic is too short! we want more!! hehehe
definitely keep writing, especially if you're going to be writing about kaname (can't ever get enough of that

it's pretty good, although sometimes your choice of grammar makes it a bit hard to read, but that's in maybe three or four places, and i'm probably the only one affected, heh
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 7:39 pm
by Tsushima Masaki
After seeing the mention of Yukikaze, I looked on Google for some comprehensive information on it. The most I found out is that it is similar to Macross/Robotech and was done by the very same company that makes Full Metal Panic. Hehe.
Oh yeah, I'm at school right now, it's lunchtime. After lunch is study block, so I can either do my Socials homework or continue this fic... decisions, decisions...
And maybe I'll revise this chapter soon, so there's more clarity, cya.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 9:12 pm
by darkbane
Tsushima Masaki wrote:... so I can either do my Socials homework or continue this fic... decisions, decisions...
i would think that there's only one logical choice arising from that situation!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:14 am
Haven't watched Yukikaze yet myself -- I can't sit still thru it -- but I
do admit I'm a sucker for FMP fics that go a little GunBunny
Write some more and post it, PLEASE!!
Variable Geometry: Part 2
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:14 am
by Tsushima Masaki
Variable Geometry: Part 2
1:56 pm
Medical Facility, Aquila Mithril Air Force Compund
Aquileia, Aquila Islands Chain
2nd Lieutenant Lorraine Alundres, clad in more informal attire, walked through the hospital white hallways towards the recovery room. Lorraine was gifted with crown of bountiful carmine locks that travelled down past her hips, and the emerald green in her eyes complimented the red hair. Normally in the military her hair would have been cut at her shoulders, however, since this was Mithril, they made some exceptions. If it wasn’t her exotic features that sometimes set her apart from most of the others on the base, than it was her young age. One might have asked her why the hell she was in a military organization at the tender age of eighteen. She would have told them, “They gave me a chance to fly.”
Lieutenant Alundres’ passion was dancing through the crystal blue sky, and she had found her place in Mithril as mainly a test pilot. She had been informed as to what had happened to her partner. She had also been told that more than likely, the XVF project would be temporarily discontinued. As she rounded the corner, strands of grey hair caught her alert eyes. Captain Testarossa had entered the recovery room that Lieutenant Kayashi was currently occupying. ‘She’s probably here to debrief him,’ she concluded, turning sharply on her heel and making her long way back to her quarters.
Recovery Unit
Sitting slouched on a soft padded chair, Lieutenant Kenji Kayashi moaned and groaned while applying a ridiculously large ice pack on his forehead. "If this doesn't get rid of the headaches, nothing will," a nurse had said merrily. What she had neglected to mention was that they were still restocking the usual painkillers. 'At least I'm out of that stupid gown.'
That had been true enough. The medical staff had given him a some black jeans and an off-white t-shirt to wear while they cleaned his flight suit. Before he could hurt his head by thinking too much, the door on the far right opened and revealed a small teenager dressed in a field grey Mithril uniform. Judging by the badge on her right shoulder, Lieutenant Kayashi could tell that she was a captain. Was this the legendary Captain Testarossa? Kayashi had always assumed she was older.
The mousey captain made eye contact with the pilot and flashed a friendly smile as she approached him. "2nd Lieutenant Kayashi, nice to see you alive and well," she greeted warmly but professionally, and then she shook his hand.
The lieutenant had wiped his right hand dry moisture before accepting the handshake. The captain then moved to seat herself diagonal to him. The ventilation system kicked in at that moment, and the hum the fans made resonated faintly in their ears. This recovery unit was small; it only had three beds, all surrounded by white curtains for privacy. The chairs were lined on the sides of the wall, and a table with a complimentary set of flowers resided in the midst. The lights had been shut off by one of the nurses, who had said that the sun was bright enough.
There was an uncomfortable silence, and Captain Testarossa had been playing with her ponytail, trying to think of a way to start things off. When she finally thought of the right words, she cleared her throat and gazed directly at the young lieutenant. "Lieutenant Kayashi, I am Captain Testarossa, Captain of the submarine Tuatha de Danaan. You may not have been told, but you were recently transferred from this base to the de Danaan," she started, waiting for him to shift uncomfortably in his seat.
He didn't shift, however; but he had not known he had been transferred. "That's not the reason why you're here is it Captain?"
Tessa figured that she might as well get to the point, "That is not the only reason I'm here," she paused to swallow carefully. "The XVF project has been put on hold because of one of the pilots, that would be you, longer has the ability to fly."
Lieutenant Kayashi then came alive, "What do you mean Captain? I can still fly."
Tessa shook her head slowly. "The physicians here have advised that you not pilot for at least two months. They told me that you suffered a severe redout and that you'll have chronic cephalalgia, in other words, migraines, for quite some time, a month at least. Many of the doctors agree that those headaches would cause you to lose awareness, concentration, and likely control of the craft you would be piloting. This would likely lead to even more severe injuries, or of course, death," she explained quite clearly with a sympathetic tone.
The lieutenant had appeared to take in the information slowly, then nodded in agreement. "I suppose it's for the best then," he stated quietly, looking down at his lap.
Captain Testarossa sympathized with the lieutenant. She had heard that this young man was quite a remarkable aviator. She glanced at him, taking in his features: unkempt, midnight blue hair, eyes that were either black or blue, a barely visible moustache and beard. He was taller than an average Japanese man, with a medium build. Tessa estimated that he was a year older than herself. She could tell that his eyes held sadness, but she forced herself to get back to the subject. She formed a thin smile with her lips, "You'll fly again soon. Don't worry about it," she reminded him. "I'm also here to tell you that you'll be serving on the de Danaan as soon as we launch tomorrow. Your new assignment will be given to you there."
Kayashi raised his head, "New assignment?" he repeated.
The captain nodded her head quickly, "We're in need of a replacement for a mission, the current group is away resolving a conflict in Saudi Arabia."
Captain Testarossa noticed his confused expression, "Don't worry, it's on land, Japan actually, and I think it'll be a cakewalk," she assured.
"As you wish Captain, I'll ready my belongings," he stated, getting up with his melting pack of ice.
"Oh, that won't be necessary Lieutenant," she was giving him a nervous smile by now. "My crew... has already transferred it to the submarine. I-I hope you don't mind."
"Of course not Captain."
Tessa now stood from her seat. "Very well then. Tomorrow you will report to me on the bridge at 1100 hours. We launch at 1200 hours. Use this time to say your goodbyes. Dismissed."
And with that, the mild-mannered captain made her way out of the recovery room, leaving Lieutenant Kenji Kayashi standing alone, with his melting ice pack.
5:42 pm
Mess Hall, Aquila Mithril Air Force Compound
The clatter of forks and knives and friendly chatter filled the atmosphere of the large dining room. The lights were bright, however not as bright as they could be. The pilots had said they preferred this area that way, "A way to relax their eyes," one stated.
Alone at her own table, Lieutenant Lorraine Alundres stabbed at her meager meal of rice, peas, and then took small sips of the water in her glass. She had overheard some of the other enlistees joke that she was on a diet. She thought that over bitterly; the last thing she needed was a diet right now. What was bothering her was her so-called friend who was supposed to have been released from the medical facility several hours ago. She toyed with some strands of her scarlet hair, thinking about nothing and everything at the same time. She neglected to notice the person settle down opposite from her at the table. The person didn't say anything, only poured some water from the pitcher to his glass and commenced with the devouring of "nutritious" food. Only when the a fork clattered on the table did Alundres recover her awareness. She looked up from her plate to see her "friend" with a sombre expression, looking straight at her. "I was worried that I had lost you forever," he commented, plastering a rather thin smile onto his features, which he found took more effort than he imagined.
Alundres was the first to break the eye contact, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I feared that we had lost you for eternity..." she whispered.
Anyone would be able to feel the tension between the two. Finally, Kayashi responded, "We? Who's we?" he asked, intrigued.
Alundres continued to avoid his probing orbs, and she started feeling a slight warmth in her cheeks. "The... the whole project team," she stammered slightly, and her blush grew.
Now Kayashi was smiling wider than a Cheshire cat. "'The whole project team,'" he mimicked, raising the pitch of his voice. "I always understood that 'the team' didn't like me too much," he stated matter-of-factly, the soberness returning to his face.
She hated it when he did this to her. "Well I don't think they harbour anything against you. It would take someone rather cold to not care about a colleague's death."
Kayashi snorted. "This is the military Raine, bullets fly and people die. That's how it goes. I bet half of these people here are immune to it by now."
Alundres had always known the lieutenant to be a cynical man, but to make such an offhand comment like that made her wonder just how entrenched in he really was in his philosophy. "Anyway Lieutenant, I didn't come here to rain on your supper," he said seriously, punning on part of her name.
Lieutenant Alundres frowned, both at his tone and his joke. "Well then why are you here?"
Lieutenant Kayashi paused to formulate his response, "I've been transferred to the submarine Tuatha de Danaan."
Lorraine froze. " This is my goodbye," he finished.
Alundres was no idiot, but the words that had just been uttered took a while to process, but the meaning had settled in long before. "Y-you're leaving? Why?" she whispered disbelievingly.
Kayashi didn't like how this was turning out. "Relax... I won't be gonna for too long, and occasionally the sub will drop by here," he assured her, but in truth he only knew little of his mission.
Alundres didn't buy it, not one word. She left the table abruptly, leaving behind her "friend" and her half-eaten meal. Kayashi sighed. 'Not the way I had intended this, definitely not the way...'
Yeah, took me a whole day to write this. I know you're probably wondering these things:
1. Where the **** was Kaname in this chapter?
2. Is Sousuke EVER gonna be in here?
3. What about Mao and Kurz?
5. This'll be a Kaname/Sousuke fic right??? RIGHT????? (panics)
1. Kaname will most certainly be in the next chapter, playing hopefully a significant role
2. Yes, our fearless otaku will be in here, probably not part 3 though...
3. Kurz and Mao? Yeah, someday 
4. Action eh? I kinda suck at action, but that doesn't mean there won't be any AS fights or whatever, there'll be some.
5. Yeah, I hope this fic will have that pairing. I have no intentions on putting our new lieutenant here in charge of the house... well, maybe I'm lying... eh... you'll see, if you can survive this chapter. 
Yeah well... it's time to sleep, it's 12:30 am and I need sleep cause there's school. Read, review, vote... maybe e-mail me at and make the subject "YOUR FIC SUX!" 
Hehe, yeah well, cya.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 8:43 am
by darkbane
well, it's always interesting when you introduce new characters into the mix... if i got this right, then this new guy will be in charge of guarding kaname for a while, and he'd probably do a better job at it, too. and then sousuke comes back and all hell breaks loose
As long as you don't have Kaname falling for the new sergeant, we won't clobber you to death, so keep writing

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:31 am
by ZyreX
totally true darkbane!!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:44 pm
by Tsushima Masaki
Hehe, you guys are too smart for your own good!
Actually, it was pretty obvious...
Yeah, someone's gonna open up a can of whoop ass when Sousuke comes back.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 6:09 pm
by Tsushima Masaki
Well, study block again, and I'm being booted off. Damn class priority over computers... I'll write the next part by hand mostly. Cya.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 6:33 pm
by darkbane
don't let fmp take over your life... actually, strike that.. DO let fmp take over your life.. it's for a good cause (our entertainment by your story)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 6:39 pm
by Taurec
Go Tsushi ... Go Tsushi . keep em comming ...
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:55 pm
by Tsushima Masaki
Damn, I have an essay for English due tomorrow, so I won't be updating to part 3 anytime soon. Besides... you guys probably want longer instalments anyway. I have study block first thing (study block is basically where you sit in the library and do just about anything you want), so I think I'll make use of that hour writing more, and adding more Kaname into the tale, hopefully. Well... not back to the grind...
Masaki over and out.
ch00n playing ....::::||||<<<< Chicane - Empires { 07:14 | 192Kbps | 44KHz | 9.94MB } >>>>||||::::....
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 4:12 am
by darkbane
yep, the longer the better, as long as quality doesn't deteriorate due to length.
hey, this is probably good practice for the english paper... but go do that. good luck