AJ's subs aren't bad, they are just as good as Anime-keeps, or Ani-krazes. The only diference I find between the three are the usage of demon or devil and text effects(along with some grammar due to translations). Sorry if that broke the rules at all Mod's.
What I want to know is what was going on between the reverend and the gem lady. Because he had this odd smirk about him when she showed up. Second what I would like to know is whats with this containment circle thing? Not the idea of it entirely(like confining things) but what shape does it need?(You always see a cross in the end but it takes them like 9 extra little crosses and they keep setting them up in circles, HTF does a circle become a cross? And how does a cross need more than 4 cross thingys?) And why does azmaria only do it? Is it a special training thing, is it her apostleness, is it them giving her something to do? Because it seems more logical that if anyone can do it, rosette would, ah well. Thats just what I was thinking.
Haven't seen seven yet, but judging from six, there were only four of the tiny crosses used for the barriers. So she'd put them in... a cross shape, I'd expect. And I would imagine they have Azmaria do it because Chrno and Rosette are usually preoccupied with combat, which is something Azmaria isn't really participating in yet.
Ya, it looks like a cross, but it always takes thme like an hour and they always run in a circle. Just thought it was a little odd. And the main reason I ask about azmaria doing it or not is because rosette and chrno always end up protecting her in the end, you'll see in ep 7. They always seem to have to o out of thier way to help her with it, I just thought it would be easier if rosette or chrno did it, then again shes gotta get training somewhere, but what about those powers she's supposed to use?
Azmaria said in the end of episode four that she wouldn't be able to access her powers for a while because she used them so much at once that she temporarily exhausted her link with the Astral Line.
Um, I don't really think Azmaria consciously used her powers in ep7. It seemed more like "mother" Mary helped her out.
Yes it seems like Reverend Reminton knows the jewel witch.
And the cross containment thing is just like what Mal said. For Central Park they needed to set up more than one cross; Rosette/Chrno/Azmaria team was in charge of one of them.
spoilers:ep 7 chrno inhaled too much evil fumes~~ abt to become evil... den remember the maid in ep 2 that rosette's brother has... yup she is non other than our big boobs jewel summoners sister.....
Circle wrote:And the cross containment thing is just like what Mal said. For Central Park they needed to set up more than one cross; Rosette/Chrno/Azmaria team was in charge of one of them.
Alright, I understand all of that, and all of how they place it and how in the end it is a cross, but whenever they run around(and the first episode with the jewel summoner) they always run around in a giant circle. I'm begining to think that when they run around in the circle they put up the sides of the cross, and every little corner needs one because theres more than 4. I was just saying that it looks as though they are putting up a circle instead of a cross and then it suddenly becomes a cross. And they always refer to it as a circle, hmm, maybe it is a circle and the final image is a cross in the circle they made, arg I don't know. I'm not usually this picky but it just really starts to get to me when like half the episode is of them setting it up(which doesn't bother me of it taking that long because obviously its powerful) and I don't know what the hell they are setting up,lol.
They run around the parimeter of the containment area and place the gold crosses in 4 positions: Foot, left arm, head, right arm for example. They have to run in a circle otherwise they will put themselves in danger. You can't expect them to run down the center of the battle field, they'll get killed easily that way.
WARRAVEN wrote:I'm begining to think that when they run around in the circle they put up the sides of the cross, and every little corner needs one because theres more than 4.
It's always only four, though, if you watch closely.
Really? When they hold them beforehand I always count 5, and when they drop them I remember five, maybe I'm remembering it wrong or miscounting, because they don't have any extras at the end. Maybe I need to rewatch it, I havn't seen an episode in a little to trust the photographs I have.
[warning] please don't read it if you don't want to spoil the hole ep!! [EP.8 spoiler] Rosette gets a phone call from minister Remington
and Is asked to pick him up at the train station
when she gets there she gets to know that it was
actually a trap... set up by a Demon named Lizel ----more?----(suggest you stop or it will ruin the show) ---- Remington and Rosette are now the only two
in the train station that the Demon Lizel doesn't control
she is threatning Rosette and Remington that if they
don't comply she will kill em all. ----more?---- (suggest you stop or it will ruin the show) --- anyway while in the train station the demon Lizel
is trying to get rosette on a train saying that she
will meet her brother Joshua. and that he is in pain.
Rosette is sett into confusion and complies. ----more?---- (suggest you stop or it will ruin the show) ---- while starting to get on the train she realizes that
"SHE" is the one to help joshua and that she doesnt
need help from the demon Lizel.
after realizing that she gets off and tryes to rescue
Remington. while doing so she gets into a position
where she can't do anything...
untill chrno and azumaria saves the day
IT'S TRUE THAT WE HAVEN'T SEEN EACH OTHER IN A LONG TIME. BUT YOU ACTUALLY SAID " DO I KNOW YOU? ". IT ALMOST MADE ME CRY~SIGH~ Questions Regarding the forum?Have you read our policy? | Where to download? Questions Regarding FMP Pm:Me, Taurec, HELLFIRE, Killer or CPOK we will be able to help you.
ZyreX wrote:just saw ep.8
can't wait untill the next one
[warning] please don't read it if you don't want to spoil the hole ep!! [EP.8 spoiler] Rosette gets a phone call from minister Remington
and Is asked to pick him up at the train station
when she gets there she gets to know that it was
actually a trap... set up by a Demon named Lizel ----more?----(suggest you stop or it will ruin the show) ---- Remington and Rosette are now the only two
in the train station that the Demon Lizel doesn't control
she is threatning Rosette and Remington that if they
don't comply she will kill em all. ----more?---- (suggest you stop or it will ruin the show) --- anyway while in the train station the demon Lizel
is trying to get rosette on a train saying that she
will meet her brother Joshua. and that he is in pain.
Rosette is sett into confusion and complies. ----more?---- (suggest you stop or it will ruin the show) ---- while starting to get on the train she realizes that
"SHE" is the one to help joshua and that she doesnt
need help from the demon Lizel.
after realizing that she gets off and tryes to rescue
Remington. while doing so she gets into a position
where she can't do anything...
untill chrno and azumaria saves the day
Can't wait till its subbed, don't worry I only read the first Paragraph before the first major spoilter thingy.
Official Art from Newtype floating around... wish they were higher quality
but a MUST HAVE for CC fans!!... too bad I can't burn out the
Drosselmyer-lookalike because some other nice chars are on the same
page as him