A-S graced us with a combined #25 and #26. Nothing special
added (ED AMV, etc.) but still...
#25 It's Not a Big Problem. Ohhh, opens with F-18E
launches from an American Carrier. Seems the US Prez is rather
pissed at Joker's little shenanigan about proclaiming a BRITISH
leadership than American. HG Wells and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
do their part in defending the British empire *lol* with rather...
expected results. Our intrepid 6-pack looks for a way into the
BL. "Through the main door."
Uh-oh.... The 6-pack finds itself
going thru a rush of (British) history -- bit of a time warp here as well?
Drake's his usual: "Return my money on time!" as they face a 7 day
reading marathon to discover whereabouts in history they are to get to
the BL -- guess what their apartment looks like while they attempt this.
Geeeentlemaaaan! BL under huge pressure to not fail... the project
cannot be restarted. Gentleman will rewrite the world, as he has many
times over.
6 days at it using the 'Yomiko Speed-Reading Technique' and on-foot
recon nets them a contact w/ the Doksuenshu (that Asian guy waaay
back from the beginning) and the BL. Anita's plan? "Trash the place!"
-- Don't _I_ wish that were true -- but we're just going to make him give
up, that's all.
Wendy-kun and Junior-kun's final touching moment before he becomes
Gentleman. Wendy's always hated Junior as his obedience made her
realize the dirty work they were doing. Junior in turn wishes Wendy
had killed him than spared him. "If you even remember me as
Gentleman, take revenge on me as you wish." I'll be there, lady! 
Gentleman Reestablishment System coming online as the 20th century
approaches, and the 6-packs' plan is put into motion! 3 Sisters rescue
Nenene -- and Anita gets a solid nerve chop for her troubles, PRICELESS!!.
Drake & Nancy stop the place, Yomiko stops Joker -- "She planning to
die without reading my work?"
Oh, another Joker understatement: "Unlike you who is unemployed, I am
busy." Kill the guy already!!!
#26 From there on. No way to stop Joker or the BL. Even though you
destroy the machinery now, he'll rebuild it again and again. Yomiko's
torn and gives up without a fight. Wimp! Nenene and sisters are given
10 mins to surrender if they want Yomiko to live.
Nancy meets up with Ms Deep's suit? Ooooh, THIS has possibilities!
Gentleman being reborn into Junior. Yomiko makes final plea for Joker
to stop. Nenene asks him "Why change the world?" Because
its "Necessary for humans to have the same ideals, for high class
peace." Nenene retorts Joker's "just managing a company, a world
that's convenient for yourselves." Gentleman "will reformat everyone's
brains" and "create an equal and peaceful world." Charming 3 Sisters'
join in on the philosophical debate. "Future comes because past exists."
Pardon me if this philosophizing's getting tedious, which Drake kindly
stops with a BIIIIIIG boom!
Nancy pulls a little Ms Deep. action.
Nenene pulls some paper she hand hidden under her shirt. "Three
Sisters FIGHT!!" Not heavy on the action, but pretty suspenseful as
things heat up. Junior's about to lose himself, but not before touching
Joker and doing something to him involving the information transfer
from Gentleman. 6-pack tries to save Junior by ripping that device off
his chest. All seems good until...
...Anita about to be new Gentleman victim??!? Anita seems to have died
from the stress -- DAMN, get rid of the brat!! -- till she wakes up and
groggily requests milk
"Troubled at the end, but it turned out to
be a happy ending." Anita back in school... and reading TOO MUCH!!
-- surprise, surprise; Jinbocho still alive; Nancy traveling India and trying
to (re)discover who she is; Michelle living with Junior as they await
Nancy's return to be a good mother for Junior. Drake reunites with his
daughter to the dry comment "It's an unlucky day, but I'm happy."
Nenene & Yomiko on a worldwide book shopping trip...
...Joker's situation's a bit troubling as Wendy takes care of a VERY
non-responsive Joker, but the presence of a dog breaks him out of
his trance and he disappears. WTF?!?!
...why do I feel so.... empty? Well, I've ALWAYS wanted a knock-down,
in-your-face battle, but I'll settle for the happy ending they paint for
everyone. Everyone's happy, BL's defeated, though I doubt out of the
picture as long as Joker's around. No loose ends to tie up. Happy all
Time to save up for the DVD sets!