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Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 2:40 am
Haven't had a chance to catch the original OVA for this, but I've seen
the first two RAWs around. Anyone know anything about this series and / or
know of any groups that'll sub it?
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 3:31 am
by mika
apparently the series is entirely different from the ova, that is, the characters in the ova will not appear in the series.
the ova is good. you must watch it.
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 8:30 am
by Deckard
i know a group which will be subbing it. PM me on IRC if u want to know. i rarely check back here these days anyway.
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 7:10 pm
by Taurec
i've seen #1 of the ova .. and <grin> i wanna date ms. Deep ..

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:31 am
R.O.D #1, subbed by a group by the name of a-s
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 6:30 am
Oh MAN!!! Oh MAN!!! How could've I missed such a gem as ROD OVA...
if it matches the quality of the TV series. Caught #1 -- had nothing better
to watch at the time

-- basically, long-forgotten novelist is having
her book made into a movie. Everyone of course is happy for her,
but she's down-and-out drepressed. While on tour, she meets up with
three girls / detectives / bodyguards who also have powers over paper...
and a rather obsessed fan of hers What ever happened to good ol'
sending flowers and a card?
...and what's with the photo in the locket of hers?? Oh, I'm SO SUCKED
BTW, #2 is out... oh, and AonE picked this up as well
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 7:08 am
by mika
i still have not been able to get my hands on a subbed copy.
edit: just managed to download and watched ep 1. it is better than i expected. quite promising. the pix in that locket is that of the paper (yumiko readman).
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 12:00 pm
R.O.D. #2
Well, continuing the story from last time... can we say houseguests
from hell?!

Until Nenene realizes how much better her life is
with the three sisters driving her crazy *hehe* Oh yeah, here's a
tounge-twister to try: Nenene-sama. Now say that 5 times faster!
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 3:19 am
...don't know if anyone else is following this series, but...
#3 MORE moving-in pains... while out in a district in Tokyo that is ALL
bookstores -- take a wild guess how THAT goes, can we say 'kid in
a candystore?' -- we're reminded of Nenene's friend Yumiko. Oh yeah,
what's up with Junior... who just HAPPENS to be female under that
drab dress and cap... Oh BTW, how much to buy a WHOLE apartment
building to store your entire book collection? Can you even GET that
many books to fill it?
#4 Anita's sent to school?? Ohhkay, and her first intro doesn't exactly
endear her to the class, or does it? Oh, and she seems to have met a
rival, too! Ka-WAAAaaa-ii!!! Make that two rivals... and WHERE did
Michelle steal that school uniform? OUCH!!! Back to the story though,
what is this with secret assassin guilds?? And what's with the book
Richards gave to Anita? And what is Nenene up to??
Sooooo HOOKED!!! I think my find for intelligent anime post-Wolf's Rain
is over!! HIGHLY recommended!!
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 8:58 am
by Taurec
this series is annoying as hell ...... but i dunno ... since ikkitousen everything is seems to be covered in a nice shade of pan... pink ..
arround ep 3 i was thinking ... ok .. thats enough .. i'll collect it but gonna watch it when i'm drunk....
but in 4 .. when that dude got shot on such a original way ... by a girl ... i'm hooked .
You know that music, it's cool .. hope the have a nice OST available soon.
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 4:11 pm
#5 Can we say pulp (detective)-goth? So the three sisters take on
'outside' jobs besides their work to protect Nenene-sama. This time,
it's to retrieve a book from a professor that's not all he seems... CREEPY
guy, and he's got some tricks to counter the three sisters' paper magic.
And let's not forget their commando-style tactics to confront this guy

Nenene comes home to a scene out of an all-girls slumber party... hehehe
#6 out, but I got ALOT of torrents to clear off yet...
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:13 pm
#6 some of the softer / drama side of ROD. Anita's class is having
an open house, and the students must do book reports for presentation...
of course, Anita has alittle 'affliction' (which is further explained) that may
hold her back from attending. Anita's friend Hisawa meets the three
mismatched (but not biological, though I think I figured THAT out by the
first ep) sisters... and BOY is Nenene's apartment filling with books!! Man,
I wish my house looked like that!!

Junior makes an appearance
again... oh, check the ending. Not QUITE what one expects but...
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 3:34 am
#7 Another retrieval mission... Hmmmm. And Michelle seems to have
disappeared. More like not existed as far as the ppl around our trio
(or is that now duo) are concerned. A real psychological thriller end to
end: you did it, no I didn't; what is real, you are not real kind of thing.
All links into the OP scene and the person described therein...
...Oh MAN!! After this ep, I CANNOT recommend this series enough!!
Loved it! Loved it!
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 4:30 pm
by Neko
finally, I found another anime that deserves my attention. The OVA was just amazing and am I the only one who thinks Yomiko is kinda hot? Man I really miss her in R.O.D TV though. Where did she go? and is Joker a bad guy now?
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 1:40 am
by Circle
Yea, I'm following this anime too, I've seen up to ep 8. Who knows where Yomiko is, that's how they keep you watching, hoping that the next episode will give you some clues

. I don't think Joker's a bad guy, getting those books must be very important to him and his orginization which must remain secret. Besides, I haven't seen Joker or his subordinate (the long-grey-haired boy) actually kill someone... ok, he almost did.
I'm betting Joker's competitor is that guy who hired the sisters in episodes #5 and #7 and maybe the sisters will have to choose sides one day or be betrayed

Ep. 8 is another school episode. Someone's makes a mess in the school's library many nights and the students think it's a ghost. So the class decides to spend the night at the library to catch the ghost. Anita invites the grey-haired boy (Junior-kun) to join them. Well, I won't say anymore than that Junior developes in this episode and makes a critical decision
