A thank you to Beck, who, sent my the first DVD of Full Metal Panic, which is really really ironic since when FMP first came out in fansubs I watched the first few ep, said, wow this is awesome and burnt what I had and sent them to Beck until she had the whole series. I remember getting so excited about the series that I burnt a few copies for other online buds and Beck I know let Rose borrow her copies, which I know Rose sent out copies to others-aren't fansubs awesome?

Anyway, Beck told me about this board, another thanks I owe her, as well as had posted my GW/FMP crossover, which, since now I have the DVD I hope to be inspired to work on more, if anyone's anxious for me to finish it that is. I'm not into crossovers myself and have never written them before, so I know it might be a turn off for some, which I don't blame them in the least. But to those who read and reviewed, thank you.
One more thank you I need to throw out to Jae who was kind enough to host my little fanfic on her site. I so appreciate it. Thank you very much.

'K time for me to end this I guess.
Glad to be here!