*** [TSR] *** Episode 1 - End of Day by Day.

"Rated 15 and older: violence, risqué humor, nudity, alcohol and tobacco use."

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Post by Circle »

I just watched AonE-A-Kingdom's version of ep1. Their video quality isn't as sharp as the higher filesize ones, but their translation is very good. What's noteworthy is that they translated a lot of the military terms and acronyms and is the only group that explained what SUBLARS stood for. I'm pretty sure FMP tries to use real world weaponary as much as possible so believed SUBLARS was a real term but non of the other groups were giving me anything. A good resource for the Armory.

Oh yea, they also explained Mithril's callsigns. I didn't know Gebo, Uruz, Teiwaz are all names of Runestones. I didn't know Runestones had names already, thought ppl just made up their names whenever they need to write something for fantasy.

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