#14 The Forest of Paper Leaves,
Alright in this ep Wendy seems to get some air time

This one is very interesting it's giving extra information about Dokusensha, and The British Library.
It uses some footage of the original OVA, and there is a sweet moment where rei errrr J.R. cooks.

All events seem to be linked to the "Great Britain Reconstruction Program"
Apparently GB has fallen on it's ass politically and financially after they tried to repair their political leader Mr. Gentleman.
He had some euh ... Medical troubles, - anyway I'll get to that later.
(now the first 3 mins of this ep it didn't really make sense to me)
Fact is, Mr. G is so bloody important that they had to save him or his knowledge.
So they started a plan called "The Gentleman Resuscication Project"
The idea was nice, transfer his genius mind to another body,
But no normal body could hold his mega brain so they tried to use a abnormal body, yes the I-Jin. (Who ? ... those scary peeps in the OVA) anyway somethings went bugga and they tried plan B.
Using a nice trick called Skin Print, ... you guessed it ... they kinda
made a hardcopy of Mr. G, and divided him in those 7 books everybody is hunting for.
At the same time the Chinese Dokusensha build their mighty empire,
I think they want to get back at the Brits (read some history books to find out why)
Anyway GB is on it's knees, and the Dokusensha kinda likes it that way.
But they want the books and it's info ..... and they want it bad...
Using this knowledge Mr. Joker has signed a deal with the devil ..
But as seen in the previous ep he doublecrossed them.
Well there ya have it.. they still have 12 episodes left. to make a brilliant conclusion ...