- RussianFox
- Cannon
- Posts: 1174
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:55 am
- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era
- RussianFox
- Cannon
- Posts: 1174
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:55 am
- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era
random stuff #2
^Ask Chiisana InuYasha^
Tise writes: why does naraku dress up like a baboon , could it be that he has a red and ugly butt ?
cIY: that's it! i'm sick of answering questions about naraku! *storms off*
aks: ano... inu-kun! sorry about that. he's been sort of stressed out recently. i'm not sure what it means, but it's not the same thing it means to americans. we think of baboons as kind of icky. it may have to do with naraku's sneaky nature or something but i doubt that it has anything to do with his rear end.
Andrea writes: would you die if you ate chocolate?(please say no!)
i eat chocolate all the time! che. a hanyou dieing of eating chocolate... oi.. kagome... that can't happen, can it? CAN IT?! -cIY
Lauren writes: Inuyasha, do you think you and Sesshoumaru will ever forgive eachother and start acting like brothers?
that doesn't seem like it will ever happen. i think he's not as bad as he used to be, but i don't forsee us hanging out together, if that's what you mean.
Marrowind writes: dose your brother sesshoumaru have a mate in the story?
*shudders* not as far as i know. a lot of girls write me and ask if he's single. i don't get it... what's so special about him. you know, if you read the manga, he looks a LOT more girly than he does in the anime. *sulks* -cIY
Suzuki writes: how tall are you?
i'm around 167cm or 5' 6" tall. don't laugh. i'm japanese, remember? -cIY
Kristen writes: hey Inuyasha, i love watching you fight and watching you win but out of all your battles you just can't seem to win against Kagome, how much does it hurt when she says sit?
cIY: *grumbles*
HK: tsk tsk. "behind every great man...", Inuyasha...
cIY: is WHAT?! a woman who slams him into the dirt?!
HK: Yes.
Genius_Alto_Diva writes: I know Chiisana is small, but just exactly HOW small are you?
in my chibi form, i'm about 2 inches tall. seated, about 1. tottemo chiisai, ne? -cIY
Kelly the wolf demon writes: Alex Tiger my friend wants to know is Inu Yasha a cat?
inu means dog in japanese so... no. otherwise i'd be nekoyasha -cIY
Wolfe, Rio and Meru writes: Do you like being chibi?
i USED to like it, but since aks opened this section i've gotten so overworked, it's not cool anymore. i want to go back to my kushy mascot job. this answering questions crap is getting tired. maybe aks will make someone else do it next time! *glares at his friends* *everyone steps back* cowards. -cIY
A Peach writes: Dear Inu-Yasha. What do you think of Kagome's world?
hmmmm well, it's noisy and sharp and hard. but they have a lot of neat things in that world too. like noodles in a little paper cup. i love that
Kevin writes: When you look at Kagome do you see Kikyou or is it vice-versa?
not anymore. kagome straightened me out but good on that point. they smell a little different too. -cIY
someone writes: what is Inu-Yashas favorite food aside from ramen?
hmmmm... i reaaaalllly like ramen. especially the kind that comes in a nifty paper cup. you 21st century types know what's goin on! anyway. what else...? i like fish and squid and eel... seafood i guess. -cIY
Zero writes: Did you and your brother get parts of your names from your father?
well, inuyasha means dogdemon, inutaishou means dogleader and shesshoumaru means destruction of life. for more information about our names check http://aksarah.com/inuyasha/ihira.htm -cIY
Tea Leaves writes: Hey Inuyasha, what kind of shampoo do you use?
HK: I use Head and Shoulders shampoo and Helen Curtis Serious Recovery conditioner on him. cIY: kagomeeee! don't tell people that kind of stuff!!!! HK: hehehe.
Snowflake writes: Dear Inuyasha, If you could, would you give a rosary to Kagome, and sit her a million times, just like she does to you?
heheheh... hahaha.. HEHEHEEHEHE AAAAAAAAHAHAHAH! that would RULE! thanks for the idea! *runs off to see kaedebaba about getting a rosary* -cIY
Sai-Sai writes: I was wondering about your clothes after your fights they get all bloody and stuff how do you get that stuff out!!?
it's an anime. see the laws of anime for more information. -cIY
Erin writes: You must get really board answering all of these questions. On a scale of one to ten, ten being so bored your eyes are falling out of your head, what would it be?
*pushes eyeballs back into head* it's getting to be about 9. the hours suck too. i need overtime... ;.; -cIY
Smeagle writes: Why did you insult us english people on the page at the top? How rude!
are you from england, really? wow. didn't know my show was on over there. -cIY
Lena writes: Whats ur fave episode? (or movie)
any episode in which i kick naraku or sesshoumaru's butt -cIY
Madison writes: i heard that in the future eposodes you get jelous of the dog deamon because he is obsessed with kagome and going on and on about 'im going to marry her!' and what not. you get seriously jealous. are you still going to deny your love of Kagome?
ok. the story has progressed much much farther than that and i love kagome. there's really no disputing that. aside from that, at the time, yes. i still don't like kouga [who's a wolf-demon, acutally. i'm the dog demon, remember?] and it pisses me off that kagome is nice to him, but i don't want to kill him anymore. -cIY
Ganny writes: Inu-yasha do you like the clothes that kagome wears? I mean come on, they are revealing and all, but i want to know your opinion!!
well, they seem to be ok... i guess... the skirt is... really... really short. i mean, REALLY short. o.o;;; -cIY
chibikagome writes: dear inuyasha, i was wondering if you and kagome just so happened to fall deeply in love and had a kid what would you name her/him?
well, aoi kami sarah has written us 2 kids in one of her stories named Yousuke and Misora. the kanji in their names mean "positve help" and "beautiful sky" so those are nice names. i have no idea what i would chose, myself. -cIY
michelle writes: is miroku a monk if so why dont he act like one he dosent seem preist-like?
he's often described as a 'monk of questionable morals'... he's a good guy. just likes the ladies... well, their posteriors anyway... o.o; -cIY
Jessica writes: Will u eventually make the cartoon on Kids W B?
i don't know what that is, but i don't think i can do that. sorry. you should buy the comics [manga]... look at your local bookstore. i'm sure they carry me. -cIY
kerry-terry writes: why is your komono pink?
1 question each! arg! it's pinkish in the manga illustrations because takahashi uses watercolors. she also colors it red, tho. -cIY
grrrrr writes: What was up with you and Shippou in episode 65... you had some creepy smiles there buddy!
hehehe. kagome made me watch that episode and it's funny to me now... but at the time i was... very not happy... :/ apparently, myougajiji was avoiding this female flea youkai he said he would marry. she came after him, posessing the nearest person/thing to chase after him... so she got me too and since myouga was on shippou,... hope that helps. man, i sounded really really scarey, didn't i? kagome made fun of me for days after we watched that ;.; -cIY
Tray-c writes: Umm... I was wondering what is the rumor that you father's grave is in your right eye?
it's no rumor, pal. that sucker was in my eye, alright. my jerk of an older brother ripped it right outta my head... then we all went inside... kinda surreal, huh? but yeah, not a rumor. that really happened. -cIY
Karu Kyushika writes: What do you think is with the Tenseiga and Toukijin?
finally some acknowlegdement that i kick butt! i've had sooo many letters about my love life [i tend to delete a lot of them!] its refreshing and i thank you... anyway... yeah, the fact that my brother has 2 swords to my 1 has not escaped my attention...*growls* but you know what, mine's better than both a his! ha!
i do think it's weird, him being given a life-giving sword [tenseiga] but wanting a totall killing sword [toukijin]... i hope he makes up his mind. also, him keeping rin around makes me think he's leaning more towards the tenseiga... i hope so. toukijin freaks me out. i wish he'd toss it. -cIY
mary writes: Why are you and Naraku after each other?
he's responsible for everything being sad and wrong in everyone i know's life. he basically killed me and kikyou, cursed miroku and killed off sango's family and whole damn town. i don't know what he's got agains me in particular... i guess because he's still sort of in love with kikyo and is ticked that she's still in love with me... maybe... don't worry. we'll get him. -cIY
M30ng writes: Why can Inuyasha go to Kagome's world but the others can't?
i don't know as the other's have really tried. i know shippou did once... and i know souta tried to get me to come rescue kagome. so yeah. that's weird. *shrugs* i'm not really sure about that... i just hope naraku can't get through! -cIY
Chantal writes: How does it feel to be half demon?
it kind of sucks, actually. full youkai don't respect me cause i'm part human most humans fear or detest me cause i'm part youkai. i've always wanted to be one way or the other... not both. -cIY
Meeko writes: Inuyasha, why don't you smile more often? You look cute when you smile!
cIY: feh!
HK: Awwww, come on. She's right, you know.
cIY: no.
HK: Onegai~?
cIY: ie.
HK: How about now! *tickles him*
cIY: ah! no fair hahahahaha!!
michelle writes: is naraku a half demon?
yes, because he was human [onigumo] and sucked in all those youkai into his body to make naraku. i think when it's his turn to lose his youkai blood he turns into a severed head and a bunch of slimey youkai... ewwwwww -cIY
michelle writes: dose shesshmaru actually love rin?
boy, this subject never ceases to weird me out. i think he likes her at least... else why would he keep her around? and trust me, liking someone for sesshoumaru is a big deal. -cIY
Rika writes: On cartoon network after two of the restarted episodes, Inuyasha's time slot was replaced completely with Lupin the III. Why?
aks: because lupin rules!
cIY: *smacks aks* baka! what are you saying?!
aks: gomen ne, inu-kun. lupin is my first love.
cIY: above me!?
aks: i'm afraid so...
cIY: just cause he's older... che. Rika, i don't know what CN is doing with their programming schedule, but lupin is pretty cool in an old-school sort of way. check it out.
Catlin writes: Does it hurt when people say sit boy?
yes, imagine being sudenly thrown to the ground and not being able to get up. i mean, i'm a hanyou, so i can take it... if she did it to me when i was human, i'd probably break a rib or two. -cIY
Degard writes: Who made you small for page's purposes in the first?
cIY: that would be aoi kami sarah's fault. *points at the blue hair girl behind him*
aks: fault?!
cIY: ee, fault!
aks: Well, Degard, when i first started this site...
cIY: HEY! who's name is on this email?!
aks: don't make me get Kagome...
cIY: *mutters curses*
aks: when i first started this site, it was only a little bit of info about the manga and a couple pictures. so it was small. i thought chiisana inuyasha would be a good name for it. then i found lots of images in the manga where inuyasha is shown from a distance and he looks really small. he [chiisana inuyasha] became the mascot when the site got too big to be called small anymore. and yes, chiisana does mean small.
Taberah writes: Dear inuyasha, Is it true Kagome wants you to be her boy friend? And do you like her?
apparently she refers to me as her boyfriend [episodes 48 and up] so i guess i am... and yes. i like her very much. -cIY
Megan writes: Is Kagome heavy?
i have discovered that it is not really smart to comment on a female's weight. they don't like that, apparently, so rather than get osuwaried to death, i'm going to have to stay silent about that. -cIY
Kool_kitty writes: If your brother fell in love with Kagome, what would you do?
hahaha. um. yeah. i don't think that'd happen, since a) he doesn't like humans. b) he's got that little rin girl and c) i'd kill him! -cIY
bird brain writes: why do so many people who write you have curry ramen for brains?
that's a VERY good question! i wish people would read things i've answered already before writing to me and asking the SAME QUESTIONS over and over again. there are a few good ones every day, but mostly i've had to delete a lot of them. perhaps i should start writing all my replies in japanese because english doesn't seem to be working very well... :/ mmmm curry ramen....
~~~ -cIY
demon lover writes: Why do you hate koga? Koga is a total hottie. if i were you kagome, i would soo go for koga. at least he doesn't act like a spoilt brat!
forgive me if i don't see that kouga is a 'total hottie'... he's a hot head that's for sure! and if you're calling me spoiled, then i think you should take a jump in a lake. i don't have anything to be spoiled about. i didn't have a family, or friends or anything to spoil me for almost my whole life... che. kouga no baka. -cIY
Burondo Himegimi writes: I love it when you go into Kagome's time, eps 89-90 were definately my faves when you took care of sick Kagome. ^-^ If Kagome asked you to, would you go and live in her time with her? And if you didn't the consequence would be never seeing her again.
yeah. i've been thinking about that... i guess i'd have to. i don't want her to live here in the sengoku jidai. it's full of demons and war and disease and stuff. this homework stuff that's she's always complaining about doesn't seem to be that tough, no tougher than plowing a field or fighting a war. i think i'll go to her time. it'll be weird, but as long as i'm with her, it's ok. -cIY
Buu writes: How are you today?
fine thanks -cIY
EternalSailorUniverse writes: I must say that your mother was very beautiful. Were you ever close to your mother?
i was because i was so little. she died when i was very young. i miss her. -cIY
michelle writes: in movie two inuyasha has red eyes dose he turn into a full demon or what?
yeah. that happens to me after the tetsusaiga breaks and my youkai blood rises and takes control. it's happened a couple times, but i got the tetsusaiga fixed and stuff so when it happens now, its only cause the sword gets taken away while i'm fighting. it's pretty scarey, ne? -cIY
Miroku_fan writes: What type of poems are you all into? I have to memorize a poem for my Language class by March 7th. I was wondering if u guys could help me find a good poem. o' by the way... When will the twins be in the series?
i don't really like poetry, but here's one kagome likes:
Tsuki ni tooku
oboyuru fuji no
iroka kana
In the moonlight,
The color and scent of the wisteria
Seems far away.
that's by someone called Buson. i don't get poetry. *shrugs* as for the twins, i dunno. last time they won the series was 1991 and their lineup for this upcoming season isn't saying home to me. they probably won't be in the series for a while. -cIY
Jean writes: Whats your dads name?
they called him Inutaishou. -cIY
Suzuki writes: do you at least want to peek in on kagome wile she is taking a bath in a hot spring?
che. been there done that. read the manga
Raven Skyler writes: Dear Inu-Yasha, First of all I'de like to say YOU KICK MAJOR BUTT! I looooove your show! Nothing better than dark horror, bloody battles, and humorous romance. Was the series ever completed? No matter how many episode guides I check, they only go as high as 98 or 99. I'll just die if they don't finish it. T_T If they do then it's gonna take forever to dub it over to english. Just what am I suppossed to do until then?! Watch that gay Reign show that took your time slot on Cartoon Network (shudders)?! Gah! Well anyways, love your show, stay cool, and don't eat any bad doggy treats. See ya dawg boi!
yo. thanks, man. nice of you ta recoginze! *clears throat* sorry. anyway. the show's not over yet as far as i know. neither is the manga. more to come. that's always good. i just hope it ends with us killing naraku. sorry it takes so long to get dubbed. you should try to check it out in japanese. it's way better. i sound weird in english. [see example above XP] ebay sells the DVDs from hongkong that have english subtitles, if you're interested. -cIY
Megz writes: Hey Inuyasha do those face plants hurt ALOT?
yes it hurts. i think kagome is a sadist because she enjoys it, i think -cIY
Danny (Inuyasha Otaku) writes: Inuyasha I TOTALY love your show, but thats not the point. Can you explain "kaze no kizu"? By the way I love the Japanese dub and english sub.
arigatou, danny. let's see... kaze no kizu means the wind's wound or something like that. basically, when i use te'saiga against a youkai, i can feel, see and smell his aura or 'youki'. i find the point where the youki clashes with the air, which can be described as a wound or cut in the wind or air and slash at it with te'saiga. since the sword is so powerful, it totally kicks butt when i do this. most of my enemys get flattened. i almost killed sesshoumaru doing this. if he hadn't been wearing tenseiga, he woulda been toast. -cIY
bobby writes: why doesn't fluffy just ask nicely for for your sword? p.s. theres a freak out there who drew you and sess getting it on. please anialate that shmuck for me.
i will gladly anihilate any schmuck who draws such gross stuff! i don't get it! why?! arg. anyway. if sesshoumaru walked up to me and said, please can i have tetsusaiga... i would probably wonder what happened to him. but only for a second. then i'd punch him in the face. it's my sword! -cIY
melanie writes: if Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are brothers why would they want to kill each other all the time? I now that Sesshoumaru wants the tasiga so bad but I think its rude.
cIY: if you haven't noticed, he's sort of evil and he's the one who comes after me!
SM: No I, Sesshoumaru do not.
cIY: Yes you do!
SM: No, I do not.
Zack writes: Hey Inuyasha, I've been checking the TV guide on the internet and it looks like they took INU-YASHA off Cartoonnetwork! Can you tell me where I can see it now? P.S. I love your show.
cIY: apparently, my anime show won't be back on cartoon network till march 10th 2003, maybe later ... that's what kagome said when she looked on this computer internet thingie... i don't know why. you should bother the cartoon network people about it. how dare they take me off!
HK: They're putting you back on!... Besides, you said you hated the english dub!
cIY: oh yeah. go to ebay. buy the DVDs~! listen to me in the right language!
HK: Inuyasha... sheesh.
Inuyasha_fangirl writes: Dear Inuyasha. If you ever met a female Dog Hanyou, like yourself, who do you think you would choose? (And this is only if they acted how you love girls to act.) And what I mean by choose is, would you choose Kagome, Kikyo, Sango, or the Female dog hanyou?
i don't think it matters what a person is. if that were the case, i don't think kagome OR kikyo would have gone for me at all... so, no i wouldn't pick the hanyou over anyone else just because she was a hanyou. -cIY
Sara D. writes: How does it feel to have alot of douginshi, and not so clean ones *shudders* with you and Kagome mostly?
cIY: the hentai and yaoi doujinshi really make me P.Oed... WE DON'T DO STUFF LIKE THAT! *growls*
HK: *growls*
cIY: o.O
HK You're right! It makes me mad too! I mean... have you seen some of the things they have us doing?!
cIY: of course i'm right and no NO! of course i haven't seen... and if i did it's because mirko has a stack of hentai with him in it and maybe some of them have us in it too...
HK: Inuyasha... ;.;
Faith writes: Inuyasha would you ever consider tell the truth going out with Kagome?
cIY: go out? we go out all the time... we go out into the woods, we... *gets smacked*
HK: baka.
cIY: itai... what was that for?!
HK: nevermind...
Kygen writes: What is your opinion about Kikyou? I think that it would be better if she went living in HELL. Don't you agree?
i feel really sorry for kikyo.. she didn't deserve all the stuff that's happened to her and is still happening. she can't help it.. i really wish there was a way for her to let go... maybe once i kill naraku she'll be free... -cIY
Sheena writes: dear inuyasha, How big was your father? I mean if his fang is the tet...oh whatever you call it! I can only imagine how big the rest of him is!! and how you came to be is a WHOLE different story I think since your mother was a human!
well, remember when sesshoumaru transformed into his true form? yes. my father was a huge dog demon, even bigger than sesshoumaru, but he also had a humanoid form like my brother does. i'm PRETTY sure that's the way he was with my mother. i don't really remember him, but i did see his bones in his grave... -cIY
Carlee writes: Inuyasha, what would happen if you found out that Kikyo really likes Naraku better than you and just pretends to like you?
HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! *falls over* hahaha oh. funny. hahahaha... hee hee.. ooooh. heh. ok, no. she would never like that monster... she's dead, but she'd not crazy. she hates him just as much as i do. -cIY
Britt writes: Why are your doggy ears pointy? I mean, they're cute and all but pointy ears usually refer to a cat. (I thought you were a cat demon when I first saw you ^^) Why can't they be floppy, like a normal dog?
cIY: *grumbles* i dunno. why is the sky blue?
HK: why can't you be nice even for once?
cIY: Britt asked a stupid question!
HK: it's not stupid. Britt, have you ever seen a picture of a Samoyed? it's a kind of dog that reminds me of Inuyasha. They have ears just like his and they're white. I think i want one so that when i go home i have something like him to hug. ^.^
cIY: ano... kagomeeeee....
Caitlin writes: Do you think Miroku and Sango will start dating? *hands inuyasha a bucket of meatie-treats*
kagome seems to think that sango's in love with miroku... i don't get it... *sniffs treats* what is this? kagome, this isn't that dogfood stuff again, is it?!
Amanda writes: i think you're really cute. ^_^ *blushes* *coughs* Can you PLEASE get rid of my stupid, dumb, retarded sister? She acts like an animal & it drives me carzy! Will you?
cIY: uhhhhh thanks?
HK: be nice!
cIY: okok. thank you. but i'm sorry, i can't get rid of your sister. you know, i have a pretty rotten sibling, myself. you should be glad she's not sesshoumaru...
Jun Yamori writes: I've seen advertisements for the Inu-Yasha PSone fighting game. What do you think of it? Who do you want to fight most?
i played a game once at kagome's house against her kid brother... it was... weird. i kept wanting to throw things at the picture box thingie. i haven't played the inuyasha game but if i did i'd probably just fight naraku all day. i'd beat him then beat him again and again and again. i think that would be fun... it's tough to hit the buttons right with claws though ;.; -cIY
Tamerica writes: Dear inuyasha,whats the deal with that big fluffy thing on your brothers back?Is it a boa or somthing?!
i' m fairly certain it's his tail, though come to think of it, i don't know for sure! o.O how odd... boy am i glad i got ears and not a tail! hahahaha -cIY
Sami-chan ^__^ writes: Do you always think about Kagome when she's in her own world?
*blushes* pretty much... especially when she takes her sweet time getting back here! grrrr! -cIY
i'm very displeased that there is a guy with a ...thong? in my timeslot. i don't have TV here in the sengoku jidai and we don't have cartoon network in japan, so i'm glad i don't have to see it. -cIY
Kaligotny writes: Have you ever thought about cutting your hair?
no. tho, some fanartists have drawn me like that. i think it looks weird. especially because men of my time don't wear their hair like that usually... miroku is sort of an exception. most wear that 'top-knot' style ... sort of a japanese mullet, if you ask me... -cIY
michelle writes: why is it that the good preistess kikyou died pure and was reserected to become evil?
unfortunatly, because of naraku, she died with hatred for me in her heart. she's not evil, per se... but definitly has some issues. -cIY
Alexa writes: Dear InuYasha, when are you gonna get rid of that jerk Sesshomaru for good? I hope its soon! I hate that guy...
i'm sorry you hate him too. i don't know if i will... he's really just after tetsusaiga... so i suppose maybe one day he won't care so much about it... if i have to kill him to protect myself or my friends, then i guess i'll have to. i mean, he IS my brother. i would kinda suck not to have any family left at all... kinda. -cIY
Carlee writes: Dear Inuyasha, if you don't get all the Shikon no Tama shards and Naraku does, what will you do?
that's not even close to being funny. hmmmm.... well, first of all he'll never get it all. nope. no sir. but if he did... let's just say, you'd wake up tomorrow and you couldn't go to school because the whole world would be overrun with youkai... and not the pretty bishounen youkai, either. the really nasty nightmare things like eyeballs with wings and fifty foot centipedes and stuff. yeah. so. we're going to win. don't worry. *shudders* -cIY
Robin writes: If Kagome didn't go for u who would you want her to fall for? (in your time)
NO ONE! X.x ... i mean... not that i care, it's just, come on... who do you think she should be with besides me? I MEAN! wait! uh... crap. -cIY
Nissa writes: So, what do you think of all the stories (and lemons) that have been written about you and Kagome? Try not to blush!
oh, let me tell you. most of the stories written about me are pretty scarey. epsecially lemons! when do i ever do ANYTHING like that?! huh?! gah! i like the ones with us kicking naraku's butt, i like the one's about my family, cause let's face it, i don't know much about them. There's one really good one called the white dog by becky tailweaver that i like even if it is sorta mushy. -cIY
Marlene writes: Hey Inu Yahsa, you think you'll ever permanently defeat your brother if he stops running away from you?
cIY: heh. if he would stop running away from me, i'll send him on a one way trip to hang out with our father! hahahah!
HK: Inuyasha, that's not very nice. Sesshoumaru could have killed you, but he doesn't. maybe you two could be friends?
cIY *eye twitch* f-f-f-f- friends!?! HAHAHAHA. that's really funny, kagome.
Kagomi writes: Inuyasha, when you DO find all the shards of the jewel,are you really gonna turn into a full demon?I mean what about Kagome?You dont wanna end accidently killing your girlfriend, right?RIGHT???
girlfriend... che. *grumbles* ok... well, i don't know. after that whole ordeal when Te'saiga broke, i'm not so kean on becoming a full youkai anymore. -cIY
Kairi writes Dear InuYasha, when are you and Kagome hookin up?
Che, and so it begins... *grumbles* *gets poked* Alright! sheesh... Thank you for asking, you are the first person to ask Chiisana Inuyash a question... why do i have a feeling the next 100 questions i get will be along the same lines? o.o; *gets poked again* Ok ok! I'll answer! Well, you see Kairi, between chasing Naraku and getting chased by Kouga and Kikyo and numerous other pains in the butt, it doesn't look like any time soon. Not that that's what I want! I mean... er... NEXT QUESTION!
Chelsea writes Dear Inu ysha, When are you going to kiss Kagome?
In Movie # 2, it looks like... I did already o.o; It won't come out in the US for a while tho. -cIY
Linzy writes Hey, Inu-chan! ^_^ *~*~ You and Kagome are soooo cute together!^o^ Why do you act like you hate her so?
CIY: baka, she's loud, annoying and..
HK: Inuyasha... Osuwa...
CIY: really nice and skillful and... *kagome walks away* she looks a lot like kikyo, doesn't she?
Crystal writes Do you like Kikyo or Kagome???
cIY: mmmmmmmmmm.... both? *gets hit by both kagome and sango*
K+S: Pig!!!
lyric writes: Inu-yasha, which girl do you like: Kagome Sango (or) Kikyo
CIY: *Sees Kagome staring at him* Um... I plead the 5th. Wait! Uh.. definitly not Sango...
HK: Inuyasha....
CIY: Here we go again...
HK: Osuwari!
Zero writes What do you plan on doing after you finish off Naraku?
cIY: I'm going to Disney World!
HK: You don't even know what that means.
cIY: Hehehehehe
Wendi writes In Volum 16 did you like to be a full deamon?
no. i didn't like it a whole lot. i always thought i would, you know? youkai always teased me for being a hanyou, but i didn't know it was going to be like that. i lost control and i almost hurt kagome and the others, so that pretty much was no fun. -cIY
Crystal Phoenix writes Inuyasha, what do you REALLY think about your traveling companions?
cIY: hehehehe
HK: Inuyasha....
cIY: *waits till kagome is out of the room* ok. well... shippou, he's annoying, sorta like the little brother i never had, nor wanted! i like to beat him up, but he deservs it when i do. miroku, he's the closest i've come to a best friend, he's always got my back in a fight, which is cool. i wish he wasn't such a pervert, he'd be a lot happier if he stopped touching girls' butts all the time... and sango's ok, i guess. she's tough, fights well for a human... and kagome... well, we really wouldn't be where we are today without her, ne?
HK: awwww! Inuyasha! *gets all teary-eyed*
cIY: *under his breath* cause she's the one who shattered the shikon no tama in the first place...
Ashleigh Paloade writes why is your attitude the way it is?
cIY: you wanna start some'fin?! eh EH!?
HK: Inuyasha...
cIY: oh, kami. not again... look! i'll just do a faceplant and save you the breath! how's that?!
HK: good enough for me... ^.^
Keri writes Inu-Yasha, why is it you have to act all tough and be a big jerk all the time? I mean come on, I bet you're really swweet and have a soft side and can act nice like a plushie! *plays with stuffed Inu-Yasha toy*
cIY: *grabs plushie* what in the hells is THIS?!
HK: It's a plush doll of you. Isn't it cute?!
cIY: Noooo! I AM NOT CUTE!!!
HK: Yesh you isssss! *rubs his ears* Seee, this is what Keri's talking about.
cIY: yannnnnnn no! stop that! *gets embarrased*
HK: He's hard on the outside but like a plushie, soft and squishy on the inside ^.^
Gabe writes Inuyasha did your half brother have any girlfriends?
sesshoumaru, with a girlfriend? hahahaha! he's way too.. what's the word kagome uses... High-Maintenance. he'd prefer to look at his own reflection than at a girl.. haha. that's pretty funny. sorta scarey, but funny. -cIY
Queen writes How did your father die? And who is your brother's mother?
hrmmm i'm gonna have to have the webmistress make this clear. one question per person. i got 30 emails today and it's the first 5 hours of this thing being available! i'm getting tired! do you know how hard it is to TYPE with CLAWS!? it's hard. check this out : thinosdi siis me treing to wtogtypwe without using the psancebackldsopace gahhhhhhhh! seee?! ok. question #1: he was very old, i know that...but how he died... i dunno, really. kaasan wouldn't tell me and whenever i ask myouga-jiji he changes the subject.
megan writes Why is it that you fall to the ground when Kagome says 'SIT'?
in episode 2 [volume 1 of the manga] kaede-baba put a rosary around my neck which i can't take off. whenever kagome shouts... that word... wait, i can say it! sheesh. osuwari... [sit], i get slammed down to the ground. she did it because at the time, i was her enemy... i don't know when she'll take it off...it sucks, big time. -cIY
Raquel writes on cartoon network, they are showing the inuyasha series, and soooo.... *coughcough* when they got to the episode where the wolf demon falls in love with kagome, *coughcough* THE NEXT DAY I STAYED UP TO WATCH THAT EPISODE AND THEY SKIPED EVERYTHING AND STARTED THE SERIES FROM THE VERY FIRST ONE!!!! episode one!!! what the heck happand? I WANTED TO WATCH THAT EPISODE!
they haven't probably finished *shudders* dubbing it into english yet. however long it took you to get to the last episod from the first, add that to now. then you can assume that's when you'll see kouga. though WHY any fool would want to see that stupid wolf is BEYOND ME! *sulks* you should want to see more episodes because you want to see my awesome kaze no kizu and bakuryuuha techniques! *sulks some more*
autumn clem writes how old is inu yasha? [ i know he is over 50]
well, right now... i'm somewhere between 520 and 530 i think... *gets smacked* ow! ok ok... i'm like 67, but like 17 or so if you don't count the years asleep. i think. -cIY
Elizabeth writes As a dog demon, what are your thoughts on domesticated dogs as human pets?
it's ok, i guess. i don't think i'd keep one if i was human. that'd be a little too weird. i like cats tho. specially big fat ones like the one kagome's got. it doubles as a pillow. i like that. -cIY
Jasmine writes would you sing happy birthday to me? *smirks* i can see your going to glare.
no. *glares* -cIY
Sai-Sai writes I was wondering . . . do you really Hate Miroku that much?
baka, isn't it obvious i hate shippou? just kidding. i don't hate miroku, i just think it's gross the way he's always after women's hindquarters. what is with that? -cIY
Jun Yamori writes Why are your attacks so HORRIBLY translated and pronounced in the US anime???
I KNOW!!! what is with that!? kagome played some of it for me while she had me sitted to the ground the other day, cause i totally refuse to listen to it normally. i can't imagine what they're going to do with bakuryuuha if they couldn't even get sankontetsusou right! arg! and our names! what the, who the, how the, RAAAAAR! kaGOme? please! and my name... kagome finally let me up when i threatend to destroy her little picture box thingie if she didn't. hehe. -cIY
Mallory writes Assuming you could have all of the shards either way, who would you rather kill: Sessho-maru or Naraku?
naraku. sesshoumaru may suck in his own right, but lets face it, naraku is way higher on the suck-scale than fluffy. -cIY
brie writes what is up with the big boomerang sango carries around? dosent it get hevey?!?!?!?!?!
yes, the hiraikotsu is really really heavy, i mean, not for me, but for a human to throw and catch that thing like that, never mind walk around with it like that all day... let's just say sango kicks some major butt. i wouldn't let her come with us if she didn't. -cIY
Sheena writes Dear inuyasha, do you ever act like a dog? like a real dog and not just a dog demon? *I open my hand to reveal a dog treat*
cIY: *sniffs said dog treat* kotowa, nani? *swipes and stuffs into his mouth, crunches loudly* 'snot bad. tastes sorta like meat and dried wood...
HK: that's a doggie treat, baka.
cIY: *spits it out and brushes his tongue with his hand* ahhhh! what in the hells!? i am an inuyoukai, not some domesticated animal!
HK: you're an inuhanyou, and what's that about domesticated?
cIY: eh?
HK: Osuwari!
cIY: gah! *faceplant*
^Ask Chiisana InuYasha^
Tise writes: why does naraku dress up like a baboon , could it be that he has a red and ugly butt ?
cIY: that's it! i'm sick of answering questions about naraku! *storms off*
aks: ano... inu-kun! sorry about that. he's been sort of stressed out recently. i'm not sure what it means, but it's not the same thing it means to americans. we think of baboons as kind of icky. it may have to do with naraku's sneaky nature or something but i doubt that it has anything to do with his rear end.
Andrea writes: would you die if you ate chocolate?(please say no!)
i eat chocolate all the time! che. a hanyou dieing of eating chocolate... oi.. kagome... that can't happen, can it? CAN IT?! -cIY
Lauren writes: Inuyasha, do you think you and Sesshoumaru will ever forgive eachother and start acting like brothers?
that doesn't seem like it will ever happen. i think he's not as bad as he used to be, but i don't forsee us hanging out together, if that's what you mean.
Marrowind writes: dose your brother sesshoumaru have a mate in the story?
*shudders* not as far as i know. a lot of girls write me and ask if he's single. i don't get it... what's so special about him. you know, if you read the manga, he looks a LOT more girly than he does in the anime. *sulks* -cIY
Suzuki writes: how tall are you?
i'm around 167cm or 5' 6" tall. don't laugh. i'm japanese, remember? -cIY
Kristen writes: hey Inuyasha, i love watching you fight and watching you win but out of all your battles you just can't seem to win against Kagome, how much does it hurt when she says sit?
cIY: *grumbles*
HK: tsk tsk. "behind every great man...", Inuyasha...
cIY: is WHAT?! a woman who slams him into the dirt?!
HK: Yes.
Genius_Alto_Diva writes: I know Chiisana is small, but just exactly HOW small are you?
in my chibi form, i'm about 2 inches tall. seated, about 1. tottemo chiisai, ne? -cIY
Kelly the wolf demon writes: Alex Tiger my friend wants to know is Inu Yasha a cat?
inu means dog in japanese so... no. otherwise i'd be nekoyasha -cIY
Wolfe, Rio and Meru writes: Do you like being chibi?
i USED to like it, but since aks opened this section i've gotten so overworked, it's not cool anymore. i want to go back to my kushy mascot job. this answering questions crap is getting tired. maybe aks will make someone else do it next time! *glares at his friends* *everyone steps back* cowards. -cIY
A Peach writes: Dear Inu-Yasha. What do you think of Kagome's world?
hmmmm well, it's noisy and sharp and hard. but they have a lot of neat things in that world too. like noodles in a little paper cup. i love that

Kevin writes: When you look at Kagome do you see Kikyou or is it vice-versa?
not anymore. kagome straightened me out but good on that point. they smell a little different too. -cIY
someone writes: what is Inu-Yashas favorite food aside from ramen?
hmmmm... i reaaaalllly like ramen. especially the kind that comes in a nifty paper cup. you 21st century types know what's goin on! anyway. what else...? i like fish and squid and eel... seafood i guess. -cIY
Zero writes: Did you and your brother get parts of your names from your father?
well, inuyasha means dogdemon, inutaishou means dogleader and shesshoumaru means destruction of life. for more information about our names check http://aksarah.com/inuyasha/ihira.htm -cIY
Tea Leaves writes: Hey Inuyasha, what kind of shampoo do you use?
HK: I use Head and Shoulders shampoo and Helen Curtis Serious Recovery conditioner on him. cIY: kagomeeee! don't tell people that kind of stuff!!!! HK: hehehe.
Snowflake writes: Dear Inuyasha, If you could, would you give a rosary to Kagome, and sit her a million times, just like she does to you?
heheheh... hahaha.. HEHEHEEHEHE AAAAAAAAHAHAHAH! that would RULE! thanks for the idea! *runs off to see kaedebaba about getting a rosary* -cIY
Sai-Sai writes: I was wondering about your clothes after your fights they get all bloody and stuff how do you get that stuff out!!?
it's an anime. see the laws of anime for more information. -cIY
Erin writes: You must get really board answering all of these questions. On a scale of one to ten, ten being so bored your eyes are falling out of your head, what would it be?
*pushes eyeballs back into head* it's getting to be about 9. the hours suck too. i need overtime... ;.; -cIY
Smeagle writes: Why did you insult us english people on the page at the top? How rude!
are you from england, really? wow. didn't know my show was on over there. -cIY
Lena writes: Whats ur fave episode? (or movie)
any episode in which i kick naraku or sesshoumaru's butt -cIY
Madison writes: i heard that in the future eposodes you get jelous of the dog deamon because he is obsessed with kagome and going on and on about 'im going to marry her!' and what not. you get seriously jealous. are you still going to deny your love of Kagome?
ok. the story has progressed much much farther than that and i love kagome. there's really no disputing that. aside from that, at the time, yes. i still don't like kouga [who's a wolf-demon, acutally. i'm the dog demon, remember?] and it pisses me off that kagome is nice to him, but i don't want to kill him anymore. -cIY
Ganny writes: Inu-yasha do you like the clothes that kagome wears? I mean come on, they are revealing and all, but i want to know your opinion!!
well, they seem to be ok... i guess... the skirt is... really... really short. i mean, REALLY short. o.o;;; -cIY
chibikagome writes: dear inuyasha, i was wondering if you and kagome just so happened to fall deeply in love and had a kid what would you name her/him?
well, aoi kami sarah has written us 2 kids in one of her stories named Yousuke and Misora. the kanji in their names mean "positve help" and "beautiful sky" so those are nice names. i have no idea what i would chose, myself. -cIY
michelle writes: is miroku a monk if so why dont he act like one he dosent seem preist-like?
he's often described as a 'monk of questionable morals'... he's a good guy. just likes the ladies... well, their posteriors anyway... o.o; -cIY
Jessica writes: Will u eventually make the cartoon on Kids W B?
i don't know what that is, but i don't think i can do that. sorry. you should buy the comics [manga]... look at your local bookstore. i'm sure they carry me. -cIY
kerry-terry writes: why is your komono pink?
1 question each! arg! it's pinkish in the manga illustrations because takahashi uses watercolors. she also colors it red, tho. -cIY
grrrrr writes: What was up with you and Shippou in episode 65... you had some creepy smiles there buddy!
hehehe. kagome made me watch that episode and it's funny to me now... but at the time i was... very not happy... :/ apparently, myougajiji was avoiding this female flea youkai he said he would marry. she came after him, posessing the nearest person/thing to chase after him... so she got me too and since myouga was on shippou,... hope that helps. man, i sounded really really scarey, didn't i? kagome made fun of me for days after we watched that ;.; -cIY
Tray-c writes: Umm... I was wondering what is the rumor that you father's grave is in your right eye?
it's no rumor, pal. that sucker was in my eye, alright. my jerk of an older brother ripped it right outta my head... then we all went inside... kinda surreal, huh? but yeah, not a rumor. that really happened. -cIY
Karu Kyushika writes: What do you think is with the Tenseiga and Toukijin?

mary writes: Why are you and Naraku after each other?
he's responsible for everything being sad and wrong in everyone i know's life. he basically killed me and kikyou, cursed miroku and killed off sango's family and whole damn town. i don't know what he's got agains me in particular... i guess because he's still sort of in love with kikyo and is ticked that she's still in love with me... maybe... don't worry. we'll get him. -cIY
M30ng writes: Why can Inuyasha go to Kagome's world but the others can't?
i don't know as the other's have really tried. i know shippou did once... and i know souta tried to get me to come rescue kagome. so yeah. that's weird. *shrugs* i'm not really sure about that... i just hope naraku can't get through! -cIY
Chantal writes: How does it feel to be half demon?
it kind of sucks, actually. full youkai don't respect me cause i'm part human most humans fear or detest me cause i'm part youkai. i've always wanted to be one way or the other... not both. -cIY
Meeko writes: Inuyasha, why don't you smile more often? You look cute when you smile!
cIY: feh!
HK: Awwww, come on. She's right, you know.
cIY: no.
HK: Onegai~?
cIY: ie.
HK: How about now! *tickles him*
cIY: ah! no fair hahahahaha!!
michelle writes: is naraku a half demon?
yes, because he was human [onigumo] and sucked in all those youkai into his body to make naraku. i think when it's his turn to lose his youkai blood he turns into a severed head and a bunch of slimey youkai... ewwwwww -cIY
michelle writes: dose shesshmaru actually love rin?
boy, this subject never ceases to weird me out. i think he likes her at least... else why would he keep her around? and trust me, liking someone for sesshoumaru is a big deal. -cIY
Rika writes: On cartoon network after two of the restarted episodes, Inuyasha's time slot was replaced completely with Lupin the III. Why?
aks: because lupin rules!
cIY: *smacks aks* baka! what are you saying?!
aks: gomen ne, inu-kun. lupin is my first love.
cIY: above me!?
aks: i'm afraid so...
cIY: just cause he's older... che. Rika, i don't know what CN is doing with their programming schedule, but lupin is pretty cool in an old-school sort of way. check it out.
Catlin writes: Does it hurt when people say sit boy?
yes, imagine being sudenly thrown to the ground and not being able to get up. i mean, i'm a hanyou, so i can take it... if she did it to me when i was human, i'd probably break a rib or two. -cIY
Degard writes: Who made you small for page's purposes in the first?
cIY: that would be aoi kami sarah's fault. *points at the blue hair girl behind him*
aks: fault?!
cIY: ee, fault!
aks: Well, Degard, when i first started this site...
cIY: HEY! who's name is on this email?!
aks: don't make me get Kagome...
cIY: *mutters curses*
aks: when i first started this site, it was only a little bit of info about the manga and a couple pictures. so it was small. i thought chiisana inuyasha would be a good name for it. then i found lots of images in the manga where inuyasha is shown from a distance and he looks really small. he [chiisana inuyasha] became the mascot when the site got too big to be called small anymore. and yes, chiisana does mean small.

Taberah writes: Dear inuyasha, Is it true Kagome wants you to be her boy friend? And do you like her?
apparently she refers to me as her boyfriend [episodes 48 and up] so i guess i am... and yes. i like her very much. -cIY
Megan writes: Is Kagome heavy?
i have discovered that it is not really smart to comment on a female's weight. they don't like that, apparently, so rather than get osuwaried to death, i'm going to have to stay silent about that. -cIY
Kool_kitty writes: If your brother fell in love with Kagome, what would you do?
hahaha. um. yeah. i don't think that'd happen, since a) he doesn't like humans. b) he's got that little rin girl and c) i'd kill him! -cIY
bird brain writes: why do so many people who write you have curry ramen for brains?
that's a VERY good question! i wish people would read things i've answered already before writing to me and asking the SAME QUESTIONS over and over again. there are a few good ones every day, but mostly i've had to delete a lot of them. perhaps i should start writing all my replies in japanese because english doesn't seem to be working very well... :/ mmmm curry ramen....

demon lover writes: Why do you hate koga? Koga is a total hottie. if i were you kagome, i would soo go for koga. at least he doesn't act like a spoilt brat!
forgive me if i don't see that kouga is a 'total hottie'... he's a hot head that's for sure! and if you're calling me spoiled, then i think you should take a jump in a lake. i don't have anything to be spoiled about. i didn't have a family, or friends or anything to spoil me for almost my whole life... che. kouga no baka. -cIY
Burondo Himegimi writes: I love it when you go into Kagome's time, eps 89-90 were definately my faves when you took care of sick Kagome. ^-^ If Kagome asked you to, would you go and live in her time with her? And if you didn't the consequence would be never seeing her again.
yeah. i've been thinking about that... i guess i'd have to. i don't want her to live here in the sengoku jidai. it's full of demons and war and disease and stuff. this homework stuff that's she's always complaining about doesn't seem to be that tough, no tougher than plowing a field or fighting a war. i think i'll go to her time. it'll be weird, but as long as i'm with her, it's ok. -cIY
Buu writes: How are you today?
fine thanks -cIY
EternalSailorUniverse writes: I must say that your mother was very beautiful. Were you ever close to your mother?
i was because i was so little. she died when i was very young. i miss her. -cIY
michelle writes: in movie two inuyasha has red eyes dose he turn into a full demon or what?
yeah. that happens to me after the tetsusaiga breaks and my youkai blood rises and takes control. it's happened a couple times, but i got the tetsusaiga fixed and stuff so when it happens now, its only cause the sword gets taken away while i'm fighting. it's pretty scarey, ne? -cIY
Miroku_fan writes: What type of poems are you all into? I have to memorize a poem for my Language class by March 7th. I was wondering if u guys could help me find a good poem. o' by the way... When will the twins be in the series?
i don't really like poetry, but here's one kagome likes:
Tsuki ni tooku
oboyuru fuji no
iroka kana
In the moonlight,
The color and scent of the wisteria
Seems far away.
that's by someone called Buson. i don't get poetry. *shrugs* as for the twins, i dunno. last time they won the series was 1991 and their lineup for this upcoming season isn't saying home to me. they probably won't be in the series for a while. -cIY
Jean writes: Whats your dads name?
they called him Inutaishou. -cIY
Suzuki writes: do you at least want to peek in on kagome wile she is taking a bath in a hot spring?
che. been there done that. read the manga

Raven Skyler writes: Dear Inu-Yasha, First of all I'de like to say YOU KICK MAJOR BUTT! I looooove your show! Nothing better than dark horror, bloody battles, and humorous romance. Was the series ever completed? No matter how many episode guides I check, they only go as high as 98 or 99. I'll just die if they don't finish it. T_T If they do then it's gonna take forever to dub it over to english. Just what am I suppossed to do until then?! Watch that gay Reign show that took your time slot on Cartoon Network (shudders)?! Gah! Well anyways, love your show, stay cool, and don't eat any bad doggy treats. See ya dawg boi!
yo. thanks, man. nice of you ta recoginze! *clears throat* sorry. anyway. the show's not over yet as far as i know. neither is the manga. more to come. that's always good. i just hope it ends with us killing naraku. sorry it takes so long to get dubbed. you should try to check it out in japanese. it's way better. i sound weird in english. [see example above XP] ebay sells the DVDs from hongkong that have english subtitles, if you're interested. -cIY
Megz writes: Hey Inuyasha do those face plants hurt ALOT?
yes it hurts. i think kagome is a sadist because she enjoys it, i think -cIY
Danny (Inuyasha Otaku) writes: Inuyasha I TOTALY love your show, but thats not the point. Can you explain "kaze no kizu"? By the way I love the Japanese dub and english sub.
arigatou, danny. let's see... kaze no kizu means the wind's wound or something like that. basically, when i use te'saiga against a youkai, i can feel, see and smell his aura or 'youki'. i find the point where the youki clashes with the air, which can be described as a wound or cut in the wind or air and slash at it with te'saiga. since the sword is so powerful, it totally kicks butt when i do this. most of my enemys get flattened. i almost killed sesshoumaru doing this. if he hadn't been wearing tenseiga, he woulda been toast. -cIY
bobby writes: why doesn't fluffy just ask nicely for for your sword? p.s. theres a freak out there who drew you and sess getting it on. please anialate that shmuck for me.
i will gladly anihilate any schmuck who draws such gross stuff! i don't get it! why?! arg. anyway. if sesshoumaru walked up to me and said, please can i have tetsusaiga... i would probably wonder what happened to him. but only for a second. then i'd punch him in the face. it's my sword! -cIY
melanie writes: if Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are brothers why would they want to kill each other all the time? I now that Sesshoumaru wants the tasiga so bad but I think its rude.
cIY: if you haven't noticed, he's sort of evil and he's the one who comes after me!
SM: No I, Sesshoumaru do not.
cIY: Yes you do!
SM: No, I do not.
Zack writes: Hey Inuyasha, I've been checking the TV guide on the internet and it looks like they took INU-YASHA off Cartoonnetwork! Can you tell me where I can see it now? P.S. I love your show.
cIY: apparently, my anime show won't be back on cartoon network till march 10th 2003, maybe later ... that's what kagome said when she looked on this computer internet thingie... i don't know why. you should bother the cartoon network people about it. how dare they take me off!
HK: They're putting you back on!... Besides, you said you hated the english dub!
cIY: oh yeah. go to ebay. buy the DVDs~! listen to me in the right language!
HK: Inuyasha... sheesh.
Inuyasha_fangirl writes: Dear Inuyasha. If you ever met a female Dog Hanyou, like yourself, who do you think you would choose? (And this is only if they acted how you love girls to act.) And what I mean by choose is, would you choose Kagome, Kikyo, Sango, or the Female dog hanyou?
i don't think it matters what a person is. if that were the case, i don't think kagome OR kikyo would have gone for me at all... so, no i wouldn't pick the hanyou over anyone else just because she was a hanyou. -cIY
Sara D. writes: How does it feel to have alot of douginshi, and not so clean ones *shudders* with you and Kagome mostly?
cIY: the hentai and yaoi doujinshi really make me P.Oed... WE DON'T DO STUFF LIKE THAT! *growls*
HK: *growls*
cIY: o.O
HK You're right! It makes me mad too! I mean... have you seen some of the things they have us doing?!
cIY: of course i'm right and no NO! of course i haven't seen... and if i did it's because mirko has a stack of hentai with him in it and maybe some of them have us in it too...
HK: Inuyasha... ;.;
Faith writes: Inuyasha would you ever consider tell the truth going out with Kagome?
cIY: go out? we go out all the time... we go out into the woods, we... *gets smacked*
HK: baka.
cIY: itai... what was that for?!
HK: nevermind...
Kygen writes: What is your opinion about Kikyou? I think that it would be better if she went living in HELL. Don't you agree?
i feel really sorry for kikyo.. she didn't deserve all the stuff that's happened to her and is still happening. she can't help it.. i really wish there was a way for her to let go... maybe once i kill naraku she'll be free... -cIY
Sheena writes: dear inuyasha, How big was your father? I mean if his fang is the tet...oh whatever you call it! I can only imagine how big the rest of him is!! and how you came to be is a WHOLE different story I think since your mother was a human!
well, remember when sesshoumaru transformed into his true form? yes. my father was a huge dog demon, even bigger than sesshoumaru, but he also had a humanoid form like my brother does. i'm PRETTY sure that's the way he was with my mother. i don't really remember him, but i did see his bones in his grave... -cIY
Carlee writes: Inuyasha, what would happen if you found out that Kikyo really likes Naraku better than you and just pretends to like you?
HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! *falls over* hahaha oh. funny. hahahaha... hee hee.. ooooh. heh. ok, no. she would never like that monster... she's dead, but she'd not crazy. she hates him just as much as i do. -cIY
Britt writes: Why are your doggy ears pointy? I mean, they're cute and all but pointy ears usually refer to a cat. (I thought you were a cat demon when I first saw you ^^) Why can't they be floppy, like a normal dog?
cIY: *grumbles* i dunno. why is the sky blue?
HK: why can't you be nice even for once?
cIY: Britt asked a stupid question!
HK: it's not stupid. Britt, have you ever seen a picture of a Samoyed? it's a kind of dog that reminds me of Inuyasha. They have ears just like his and they're white. I think i want one so that when i go home i have something like him to hug. ^.^
cIY: ano... kagomeeeee....
Caitlin writes: Do you think Miroku and Sango will start dating? *hands inuyasha a bucket of meatie-treats*
kagome seems to think that sango's in love with miroku... i don't get it... *sniffs treats* what is this? kagome, this isn't that dogfood stuff again, is it?!
Amanda writes: i think you're really cute. ^_^ *blushes* *coughs* Can you PLEASE get rid of my stupid, dumb, retarded sister? She acts like an animal & it drives me carzy! Will you?
cIY: uhhhhh thanks?
HK: be nice!
cIY: okok. thank you. but i'm sorry, i can't get rid of your sister. you know, i have a pretty rotten sibling, myself. you should be glad she's not sesshoumaru...
Jun Yamori writes: I've seen advertisements for the Inu-Yasha PSone fighting game. What do you think of it? Who do you want to fight most?
i played a game once at kagome's house against her kid brother... it was... weird. i kept wanting to throw things at the picture box thingie. i haven't played the inuyasha game but if i did i'd probably just fight naraku all day. i'd beat him then beat him again and again and again. i think that would be fun... it's tough to hit the buttons right with claws though ;.; -cIY
Tamerica writes: Dear inuyasha,whats the deal with that big fluffy thing on your brothers back?Is it a boa or somthing?!
i' m fairly certain it's his tail, though come to think of it, i don't know for sure! o.O how odd... boy am i glad i got ears and not a tail! hahahaha -cIY
Sami-chan ^__^ writes: Do you always think about Kagome when she's in her own world?
*blushes* pretty much... especially when she takes her sweet time getting back here! grrrr! -cIY
i'm very displeased that there is a guy with a ...thong? in my timeslot. i don't have TV here in the sengoku jidai and we don't have cartoon network in japan, so i'm glad i don't have to see it. -cIY
Kaligotny writes: Have you ever thought about cutting your hair?
no. tho, some fanartists have drawn me like that. i think it looks weird. especially because men of my time don't wear their hair like that usually... miroku is sort of an exception. most wear that 'top-knot' style ... sort of a japanese mullet, if you ask me... -cIY
michelle writes: why is it that the good preistess kikyou died pure and was reserected to become evil?
unfortunatly, because of naraku, she died with hatred for me in her heart. she's not evil, per se... but definitly has some issues. -cIY
Alexa writes: Dear InuYasha, when are you gonna get rid of that jerk Sesshomaru for good? I hope its soon! I hate that guy...
i'm sorry you hate him too. i don't know if i will... he's really just after tetsusaiga... so i suppose maybe one day he won't care so much about it... if i have to kill him to protect myself or my friends, then i guess i'll have to. i mean, he IS my brother. i would kinda suck not to have any family left at all... kinda. -cIY
Carlee writes: Dear Inuyasha, if you don't get all the Shikon no Tama shards and Naraku does, what will you do?
that's not even close to being funny. hmmmm.... well, first of all he'll never get it all. nope. no sir. but if he did... let's just say, you'd wake up tomorrow and you couldn't go to school because the whole world would be overrun with youkai... and not the pretty bishounen youkai, either. the really nasty nightmare things like eyeballs with wings and fifty foot centipedes and stuff. yeah. so. we're going to win. don't worry. *shudders* -cIY
Robin writes: If Kagome didn't go for u who would you want her to fall for? (in your time)
NO ONE! X.x ... i mean... not that i care, it's just, come on... who do you think she should be with besides me? I MEAN! wait! uh... crap. -cIY
Nissa writes: So, what do you think of all the stories (and lemons) that have been written about you and Kagome? Try not to blush!
oh, let me tell you. most of the stories written about me are pretty scarey. epsecially lemons! when do i ever do ANYTHING like that?! huh?! gah! i like the ones with us kicking naraku's butt, i like the one's about my family, cause let's face it, i don't know much about them. There's one really good one called the white dog by becky tailweaver that i like even if it is sorta mushy. -cIY
Marlene writes: Hey Inu Yahsa, you think you'll ever permanently defeat your brother if he stops running away from you?
cIY: heh. if he would stop running away from me, i'll send him on a one way trip to hang out with our father! hahahah!
HK: Inuyasha, that's not very nice. Sesshoumaru could have killed you, but he doesn't. maybe you two could be friends?
cIY *eye twitch* f-f-f-f- friends!?! HAHAHAHA. that's really funny, kagome.
Kagomi writes: Inuyasha, when you DO find all the shards of the jewel,are you really gonna turn into a full demon?I mean what about Kagome?You dont wanna end accidently killing your girlfriend, right?RIGHT???
girlfriend... che. *grumbles* ok... well, i don't know. after that whole ordeal when Te'saiga broke, i'm not so kean on becoming a full youkai anymore. -cIY
Kairi writes Dear InuYasha, when are you and Kagome hookin up?
Che, and so it begins... *grumbles* *gets poked* Alright! sheesh... Thank you for asking, you are the first person to ask Chiisana Inuyash a question... why do i have a feeling the next 100 questions i get will be along the same lines? o.o; *gets poked again* Ok ok! I'll answer! Well, you see Kairi, between chasing Naraku and getting chased by Kouga and Kikyo and numerous other pains in the butt, it doesn't look like any time soon. Not that that's what I want! I mean... er... NEXT QUESTION!
Chelsea writes Dear Inu ysha, When are you going to kiss Kagome?
In Movie # 2, it looks like... I did already o.o; It won't come out in the US for a while tho. -cIY
Linzy writes Hey, Inu-chan! ^_^ *~*~ You and Kagome are soooo cute together!^o^ Why do you act like you hate her so?
CIY: baka, she's loud, annoying and..
HK: Inuyasha... Osuwa...
CIY: really nice and skillful and... *kagome walks away* she looks a lot like kikyo, doesn't she?
Crystal writes Do you like Kikyo or Kagome???
cIY: mmmmmmmmmm.... both? *gets hit by both kagome and sango*
K+S: Pig!!!
lyric writes: Inu-yasha, which girl do you like: Kagome Sango (or) Kikyo
CIY: *Sees Kagome staring at him* Um... I plead the 5th. Wait! Uh.. definitly not Sango...
HK: Inuyasha....
CIY: Here we go again...
HK: Osuwari!
Zero writes What do you plan on doing after you finish off Naraku?
cIY: I'm going to Disney World!
HK: You don't even know what that means.
cIY: Hehehehehe
Wendi writes In Volum 16 did you like to be a full deamon?
no. i didn't like it a whole lot. i always thought i would, you know? youkai always teased me for being a hanyou, but i didn't know it was going to be like that. i lost control and i almost hurt kagome and the others, so that pretty much was no fun. -cIY
Crystal Phoenix writes Inuyasha, what do you REALLY think about your traveling companions?
cIY: hehehehe
HK: Inuyasha....
cIY: *waits till kagome is out of the room* ok. well... shippou, he's annoying, sorta like the little brother i never had, nor wanted! i like to beat him up, but he deservs it when i do. miroku, he's the closest i've come to a best friend, he's always got my back in a fight, which is cool. i wish he wasn't such a pervert, he'd be a lot happier if he stopped touching girls' butts all the time... and sango's ok, i guess. she's tough, fights well for a human... and kagome... well, we really wouldn't be where we are today without her, ne?
HK: awwww! Inuyasha! *gets all teary-eyed*
cIY: *under his breath* cause she's the one who shattered the shikon no tama in the first place...
Ashleigh Paloade writes why is your attitude the way it is?
cIY: you wanna start some'fin?! eh EH!?
HK: Inuyasha...
cIY: oh, kami. not again... look! i'll just do a faceplant and save you the breath! how's that?!
HK: good enough for me... ^.^
Keri writes Inu-Yasha, why is it you have to act all tough and be a big jerk all the time? I mean come on, I bet you're really swweet and have a soft side and can act nice like a plushie! *plays with stuffed Inu-Yasha toy*
cIY: *grabs plushie* what in the hells is THIS?!
HK: It's a plush doll of you. Isn't it cute?!
cIY: Noooo! I AM NOT CUTE!!!
HK: Yesh you isssss! *rubs his ears* Seee, this is what Keri's talking about.
cIY: yannnnnnn no! stop that! *gets embarrased*
HK: He's hard on the outside but like a plushie, soft and squishy on the inside ^.^
Gabe writes Inuyasha did your half brother have any girlfriends?
sesshoumaru, with a girlfriend? hahahaha! he's way too.. what's the word kagome uses... High-Maintenance. he'd prefer to look at his own reflection than at a girl.. haha. that's pretty funny. sorta scarey, but funny. -cIY
Queen writes How did your father die? And who is your brother's mother?
hrmmm i'm gonna have to have the webmistress make this clear. one question per person. i got 30 emails today and it's the first 5 hours of this thing being available! i'm getting tired! do you know how hard it is to TYPE with CLAWS!? it's hard. check this out : thinosdi siis me treing to wtogtypwe without using the psancebackldsopace gahhhhhhhh! seee?! ok. question #1: he was very old, i know that...but how he died... i dunno, really. kaasan wouldn't tell me and whenever i ask myouga-jiji he changes the subject.
megan writes Why is it that you fall to the ground when Kagome says 'SIT'?
in episode 2 [volume 1 of the manga] kaede-baba put a rosary around my neck which i can't take off. whenever kagome shouts... that word... wait, i can say it! sheesh. osuwari... [sit], i get slammed down to the ground. she did it because at the time, i was her enemy... i don't know when she'll take it off...it sucks, big time. -cIY
Raquel writes on cartoon network, they are showing the inuyasha series, and soooo.... *coughcough* when they got to the episode where the wolf demon falls in love with kagome, *coughcough* THE NEXT DAY I STAYED UP TO WATCH THAT EPISODE AND THEY SKIPED EVERYTHING AND STARTED THE SERIES FROM THE VERY FIRST ONE!!!! episode one!!! what the heck happand? I WANTED TO WATCH THAT EPISODE!
they haven't probably finished *shudders* dubbing it into english yet. however long it took you to get to the last episod from the first, add that to now. then you can assume that's when you'll see kouga. though WHY any fool would want to see that stupid wolf is BEYOND ME! *sulks* you should want to see more episodes because you want to see my awesome kaze no kizu and bakuryuuha techniques! *sulks some more*
autumn clem writes how old is inu yasha? [ i know he is over 50]
well, right now... i'm somewhere between 520 and 530 i think... *gets smacked* ow! ok ok... i'm like 67, but like 17 or so if you don't count the years asleep. i think. -cIY
Elizabeth writes As a dog demon, what are your thoughts on domesticated dogs as human pets?
it's ok, i guess. i don't think i'd keep one if i was human. that'd be a little too weird. i like cats tho. specially big fat ones like the one kagome's got. it doubles as a pillow. i like that. -cIY
Jasmine writes would you sing happy birthday to me? *smirks* i can see your going to glare.
no. *glares* -cIY
Sai-Sai writes I was wondering . . . do you really Hate Miroku that much?
baka, isn't it obvious i hate shippou? just kidding. i don't hate miroku, i just think it's gross the way he's always after women's hindquarters. what is with that? -cIY
Jun Yamori writes Why are your attacks so HORRIBLY translated and pronounced in the US anime???
I KNOW!!! what is with that!? kagome played some of it for me while she had me sitted to the ground the other day, cause i totally refuse to listen to it normally. i can't imagine what they're going to do with bakuryuuha if they couldn't even get sankontetsusou right! arg! and our names! what the, who the, how the, RAAAAAR! kaGOme? please! and my name... kagome finally let me up when i threatend to destroy her little picture box thingie if she didn't. hehe. -cIY
Mallory writes Assuming you could have all of the shards either way, who would you rather kill: Sessho-maru or Naraku?
naraku. sesshoumaru may suck in his own right, but lets face it, naraku is way higher on the suck-scale than fluffy. -cIY
brie writes what is up with the big boomerang sango carries around? dosent it get hevey?!?!?!?!?!
yes, the hiraikotsu is really really heavy, i mean, not for me, but for a human to throw and catch that thing like that, never mind walk around with it like that all day... let's just say sango kicks some major butt. i wouldn't let her come with us if she didn't. -cIY
Sheena writes Dear inuyasha, do you ever act like a dog? like a real dog and not just a dog demon? *I open my hand to reveal a dog treat*
cIY: *sniffs said dog treat* kotowa, nani? *swipes and stuffs into his mouth, crunches loudly* 'snot bad. tastes sorta like meat and dried wood...
HK: that's a doggie treat, baka.
cIY: *spits it out and brushes his tongue with his hand* ahhhh! what in the hells!? i am an inuyoukai, not some domesticated animal!
HK: you're an inuhanyou, and what's that about domesticated?
cIY: eh?
HK: Osuwari!
cIY: gah! *faceplant*

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Lemme guess... fan question period with Inu Yasha and Kagome?
Some fan page you found once there, RF?
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On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
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- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era
random stuff #3
*ask chiisana miroku!*
Aubrie writes: where does the stuff you suck up in the void in yer hand go to...?
you know, i don't know. into "the void"... the void is a term meaning nowhere... i've lived with this curse all my life and thought about it long and hard, but i still haven't the foggiest clue where it goes. perhaps i will know when it consumes me at long last. -Miroku
Eden writes: How did you get that hole in your hand?
you see, my grandfather was cursed by Naraku and my father was born with the same curse, and so was I. it didn't really happen to me, per se. -miroku
Melissa writes: Um hi um do you wear a dress?
M: hm. no. i do not wear a dress. my garments are the robes of a buddhist monk. it's perfectly acceptable in my time to dress as i do.
IY: che... hehehe.. hahahaha HAHAHAH! Miroku wears a dress!!!
M: Inuyasha! I do NOT!
Bethany writes: Why dose every one think your a perv? I think your cute.
It could be because I have this nasty habbit of grabbing girls' bums. That's probably why people think i'm a letch. well, i guess they're right! ^.^ by the way, will you bear my child? -Miroku
Lauryn writes: do you think that you and sango will ever get married and have kids?!
well, i would be very pleased if she would have my child so that it could carry on my quest for vengence after my death, but i don't know about marriage... *gets slapped* how did i guess that was coming? by the way... would YOU bear my child? *gets slapped again* -Miroku
Chen-chan writes: So... what does the *perfect* girl look like for you?
M: hmmmm... well. she'd have a really nice...
S: Houshi-sama....
M: SMILE! ehehehe... -Miroku
Katie writes: Are you and sango gonna get together? and if you do... will inu-yasha make fun of you?
if i somehow manage to score sango, i don't care who makes fun of me. no, actually, if inuyasha were to mock me for choosing to be with sango, i would be forced to tease him about not being able to get together with kagome-sama. he's such a child. i wish they would just get it over with already! by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Lee writes: What's the stick for?
the stick, as you say is just that... i gave another gentleman a link which is posted next to his comment on the subject all about my shakujou. -Miroku
Kygen Reina writes: how happy would you be if I told you that Naraku is dead and Sango loves you and wants to bear your child?
very ^.^ -Miroku
Eevee writes: If you had a choice to finish off Naraku or have someone bear your child which would you choose?
option 1. kill naraku. i could always have someone bear my child later if i felt like it. i would no longer need to if he was dead because the void in my hand would dissapear. ^.^ -Miroku
Sucanu writes: Can't you just cut your hand off if worse comes to worse with that wind tunnel thing?
the thought has crossed my mind, however, the fear that somehow it would still be there and not only would i not have a hand, but i'd have perhaps worse case of the void than i had before prevents me from trying such a horrific measure. -Miroku
Horsegal89 writes: How did you get to become a monk?
my father was also a buddhist monk. it's not quite the same as being a christian monk, which is probably what you westerners are more accostomed to. here in the east, monks are often warriors as well... -Miroku
arielle writes: do you like sango more than you like other girls?
i respect her more than other girls, i suppose. she's very strong. she slaps pretty hard and her bum is very nice. by the way... will you bear my child? -Miroku
Nicole writes: hey miroku why are you such a pervert all the time and why can't you control yourself?
some people can't help but buy lots of shoes. some people can't help but eat lots of icecream. i can't help but touch women's bums. i don't know, i just like them, i guess. by the way, will you bear my child? -Miroku
inu writes: Ummmm..when are u gonna tell Sango.. your feelings, your love for her?
love? i don't know about that. i rather like her bum... *gets smacked* er... her personality... -Miroku
Hinoki writes: what's the deal with you always liking girls and do you like kagome?
i happen to be a man. i like girls. sue me. and i like kagome. she's nice. don't you like kagome? -Miroku
Chelsea writes: Why do you travel with Kogome, Inu-yasha, and Sango?I know that Kogome is trying to find the Shikon jewel shards and all but why are you there?
we are not only looking for shikon no kakera, but also for Naraku, who is responsible for this void in my hand and the deaths of my father and grandfather. that is why. -Miroku
Zero writes: Do you just grope women to keep them from falling for you incase your curse kills you?
shhhhhhhhhh. no, i think i actually just have a thing for bums. but yes, i don't really want someone falling in love with me. that wouldn't be fair since i am doomed after all. -Miroku
Ilyra D. writes: How old are you?
i am older than inuyasha and younger than kikyo ^.^ -Miroku
CrazyLupe writes: Hey Miroku, I was just curious if you and Sango ever hook up?
well, since that is in the future, i have not been gifted with foresight, i'm affraid i cannot answer that -Miroku
Meera writes: I totally think you and Sango would be cute together.Do you ever tell her how you feel?
Thankyou very much... *blushes* i think... i'm not really the one woman sort of monk... by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Kiwichan writes: can you bear my son?
*grasps Kiwi's hand* i would... wait... *looks at Kiwi funny* i think... you mean the other way around... -Miroku
Zen-Aku writes: Hello Miroko! If you could go to Kagomes world, what would be the first place you would visit: The Mall, Hooters, or the beach?
well, i would say hooters just because the likelyhood of my getting slapped for being a pervert is much less likely to happen in a place that actually caters to them... but i really like bums, not chests, so i'd have to say the beach -Miroku
Nicole writes: how is your wind tunnel?
it sucks! ha! get it?! hahahaha! -Miroku
nicole writes: how many girls have ask you to bere your child?
48623. by the way, will you bear my child? ... make that 48624. -Miroku
LilyTheGreat writes: Who do you like better? Sango or Kagome?
well, when it really comes down to it, sango. her bum is far superior to kagome's. -Miroku
Sara Walgreens writes: What do the rings on your staff do?
here kagome has found you an excellent 'web page' detailing all you need to know about the shakujou... http://www.geocities.com/oviedokempo/shaku_e.html but in addition i must mention that the fact that i have 6 rings, signifing that i am a bodhisattva is purely i think because i am named after a particular bodhisattva, not that i am very enlightened. by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Snowblaze writes: Miroku, if you had three wishes, what would they be?
very interesting question! let's see..
1) get this kazaana out of my hand
2) kill naraku, slowly and alot.
3) hehehe... i don't think i should tell you the third one. ^.^ - Miroku
Andrew writes: Why do you go around asking girls If they want to bare your child?
Since i have been curse with the void in my hand, i'd like to have an heir to take my place should i die before i get a chance to destroy Naraku. -Miroku
starrynight writes: Hey! i was wondering how come if you ask every woman you meet to bear your child you never asked the one woman who loves you the most. Sango?
She pointed this very fact out to me just the other day. what do you think i got in response? a good old slap on the face. You'd think i'd learn, right? -Miroku
Kaira writes: Why do you still feel girls up even though they still slap you and stuff?
my hand seems to roam on its own... at the worst possible times... no. really? i like bums. can't help it. i do. even getting slapped afterward. it was still worth it. -Miroku
Samantha D. Carlon writes: i just wanted to know what would u do after (and i mean will) defeat Naraku?
i will party like its 1599. by the way, would you bear my child? -Miroku
Zachary writes: Instead of fighting every demon you face,why not suck it up with the wind Tunnel? (kazaana)
well, Zachary, sometimes when i overuse the kazaana, it rips a little bit, and that brings me closer to my inevidable death. so you understand it's merely out of self preservation that i don't use it too much -Miroku PS, do you have a sister?
Miroku, I don't have a sister, sorry. -Zachary
Drat. -Miroku
Miroku lover writes: before I ask my question I just wanted to tell you that I voted for you! ^_^ ok my question...will you go on a date with me? I might even say yes to your normal "question" that you usually ask women!
thankyou ^.^ i don't know about this 21st century dating practice. here in the sengoku jidai we have courting, but i'm not really big on that either... but since you've said so... will you bear my child? -Miroku
*slap* hell no!....sheesh ya think you people in Sengoku Jidai would know the word "SARCASM"! I'm not that stupid! *blushes* even though I was tempted to say yes. you ARE my favorite caracter in inuyasha (besides inuyasha himself) after all! (sorry I forgot this is only a question and answer thing, but I can't help it... I mean....MIROKU IS A PERVY MONK FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!)
um... you did say you might even say yes... and yes, this is just for fun and you do realize i've asked almost all the people whom i could discern that they were in fact female the same question... [also the person actually writing this is aoi kami sarah herself ^.^ so if you are offended please don't be, it's all in good fun... or so i thought.] -Miroku [aks]
*ask chiisana miroku!*
Aubrie writes: where does the stuff you suck up in the void in yer hand go to...?
you know, i don't know. into "the void"... the void is a term meaning nowhere... i've lived with this curse all my life and thought about it long and hard, but i still haven't the foggiest clue where it goes. perhaps i will know when it consumes me at long last. -Miroku
Eden writes: How did you get that hole in your hand?
you see, my grandfather was cursed by Naraku and my father was born with the same curse, and so was I. it didn't really happen to me, per se. -miroku
Melissa writes: Um hi um do you wear a dress?
M: hm. no. i do not wear a dress. my garments are the robes of a buddhist monk. it's perfectly acceptable in my time to dress as i do.
IY: che... hehehe.. hahahaha HAHAHAH! Miroku wears a dress!!!
M: Inuyasha! I do NOT!
Bethany writes: Why dose every one think your a perv? I think your cute.
It could be because I have this nasty habbit of grabbing girls' bums. That's probably why people think i'm a letch. well, i guess they're right! ^.^ by the way, will you bear my child? -Miroku
Lauryn writes: do you think that you and sango will ever get married and have kids?!
well, i would be very pleased if she would have my child so that it could carry on my quest for vengence after my death, but i don't know about marriage... *gets slapped* how did i guess that was coming? by the way... would YOU bear my child? *gets slapped again* -Miroku
Chen-chan writes: So... what does the *perfect* girl look like for you?
M: hmmmm... well. she'd have a really nice...
S: Houshi-sama....
M: SMILE! ehehehe... -Miroku
Katie writes: Are you and sango gonna get together? and if you do... will inu-yasha make fun of you?
if i somehow manage to score sango, i don't care who makes fun of me. no, actually, if inuyasha were to mock me for choosing to be with sango, i would be forced to tease him about not being able to get together with kagome-sama. he's such a child. i wish they would just get it over with already! by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Lee writes: What's the stick for?
the stick, as you say is just that... i gave another gentleman a link which is posted next to his comment on the subject all about my shakujou. -Miroku
Kygen Reina writes: how happy would you be if I told you that Naraku is dead and Sango loves you and wants to bear your child?
very ^.^ -Miroku
Eevee writes: If you had a choice to finish off Naraku or have someone bear your child which would you choose?
option 1. kill naraku. i could always have someone bear my child later if i felt like it. i would no longer need to if he was dead because the void in my hand would dissapear. ^.^ -Miroku
Sucanu writes: Can't you just cut your hand off if worse comes to worse with that wind tunnel thing?
the thought has crossed my mind, however, the fear that somehow it would still be there and not only would i not have a hand, but i'd have perhaps worse case of the void than i had before prevents me from trying such a horrific measure. -Miroku
Horsegal89 writes: How did you get to become a monk?
my father was also a buddhist monk. it's not quite the same as being a christian monk, which is probably what you westerners are more accostomed to. here in the east, monks are often warriors as well... -Miroku
arielle writes: do you like sango more than you like other girls?
i respect her more than other girls, i suppose. she's very strong. she slaps pretty hard and her bum is very nice. by the way... will you bear my child? -Miroku
Nicole writes: hey miroku why are you such a pervert all the time and why can't you control yourself?
some people can't help but buy lots of shoes. some people can't help but eat lots of icecream. i can't help but touch women's bums. i don't know, i just like them, i guess. by the way, will you bear my child? -Miroku
inu writes: Ummmm..when are u gonna tell Sango.. your feelings, your love for her?
love? i don't know about that. i rather like her bum... *gets smacked* er... her personality... -Miroku
Hinoki writes: what's the deal with you always liking girls and do you like kagome?
i happen to be a man. i like girls. sue me. and i like kagome. she's nice. don't you like kagome? -Miroku
Chelsea writes: Why do you travel with Kogome, Inu-yasha, and Sango?I know that Kogome is trying to find the Shikon jewel shards and all but why are you there?
we are not only looking for shikon no kakera, but also for Naraku, who is responsible for this void in my hand and the deaths of my father and grandfather. that is why. -Miroku
Zero writes: Do you just grope women to keep them from falling for you incase your curse kills you?
shhhhhhhhhh. no, i think i actually just have a thing for bums. but yes, i don't really want someone falling in love with me. that wouldn't be fair since i am doomed after all. -Miroku
Ilyra D. writes: How old are you?
i am older than inuyasha and younger than kikyo ^.^ -Miroku
CrazyLupe writes: Hey Miroku, I was just curious if you and Sango ever hook up?
well, since that is in the future, i have not been gifted with foresight, i'm affraid i cannot answer that -Miroku
Meera writes: I totally think you and Sango would be cute together.Do you ever tell her how you feel?
Thankyou very much... *blushes* i think... i'm not really the one woman sort of monk... by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Kiwichan writes: can you bear my son?
*grasps Kiwi's hand* i would... wait... *looks at Kiwi funny* i think... you mean the other way around... -Miroku
Zen-Aku writes: Hello Miroko! If you could go to Kagomes world, what would be the first place you would visit: The Mall, Hooters, or the beach?
well, i would say hooters just because the likelyhood of my getting slapped for being a pervert is much less likely to happen in a place that actually caters to them... but i really like bums, not chests, so i'd have to say the beach -Miroku
Nicole writes: how is your wind tunnel?
it sucks! ha! get it?! hahahaha! -Miroku
nicole writes: how many girls have ask you to bere your child?
48623. by the way, will you bear my child? ... make that 48624. -Miroku
LilyTheGreat writes: Who do you like better? Sango or Kagome?
well, when it really comes down to it, sango. her bum is far superior to kagome's. -Miroku
Sara Walgreens writes: What do the rings on your staff do?
here kagome has found you an excellent 'web page' detailing all you need to know about the shakujou... http://www.geocities.com/oviedokempo/shaku_e.html but in addition i must mention that the fact that i have 6 rings, signifing that i am a bodhisattva is purely i think because i am named after a particular bodhisattva, not that i am very enlightened. by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Snowblaze writes: Miroku, if you had three wishes, what would they be?
very interesting question! let's see..
1) get this kazaana out of my hand
2) kill naraku, slowly and alot.
3) hehehe... i don't think i should tell you the third one. ^.^ - Miroku
Andrew writes: Why do you go around asking girls If they want to bare your child?
Since i have been curse with the void in my hand, i'd like to have an heir to take my place should i die before i get a chance to destroy Naraku. -Miroku
starrynight writes: Hey! i was wondering how come if you ask every woman you meet to bear your child you never asked the one woman who loves you the most. Sango?
She pointed this very fact out to me just the other day. what do you think i got in response? a good old slap on the face. You'd think i'd learn, right? -Miroku
Kaira writes: Why do you still feel girls up even though they still slap you and stuff?
my hand seems to roam on its own... at the worst possible times... no. really? i like bums. can't help it. i do. even getting slapped afterward. it was still worth it. -Miroku
Samantha D. Carlon writes: i just wanted to know what would u do after (and i mean will) defeat Naraku?
i will party like its 1599. by the way, would you bear my child? -Miroku
Zachary writes: Instead of fighting every demon you face,why not suck it up with the wind Tunnel? (kazaana)
well, Zachary, sometimes when i overuse the kazaana, it rips a little bit, and that brings me closer to my inevidable death. so you understand it's merely out of self preservation that i don't use it too much -Miroku PS, do you have a sister?
Miroku, I don't have a sister, sorry. -Zachary
Drat. -Miroku
Miroku lover writes: before I ask my question I just wanted to tell you that I voted for you! ^_^ ok my question...will you go on a date with me? I might even say yes to your normal "question" that you usually ask women!
thankyou ^.^ i don't know about this 21st century dating practice. here in the sengoku jidai we have courting, but i'm not really big on that either... but since you've said so... will you bear my child? -Miroku
*slap* hell no!....sheesh ya think you people in Sengoku Jidai would know the word "SARCASM"! I'm not that stupid! *blushes* even though I was tempted to say yes. you ARE my favorite caracter in inuyasha (besides inuyasha himself) after all! (sorry I forgot this is only a question and answer thing, but I can't help it... I mean....MIROKU IS A PERVY MONK FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!)
um... you did say you might even say yes... and yes, this is just for fun and you do realize i've asked almost all the people whom i could discern that they were in fact female the same question... [also the person actually writing this is aoi kami sarah herself ^.^ so if you are offended please don't be, it's all in good fun... or so i thought.] -Miroku [aks]

- RussianFox
- Cannon
- Posts: 1174
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:55 am
- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era
random stuff #3
*ask chiisana miroku!*
Aubrie writes: where does the stuff you suck up in the void in yer hand go to...?
you know, i don't know. into "the void"... the void is a term meaning nowhere... i've lived with this curse all my life and thought about it long and hard, but i still haven't the foggiest clue where it goes. perhaps i will know when it consumes me at long last. -Miroku
Eden writes: How did you get that hole in your hand?
you see, my grandfather was cursed by Naraku and my father was born with the same curse, and so was I. it didn't really happen to me, per se. -miroku
Melissa writes: Um hi um do you wear a dress?
M: hm. no. i do not wear a dress. my garments are the robes of a buddhist monk. it's perfectly acceptable in my time to dress as i do.
IY: che... hehehe.. hahahaha HAHAHAH! Miroku wears a dress!!!
M: Inuyasha! I do NOT!
Bethany writes: Why dose every one think your a perv? I think your cute.
It could be because I have this nasty habbit of grabbing girls' bums. That's probably why people think i'm a letch. well, i guess they're right! ^.^ by the way, will you bear my child? -Miroku
Lauryn writes: do you think that you and sango will ever get married and have kids?!
well, i would be very pleased if she would have my child so that it could carry on my quest for vengence after my death, but i don't know about marriage... *gets slapped* how did i guess that was coming? by the way... would YOU bear my child? *gets slapped again* -Miroku
Chen-chan writes: So... what does the *perfect* girl look like for you?
M: hmmmm... well. she'd have a really nice...
S: Houshi-sama....
M: SMILE! ehehehe... -Miroku
Katie writes: Are you and sango gonna get together? and if you do... will inu-yasha make fun of you?
if i somehow manage to score sango, i don't care who makes fun of me. no, actually, if inuyasha were to mock me for choosing to be with sango, i would be forced to tease him about not being able to get together with kagome-sama. he's such a child. i wish they would just get it over with already! by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Lee writes: What's the stick for?
the stick, as you say is just that... i gave another gentleman a link which is posted next to his comment on the subject all about my shakujou. -Miroku
Kygen Reina writes: how happy would you be if I told you that Naraku is dead and Sango loves you and wants to bear your child?
very ^.^ -Miroku
Eevee writes: If you had a choice to finish off Naraku or have someone bear your child which would you choose?
option 1. kill naraku. i could always have someone bear my child later if i felt like it. i would no longer need to if he was dead because the void in my hand would dissapear. ^.^ -Miroku
Sucanu writes: Can't you just cut your hand off if worse comes to worse with that wind tunnel thing?
the thought has crossed my mind, however, the fear that somehow it would still be there and not only would i not have a hand, but i'd have perhaps worse case of the void than i had before prevents me from trying such a horrific measure. -Miroku
Horsegal89 writes: How did you get to become a monk?
my father was also a buddhist monk. it's not quite the same as being a christian monk, which is probably what you westerners are more accostomed to. here in the east, monks are often warriors as well... -Miroku
arielle writes: do you like sango more than you like other girls?
i respect her more than other girls, i suppose. she's very strong. she slaps pretty hard and her bum is very nice. by the way... will you bear my child? -Miroku
Nicole writes: hey miroku why are you such a pervert all the time and why can't you control yourself?
some people can't help but buy lots of shoes. some people can't help but eat lots of icecream. i can't help but touch women's bums. i don't know, i just like them, i guess. by the way, will you bear my child? -Miroku
inu writes: Ummmm..when are u gonna tell Sango.. your feelings, your love for her?
love? i don't know about that. i rather like her bum... *gets smacked* er... her personality... -Miroku
Hinoki writes: what's the deal with you always liking girls and do you like kagome?
i happen to be a man. i like girls. sue me. and i like kagome. she's nice. don't you like kagome? -Miroku
Chelsea writes: Why do you travel with Kogome, Inu-yasha, and Sango?I know that Kogome is trying to find the Shikon jewel shards and all but why are you there?
we are not only looking for shikon no kakera, but also for Naraku, who is responsible for this void in my hand and the deaths of my father and grandfather. that is why. -Miroku
Zero writes: Do you just grope women to keep them from falling for you incase your curse kills you?
shhhhhhhhhh. no, i think i actually just have a thing for bums. but yes, i don't really want someone falling in love with me. that wouldn't be fair since i am doomed after all. -Miroku
Ilyra D. writes: How old are you?
i am older than inuyasha and younger than kikyo ^.^ -Miroku
CrazyLupe writes: Hey Miroku, I was just curious if you and Sango ever hook up?
well, since that is in the future, i have not been gifted with foresight, i'm affraid i cannot answer that -Miroku
Meera writes: I totally think you and Sango would be cute together.Do you ever tell her how you feel?
Thankyou very much... *blushes* i think... i'm not really the one woman sort of monk... by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Kiwichan writes: can you bear my son?
*grasps Kiwi's hand* i would... wait... *looks at Kiwi funny* i think... you mean the other way around... -Miroku
Zen-Aku writes: Hello Miroko! If you could go to Kagomes world, what would be the first place you would visit: The Mall, Hooters, or the beach?
well, i would say hooters just because the likelyhood of my getting slapped for being a pervert is much less likely to happen in a place that actually caters to them... but i really like bums, not chests, so i'd have to say the beach -Miroku
Nicole writes: how is your wind tunnel?
it sucks! ha! get it?! hahahaha! -Miroku
nicole writes: how many girls have ask you to bere your child?
48623. by the way, will you bear my child? ... make that 48624. -Miroku
LilyTheGreat writes: Who do you like better? Sango or Kagome?
well, when it really comes down to it, sango. her bum is far superior to kagome's. -Miroku
Sara Walgreens writes: What do the rings on your staff do?
here kagome has found you an excellent 'web page' detailing all you need to know about the shakujou... http://www.geocities.com/oviedokempo/shaku_e.html but in addition i must mention that the fact that i have 6 rings, signifing that i am a bodhisattva is purely i think because i am named after a particular bodhisattva, not that i am very enlightened. by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Snowblaze writes: Miroku, if you had three wishes, what would they be?
very interesting question! let's see..
1) get this kazaana out of my hand
2) kill naraku, slowly and alot.
3) hehehe... i don't think i should tell you the third one. ^.^ - Miroku
Andrew writes: Why do you go around asking girls If they want to bare your child?
Since i have been curse with the void in my hand, i'd like to have an heir to take my place should i die before i get a chance to destroy Naraku. -Miroku
starrynight writes: Hey! i was wondering how come if you ask every woman you meet to bear your child you never asked the one woman who loves you the most. Sango?
She pointed this very fact out to me just the other day. what do you think i got in response? a good old slap on the face. You'd think i'd learn, right? -Miroku
Kaira writes: Why do you still feel girls up even though they still slap you and stuff?
my hand seems to roam on its own... at the worst possible times... no. really? i like bums. can't help it. i do. even getting slapped afterward. it was still worth it. -Miroku
Samantha D. Carlon writes: i just wanted to know what would u do after (and i mean will) defeat Naraku?
i will party like its 1599. by the way, would you bear my child? -Miroku
Zachary writes: Instead of fighting every demon you face,why not suck it up with the wind Tunnel? (kazaana)
well, Zachary, sometimes when i overuse the kazaana, it rips a little bit, and that brings me closer to my inevidable death. so you understand it's merely out of self preservation that i don't use it too much -Miroku PS, do you have a sister?
Miroku, I don't have a sister, sorry. -Zachary
Drat. -Miroku
Miroku lover writes: before I ask my question I just wanted to tell you that I voted for you! ^_^ ok my question...will you go on a date with me? I might even say yes to your normal "question" that you usually ask women!
thankyou ^.^ i don't know about this 21st century dating practice. here in the sengoku jidai we have courting, but i'm not really big on that either... but since you've said so... will you bear my child? -Miroku
*slap* hell no!....sheesh ya think you people in Sengoku Jidai would know the word "SARCASM"! I'm not that stupid! *blushes* even though I was tempted to say yes. you ARE my favorite caracter in inuyasha (besides inuyasha himself) after all! (sorry I forgot this is only a question and answer thing, but I can't help it... I mean....MIROKU IS A PERVY MONK FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!)
um... you did say you might even say yes... and yes, this is just for fun and you do realize i've asked almost all the people whom i could discern that they were in fact female the same question... [also the person actually writing this is aoi kami sarah herself ^.^ so if you are offended please don't be, it's all in good fun... or so i thought.] -Miroku [aks]
*ask chiisana miroku!*
Aubrie writes: where does the stuff you suck up in the void in yer hand go to...?
you know, i don't know. into "the void"... the void is a term meaning nowhere... i've lived with this curse all my life and thought about it long and hard, but i still haven't the foggiest clue where it goes. perhaps i will know when it consumes me at long last. -Miroku
Eden writes: How did you get that hole in your hand?
you see, my grandfather was cursed by Naraku and my father was born with the same curse, and so was I. it didn't really happen to me, per se. -miroku
Melissa writes: Um hi um do you wear a dress?
M: hm. no. i do not wear a dress. my garments are the robes of a buddhist monk. it's perfectly acceptable in my time to dress as i do.
IY: che... hehehe.. hahahaha HAHAHAH! Miroku wears a dress!!!
M: Inuyasha! I do NOT!
Bethany writes: Why dose every one think your a perv? I think your cute.
It could be because I have this nasty habbit of grabbing girls' bums. That's probably why people think i'm a letch. well, i guess they're right! ^.^ by the way, will you bear my child? -Miroku
Lauryn writes: do you think that you and sango will ever get married and have kids?!
well, i would be very pleased if she would have my child so that it could carry on my quest for vengence after my death, but i don't know about marriage... *gets slapped* how did i guess that was coming? by the way... would YOU bear my child? *gets slapped again* -Miroku
Chen-chan writes: So... what does the *perfect* girl look like for you?
M: hmmmm... well. she'd have a really nice...
S: Houshi-sama....
M: SMILE! ehehehe... -Miroku
Katie writes: Are you and sango gonna get together? and if you do... will inu-yasha make fun of you?
if i somehow manage to score sango, i don't care who makes fun of me. no, actually, if inuyasha were to mock me for choosing to be with sango, i would be forced to tease him about not being able to get together with kagome-sama. he's such a child. i wish they would just get it over with already! by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Lee writes: What's the stick for?
the stick, as you say is just that... i gave another gentleman a link which is posted next to his comment on the subject all about my shakujou. -Miroku
Kygen Reina writes: how happy would you be if I told you that Naraku is dead and Sango loves you and wants to bear your child?
very ^.^ -Miroku
Eevee writes: If you had a choice to finish off Naraku or have someone bear your child which would you choose?
option 1. kill naraku. i could always have someone bear my child later if i felt like it. i would no longer need to if he was dead because the void in my hand would dissapear. ^.^ -Miroku
Sucanu writes: Can't you just cut your hand off if worse comes to worse with that wind tunnel thing?
the thought has crossed my mind, however, the fear that somehow it would still be there and not only would i not have a hand, but i'd have perhaps worse case of the void than i had before prevents me from trying such a horrific measure. -Miroku
Horsegal89 writes: How did you get to become a monk?
my father was also a buddhist monk. it's not quite the same as being a christian monk, which is probably what you westerners are more accostomed to. here in the east, monks are often warriors as well... -Miroku
arielle writes: do you like sango more than you like other girls?
i respect her more than other girls, i suppose. she's very strong. she slaps pretty hard and her bum is very nice. by the way... will you bear my child? -Miroku
Nicole writes: hey miroku why are you such a pervert all the time and why can't you control yourself?
some people can't help but buy lots of shoes. some people can't help but eat lots of icecream. i can't help but touch women's bums. i don't know, i just like them, i guess. by the way, will you bear my child? -Miroku
inu writes: Ummmm..when are u gonna tell Sango.. your feelings, your love for her?
love? i don't know about that. i rather like her bum... *gets smacked* er... her personality... -Miroku
Hinoki writes: what's the deal with you always liking girls and do you like kagome?
i happen to be a man. i like girls. sue me. and i like kagome. she's nice. don't you like kagome? -Miroku
Chelsea writes: Why do you travel with Kogome, Inu-yasha, and Sango?I know that Kogome is trying to find the Shikon jewel shards and all but why are you there?
we are not only looking for shikon no kakera, but also for Naraku, who is responsible for this void in my hand and the deaths of my father and grandfather. that is why. -Miroku
Zero writes: Do you just grope women to keep them from falling for you incase your curse kills you?
shhhhhhhhhh. no, i think i actually just have a thing for bums. but yes, i don't really want someone falling in love with me. that wouldn't be fair since i am doomed after all. -Miroku
Ilyra D. writes: How old are you?
i am older than inuyasha and younger than kikyo ^.^ -Miroku
CrazyLupe writes: Hey Miroku, I was just curious if you and Sango ever hook up?
well, since that is in the future, i have not been gifted with foresight, i'm affraid i cannot answer that -Miroku
Meera writes: I totally think you and Sango would be cute together.Do you ever tell her how you feel?
Thankyou very much... *blushes* i think... i'm not really the one woman sort of monk... by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Kiwichan writes: can you bear my son?
*grasps Kiwi's hand* i would... wait... *looks at Kiwi funny* i think... you mean the other way around... -Miroku
Zen-Aku writes: Hello Miroko! If you could go to Kagomes world, what would be the first place you would visit: The Mall, Hooters, or the beach?
well, i would say hooters just because the likelyhood of my getting slapped for being a pervert is much less likely to happen in a place that actually caters to them... but i really like bums, not chests, so i'd have to say the beach -Miroku
Nicole writes: how is your wind tunnel?
it sucks! ha! get it?! hahahaha! -Miroku
nicole writes: how many girls have ask you to bere your child?
48623. by the way, will you bear my child? ... make that 48624. -Miroku
LilyTheGreat writes: Who do you like better? Sango or Kagome?
well, when it really comes down to it, sango. her bum is far superior to kagome's. -Miroku
Sara Walgreens writes: What do the rings on your staff do?
here kagome has found you an excellent 'web page' detailing all you need to know about the shakujou... http://www.geocities.com/oviedokempo/shaku_e.html but in addition i must mention that the fact that i have 6 rings, signifing that i am a bodhisattva is purely i think because i am named after a particular bodhisattva, not that i am very enlightened. by the way... would you bear my child? -Miroku
Snowblaze writes: Miroku, if you had three wishes, what would they be?
very interesting question! let's see..
1) get this kazaana out of my hand
2) kill naraku, slowly and alot.
3) hehehe... i don't think i should tell you the third one. ^.^ - Miroku
Andrew writes: Why do you go around asking girls If they want to bare your child?
Since i have been curse with the void in my hand, i'd like to have an heir to take my place should i die before i get a chance to destroy Naraku. -Miroku
starrynight writes: Hey! i was wondering how come if you ask every woman you meet to bear your child you never asked the one woman who loves you the most. Sango?
She pointed this very fact out to me just the other day. what do you think i got in response? a good old slap on the face. You'd think i'd learn, right? -Miroku
Kaira writes: Why do you still feel girls up even though they still slap you and stuff?
my hand seems to roam on its own... at the worst possible times... no. really? i like bums. can't help it. i do. even getting slapped afterward. it was still worth it. -Miroku
Samantha D. Carlon writes: i just wanted to know what would u do after (and i mean will) defeat Naraku?
i will party like its 1599. by the way, would you bear my child? -Miroku
Zachary writes: Instead of fighting every demon you face,why not suck it up with the wind Tunnel? (kazaana)
well, Zachary, sometimes when i overuse the kazaana, it rips a little bit, and that brings me closer to my inevidable death. so you understand it's merely out of self preservation that i don't use it too much -Miroku PS, do you have a sister?
Miroku, I don't have a sister, sorry. -Zachary
Drat. -Miroku
Miroku lover writes: before I ask my question I just wanted to tell you that I voted for you! ^_^ ok my question...will you go on a date with me? I might even say yes to your normal "question" that you usually ask women!
thankyou ^.^ i don't know about this 21st century dating practice. here in the sengoku jidai we have courting, but i'm not really big on that either... but since you've said so... will you bear my child? -Miroku
*slap* hell no!....sheesh ya think you people in Sengoku Jidai would know the word "SARCASM"! I'm not that stupid! *blushes* even though I was tempted to say yes. you ARE my favorite caracter in inuyasha (besides inuyasha himself) after all! (sorry I forgot this is only a question and answer thing, but I can't help it... I mean....MIROKU IS A PERVY MONK FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!)
um... you did say you might even say yes... and yes, this is just for fun and you do realize i've asked almost all the people whom i could discern that they were in fact female the same question... [also the person actually writing this is aoi kami sarah herself ^.^ so if you are offended please don't be, it's all in good fun... or so i thought.] -Miroku [aks]

- RussianFox
- Cannon
- Posts: 1174
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:55 am
- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era
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On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
- RussianFox
- Cannon
- Posts: 1174
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:55 am
- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era
yah, my 'intervals' are a day or so...
random stuff #4
*ask the gang*
Inu-Yasha: Hey, what are we doing here?
Kagome: I was wondering the same thing.
Brandi: Well, Kimiki let me use you for the ATG.
Inu-Yasha: Why did she go and let you of all people write this? You're not funny. You're American.
Brandi: What?!! There's lots of funny Americans.
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, but you're not one of them.
Kagome: Inu-Yasha, that's not a very nice thing to say.
Miroku: Well, Brandi, can I ask you a question?
Brandi: Don't even try it.
Miroku: What?
Brandi: Haven't you seen my site? I know all about you.
Sango: Looks like your reputation precedes you.
Sesshoumaru: *in sing-songy voice* I'm heerree! Hey, whereth the party?
Inu-Yasha: What party?
Brandi: *sweatdrop* Heh heh, well, I kinda misled you on that.
Sesshoumaru: So there ithn't a Mary Kay party?
Brandi: Umm, no.
Sesshoumaru: I left the torture pit for thith? And I wath having thuch a good time with Mamoru-chan.
Shippou: I thought you were the only one in there.
Brandi: Well, technically he is, but I really hate Mamoru, too. I just don't have the time to make a page for him. Anyway, it looks like you are all here, and since you're stuck here, you can answer the questions from the viewers.
Inu-Yasha: Whoa, whoa, wait: whoever said we were "stuck here".
Brandi: Because I said you couldn't leave, and that's that.
Inu-Yasha: Nani??! I don't have to do what you say!
Sesshoumaru: Right, neither do I. And why do I thill have thith lithp?
Brandi: Because I like you better that way. And you're stuck here untill you can pay me back for borrowing you.
Kagome: What do we have to pay you back for?
Brandi: Well, Kimiki runs a hard bargain. You don't think she let me borrow you for free, do you?
Inu-Yasha: Isn't this slavery?
Brandi: No, it's more like you're indentured servants; you can buy your freedom.
Inu-Yasha: But this is a non-profit site and we don't have jobs!!! How are we supposed to pay you back?!!
Brandi: *under her breath* that's the point.
Inu-Yasha: I heard that!
Brandi: *also to herself* damn dog-hearing
Inu-Yasha: Hey!
Brandi: Anyway, that's the deal. Not much I can do about it now, so you might as well kick around here for a while. It's not such a bad place- I even just re-renovated it.
Kagome: I think it looks nice.
Miroku: A little too pastel for my taste.
Sesshoumaru: Hey, purple ith my favorite color.
Brandi: So are you going to stay now?
Inu-Yasha: I thought we didn't have a choice.
Kagome: Come on Inu-Yasha, this sounds like it might be fun.
Inu-Yasha: Keh!
Brandi: Alrighty, then. Well, the gang is all warmed up for you and waiting.
Inu-Yasha: I think we should start charging for advice.
Brandi: No.
I just want to say that Kimiki did NOT charge me anything to use the characters. Thank you and send your questions or comments in!
Ask the Gang
Whoo-hoo! Someone finally has sent in some questions! Yay! If you have any questions to ask any members of the cast, please send them to sengoku_jidai@hotmail.com <contactme.html>. Thanks!
1). Miroku, How did you ever become a monk?? I really don't know how to put this, but the way you act....ehhhh...you know what I mean.
2). Kouga, do you realize the vibes you give out while wearing the outfit you usually where? Hint: Stay away from Sesshoumaru
Miroku: What do you mean?
Sango: How can you say that? You're a pervert!
Miroku: No, I'm not! I'm just a man like anyone else!
Inu-Yasha: You know, you're giving men a bad name.
Miroku: Anyway, what's the question again?
Shippou: How'd you become a monk?
Miroku: Oh, right. Actually, as far as lechers go, I'm one of the least lecherous monks you'll meet.
Sango: Right.
Miroku: It's true. Why do you think people become monks in the first place? It's a great way to meet women.
Kouga: Hey, what about me? I have a question, too.
Inu-Yasha: What about you? We all know you're gay.
Kagome: Then how come you're jealous of him?
Kouga: I'm not gay! Why would this outfit make me look gay? I think I look great!
Sesshoumaru: Well, I would never hit on you. Earth toneth just don't look good on you at all, and fur is just tho pas faux. Now Liberaci on the other hand...
Kouga: I'm masculine and NOT gay, dammit!
Sesshoumaru: Yeah right, and I'm the Queen of England. You know, if you only did thomething with your hair, it would be a start. Ooh, let me give you a make-over! I have my make-up cathe over there!
Kouga: Hell no! Kagome, tell everyone that I'm not gay!
Inu-Yasha: Why should she tell everyone? She wouldn't know anything!
Kagome: Inu-Yasha, calm down.
Inu-Yasha: Why are you defending him!
Kagome: I'm not defending him!
Kouga: Hey, don't talk to her like that, dog-turd!
Inu-Yasha: Stay the hell out of this, wolf in women's clothing!
Kouga: Who the hell are you to talk?!! You look like Catwoman with a bad bleach job!
Sesshoumaru: Did thomeone say women'th clothing?
Miroku: And everyone thinks I'm a lech; at least I'm straight.
Sango: How does that make you better?
Brandi: I think I need to step in before this gets ugly. Okay, everyone, time to wrap it up!
Sesshoumaru: But I haven't given him a make-over yet!
Kouga: I don't want a make-over!
Inu-Yasha: How would you know, Kagome?!!
Kagome: I wouldn't!
Brandi: I said IT'S TIME TO GO!
Inu-Yasha: Hell if I'm staying!
Kouga: Me either!
Sesshoumaru: Well, if no one wanth a make-over, then I have a date with Ricky Martin that I'm late for.
Brandi: *sigh*
Okay, well now that's over, send in your questions. They should be calmed down by then. And Fluffy boy said for me to say that he does house calls for manicures. Well, that's all for now.
Ask the Gang
Here's a new batch of questions for the ever-knowledgeable gang (yeah right). If you have any questions to ask any members of the cast, please send them to sengoku_jidai@hotmail.com <contactme.html>. Thanks!
To the gang,
I've got the weird queries about people's clothing in Inu Yasha.
1. Why does Inu Yasha's clothes always grow back after fights? They sure get ripped or burnt a lot. Does he have stacks of replacements or something?
2. Kagome, don't you ever get sick from wearing those green uniform? I mean, school top and skirts aren't exactly in fashion at the moment...
Thanks for answering.
From Zappo
Inu-Yasha: What do you mean 'grow back'?
Brandi: I've often wondered that myself. I mean, one minute your clothes are ripped to shreads, and then the next minute they're fine (or near it anyway).
Miroku: I can answer that one. You see, Kagome-sama is an excellent seamstress as well as a nurse.
Kagome: Thank you, Miroku.
Miroku: Now will agree to play doctor with me tonight?
*The gang has just now teamed up to whack Miroku on the head*
Miroku: (holding his head) It was just a joke!
Sango: Is that ALL you ever think about, you pervert?
Shippou: Hey, Kagome, what about your question?
Kagome: Oh, yeah. What's wrong with my clothes? I though I looked cute.
Inu-Yasha: Hey, don't make fun of Kagome just because she wears strange clothes.
Kagome: Hey, if you don't want me to fix your clothes after battles, that's fine with me.
Brandi: Okay, next question.
Sesshoumaru, what, exactly, is that fluffy thing you have over your shoulders. I though it was your tail but recently I looked back at vol. 2 and I noticed that it was quite small then and in vol. 14, 16 and 17, it's grown tremendously. Like, how old are you anyway? Shouldn't you have stopped growing by now?
Sesshoumaru: Well, to tell the truth, ith not a tail at all. Ith my favorite boa, and it doethn't grow, but after volume 13 I got it dry cleaned, and it fluffed back up again. And a true lady never revealth her true age.
Inu-Yasha: That was more than I ever wanted to know.
Kagome: But Boas went out of style in the 80's.
Sesshoumaru: Hey, you can't talk, Mith 'Sailor Scout'
Jaken: But isn't that your favorite show, Sesshoumaru-sama?
Sesshoumaru: Shuttup, toad!
Miroku: (handing Sango 1000¥) Dammit! I thought it was Fushigi Yuugi!
Brandi: Anway, I think there's one more question.
If someone cut off your tail would it affect your balance? I mean you've spent your entire life (presumably) with it resting on your shoulder so you must compensate for it and if it suddenly wasn't there... ?
Sesshoumaru: *with pools of tears in his eyes* What a cruel thing to thay! Whaa! Why doeth everyone make fun of me?
Inu-Yasha: Gee, I wonder.
Kagome: I don't know, I kinda feel sorry for him. I mean, he can't help the way he is sometimes.
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, right! How can you say that after he's tried to kill all of us on MANY different occassions! Don't you EVER get it?!!
Kagome: But what about last time when he could've killed us and he didn't?
Inu-Yasha: How should I know? I was unconscious!
Sesshoumaru: *Still crying* What's wrong with being eviiiiiiiiiilllll? Whaaaaaaaaaaa!
Miroku: Would you shut-up the crying already?
Inu-Yasha: This whining is getting on my nerves!
Kagome: Well, you're part to blame for making him cry.
Inu-Yasha: What? I wasn't the one who asked the question!
Kagome: I know, but you were mean to him afterwords. *hands Sesshoumaru a tissue* There, there.
Inu-Yasha: *vein popping out of his head* What the HELL are you doing?!!
Kagome: Hey, he stopped crying, didn't he?
Inu-Yasha: FINE!!! BE THAT WAY! *stomps off*
Kagome: Sometimes I just don't understand him.
Brandi: Eh heh, *clears throat*. Okay, that's all the questions for now.
Sesshoumaru: *sniffling* Good, I'm going home and watching Dawson's Creek.
Ask the Gang
Well, after a small delay in updating this, I've finally gotten around to it. Hopefully people will send in more questions at sengoku_jidai@hotmail.com <contactme.html> so this section can get updated more often. A big thanks to those who have sent in questions!
Dear Sesshoumaru. You are one cool and funky guy, I love you. Inuyasha`s cool too, and so is Miroku and yeah, I`d love to bear your child except I`m male, is that a problem for you. By the way, do I have to ask a question?
Inu-Yasha: What the hell was that all about?!
Miroku: Uh, eh heh...
Brandi: I think someone needs to stay away from the paint thinner...
Sesshoumaru: Did he leave hith name??
Brandi: Uh, no. Next question:
Dear Gang,
I just wanted to say I think Inu-Yasha should stop being such an up tight jerk wad and be nice to Kagome because she is cool and extremely understanding under the circumstances. I mean, she's handeling the situation really well. She's been zapped into this messed ancient world and she is forced to be seen in public with this arrogant jerk and people are constantly trying to kill her. She is pretty darn understanding and Inu-Yasha should just be nice!
Inu-Yasha: Hey, I AM understanding!!!
Kagome: Well, I wouldn't say that he is a tight wad...
Inu-Yasha: Why is it my fault when she acts stupid?!
Kagome: (turning red) OSUWARI!
Inu-Yasha: (splatting against the floor) OOF!
Kagome: Who are you calling stupid?!!
Inu-Yasha: See?!! She overreacts to everything!
Kagome: Who's overreacting? I try to be nice and stick up for you and all you do is insult me!
Sesshoumaru: Did you save hith email? I would really like to talk to him.
Brandi: No I didn't.
Inu-Yasha: I wasn't insulting you! I get blamed everytime you get mad about anything whether I had anything to do with it or not!
Miroku: I would have to agree with Kagome-sama on this one.
Inu-Yasha: Stay out of this, monk! Why does everyone take her side?
Brandi: I have no opinion in this matter, I just deliver the mail.
Inu-Yasha: Well, stop bringing mail that gets me in trouble!
Sesshoumaru: Well, what about me? Some hot sounding guy said he loved me and I can't even get in touch with him!
Sango: Oh, get over it.
Sesshoumaru: Whaa! Ith not fair! Why can't I have a meaningful relationthip with anybody?
Miroku: Why do you always cry over everything?
Inu-Yasha: I can't say anything without you screaming 'OSUWARI' and running home!
Kagome: Well, maybe I wouldn't do that if you didn't keep insulting me and accusing me of cheating on you everytime I say anything to Kouga!
Inu-Yasha: Hey, I save you from that wolf and how do you thank me?! You take his side over mine!
Kagome: I was just doing it to help you!
Kouga: Come on Kagome, just let the inu-koro know your true feelings for me.
Inu-Yasha: Where the hell did you come from?!
Kouga: I don't know, Brandi's the one writing this.
Brandi: (with Inu-Yasha glaring at her) Eh, I just thought he'd make it more interesting.
Inu-Yasha: What happened to being neutral?
Brandi: I got bored.
Kouga: ANYWAY, Kagome, let me get rid of this han-you for you.
Kagome: Eh heh, Kouga-kun, that's really not what I had in mind...
Inu-Yasha: I'll kick your wimpy wolf a-
Brandi: Okay! That'll do before I have a massacre to clean up.
Shippou: Hey, how come I didn't get to say anything?
Brandi: Be happy that you didn't.
Okay, time to end this scenario of Ricki Lake. Please send in some more questions for the gang! They will be happy to answer anytime!
Inu-Yasha: I'm quitting!
Brandi: You're on contract.
Inu-Yasha: Dammit!
Ask the Gang
Okay, here's yet another installment of me trying to be funny (and probably failing miserably). A big thanks to those who have sent in questions!
I just wanted to say that Inu-Chan is without a doubt, the cutest, best looking anime charrie ever. He's aslo got such a sweet personality..my question? Kagome, if anything goes wrong, can I have him? n.n
Raiko no Ko
Inu-Yasha: Umm, what?
Kagome: Eh heh heh, I guess you could if you really wanted to...
Inu-Yasha: Hey, don't I have a say about that?!
Kagome: Well, I wouldn't stop you is all I was trying to say.
Hey Inu-Yasha. Will you bear my child? Rrwwoooor! ~:~winkwink~:~
Inu-Yasha: WHAT?!!
Miroku: Hey, what about me?!
Sango: Why is everyone asking these questions?
Kagome: I don't even want to know.
Hello, Gang! I have two questions:
Why the heck did Inu-Yasha dump Kagome for Kikyou? (I mean, you'd think he'd at least go for someone who isn't made of rocks and dirt and stuff) And it seems she ends up double crossing both Inu-Yasha's side AND Naraku's side a lot...
What would Inu-Yasha (and party) do if Kagome didn't bring food? I mean, she gives a lot and is a really good sport and I don't think anyone appreciates her very much!
Inu-Yasha: Hey, I never dumped Kagome!
Shippou: Well, there was that time that you weren't planning on seeing her ever again...what do you call that?
Inu-Yasha: You don't understand anything! Anyway, how can I dump her when we've never actually been together?
Sango: How can you say that after the way you've treated her when she's taken care of you time and time again?
Miroku: Well, Inu-Yasha may not appreciate everything that Kagome does, but I do.
Inu-Yasha: Why does everyone automatically gang up on me during these things?! Oi! *pointing to Brandi* You like to cause me trouble, don't you?!
Brandi: I just run this website- I don't actually have anything to do with the questions that people send in.
Inu-Yasha: Well, why the hell does everyone act as if I'm the bad guy?!
Sesshoumaru: What about me? Why dothn't anyone ever athk me quethionth?
Brandi: Probably because you can't say 'questions'.
Sesshoumaru: But you're the one who gave me thith lithp.
Brandi: Yeah, so what're you going to do about it. Next:
2 questions for the gang.
1. Miroku, you're a cute guy and everything, but you need to get a life (and a new hand). Do you really think you can just waltz up to some girl, ask her to bear your child, and she'll actually say yes? Men... And if you really want someone to have sex with you and get pregnant, why not find a prostitute? She gets paid, she's happy, she has your kid, you're happy. Why not go with a prostitute?
2. I've heard that Inu-Yasha has been commercially licensed, who do you guys want your english voice actors to be?
-Sailor Savannah ^_^
Miroku: Really?!! I didn't know you could do that! Why didn't someone tell me sooner? Where can I find one of these 'prositutes'? Are they cute?
Kagome: Miroku-sama, I...uh...nevermind.
Sango: You really are sick, houshii-sama.
Inu-Yasha: What's 'commercially licensed'?
Brandi: I don't know if Inu-Yasha has been commericially licensed here or not yet.
Kagome: Well, I don't really know of many English voice actresses, but I hope I get someone with a sweet voice.
Inu-Yasha: English voice actresses? What the hell are you two talking about?
Brandi: I just hope David Moo is nowhere to be found *despises him*
Inu-Yasha: What the hell is a 'David Moo'? Ah, forget it!
Brandi: Why is he so touchy?
Kagome: Wish I knew.
Okay, that's all for the gang for now. Sorry it wasn't better, but I have a group project that I have to get to work on now- finals are coming up.
Inu-Yasha: Why can't you do projects more often and leave us alone?
Brandi: You're pushing your luck.
Ask the Gang
God, I'm bad about getting to this...and I can tell that this one is going to be rough (especially for the characters), but we'll see how it goes...
This isn't really a question, but let me say this to Inuyasha and co: You are all wimps outside of battle. Inuyasha likes Kagome, but too scared to do anything (of course, NOT when it comes to Kikyou INUYASHA WA BAKA!), and vice versa (Kagome actually realises it and did a few moves *applauds*), Miroku is a letcher, but too blind to see that Sango is head over heels for him....er....he may be the only one who isn't a wimp o_o But Sango...grrr....just kiss that pervert monk Oh yeah, and my friend, Aviy-san, also would like to know if there's any chance that Inuyasha's gay, cause an Inuyasha/Miroku or Inuyasha/Kouga relationship would really work for her. *grin grin* And if either inu-shonen or that letcherous houshi doesn't get their girl soon, I'm afraid I'll have to claim one of them as my man. *nods* *smile* Bai now! ^^
Inu-Yasha: *goes completely white* What tha-!!!
Miroku: I don't even know where to begin on this one...
Sango: How could anyone be head-over-heels for this pervert?!
Inu-Yasha: I-I-I'm not...Kagome wha...
Kagome: *blushing* Inu-Yasha? Are you okay?
Inu-Yasha: *looks at Kagome* Hu-? *gets mad* Of course I'm okay! And I'm not gay! I'm just mad that- I'm not a wimp either!
Kagome: It's alright, it's just a question.
Inu-Yasha: Well, it's nobody's damn business!
Brandi: Well, this is a good start...
Kagome, you're obviously attached to Inu-Yasha. I've even heard rumors that your set yourself up in your mind as his wife, with Shippo as your son! If you're so crazy about him, then why is he still wearing that necklace of prayer beads? C'mon, free him! Turn him loose!
The NightDragon
Kagome: I haven't heard anything about that...
Inu-Yasha: Hey, good point- why don't you take this damn thing off of me?
Kagome: Well, I hadn't really thought about it. I just kind of forgot that you were wearing them...
Inu-Yasha: How the hell could you forget?! You tell me to sit every other day!
Kagome: Well, it's just more of a reflex now. I don't even know how to get them off...
Miroku: I think Kaede would have to be the one to take them off since she was the one who put them on.
Inu-Yasha: Oh, so it's just a 'reflex' to slam me to the ground whenever you feel like it?
Kagome: That's not what I meant.
Brandi: I was just wondering if there's a difference between Kagome saying 'sit' and 'osuwari'...
Kagome: 'Sit'?
Inu-Yasha: *crashing into ground* UGH!
Brandi: Cool! It works in any language!
Kagome: Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know!
Inu-Yasha: Grrrr!!!!
Here's one for shippou:
You are soooo cute, can I adopt you? I know I'm not Kagome, but... please?
Shippou: *blushing* Finally! Someone asks me a question! Sure you can adopt me!
Kagome: But, don't you want to stay with us?
Shippou: Well, I don't think I'm getting enough attention around here.
Inu-Yasha: Well, maybe you would if you did something.
Shippou: See? I don't get treated right!
Inu-Yasha: Aww, poor baby...
Shippou: That's it! I'm leaving! *walks out the door*
Brandi: Crap! We still have another email! *goes after him*
Inu-Yasha: Not like you ever write him in anyway.
Kagome: *tears welling up* Inu-Yasha, Shippou left...
Inu-Yasha: D-Don't cry!! He'll be back!
Kagome: I'm saying go after him!
Inu-Yasha: I can't! That stupid webmistress person has me chained to the chair!
Sango: I never noticed...
Inu-Yasha: She did it after I threatened to leave the last time.
Miroku: Well, there's one more email here...
I have a couple of questions for the gang! ^_^
1. What are you all going to do when you have collected all of the Shikon shards?
2. Have any of you (besides Kagome-chan) considered going to Kagome's time and living there?
3. Inuyasha-sama... When the Shikon Jewel is complete, will you try to steal it again?
4. What will you do with it then? Become human or demon?
Inuyasha's imoto* Eiko-chan *^_^*
Miroku: Well, I guess that's up to Kagome what we do with the jewel.
Kagome: Hmm, I don't know exactly...
Inu-Yasha: What do you mean, you don't know? You're going to give it to me.
Kagome: Why would you think that?
Inu-Yasha: I'm just letting you help me, that's how it's been!
Kagome: Oh, really?!
Sango: She's the protectress of the jewel, after all.
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, she's done a real good job of protecting it so far- she's the reason that we're searching for the shards.
Kagome: I've been trying! It's not like I ever wanted to end up here doing this!
Brandi: *walking back into room* Shippou'll be back soon- this place is so disorganized he won't be able to find his way out. Did I miss something?
Inu-Yasha: Do you think you can just get the whole jewel and then take it with you?!
Kagome: I haven't really thought that far ahead, but why would I just give it to you?
Inu-Yasha: Because I can keep it from falling into the wrong hands, that's why!
Brandi: Okay, I think this will do for now...
Inu-Yasha: Just as soon as she promises to hand over the jewel!
Kagome: I'm not going to make a promise like that!
Inu-Yasha: Why do you have to be so stupid?!
Kagome: *turns red* SIT OR OSUWARI OR WHATEVER!!!
Inu-Yasha: *hits ground* ACK!
Brandi: Yup, it's about to reach bloodshed.
Miroku: What about Shippou?
Brandi: Uh, I guess I'll look for him later...
Sango: What's that screeching sound?
Miroku: Yeah, and there's a strange buzzing sound, too.
Brandi: Oh, good, he must be with Sesshoumaru in the pit.
Miroku: What's he screaming for?!
Brandi: As I recall, Sesshoumaru said once that his tail would make the perfect muff for an outfit that he has. I'll get him later.
Okay, I guess that will wrap it up for now, hopefully Shippou's alright, I just don't have the time to go down there right now.
Sesshoumaru: *from the pit* He'th juth fine!
Shippou: Help me!
Ehh, heh-heh, umm, see you later!
Ask the Gang
Okay, this is going to be a REALLY long one because of my utter lack of will power to do it before now. I probably should do some kind of posting schedule, nee? I'll think about it, anyway, here's the gang!
Hey sesshoumaru I think you're great but I think you should let the rest of the cast know some of your make up secrets. Also Inu-Yasha should stop picking fights with sess-chan we all know you do it cos your jealous of his femininity
from Jezz-Chan
Sesshoumaru: *goes all sparkly-eyed* I'm tho glad you notithed!
Inu-Yasha: Wha-! HE'S the one who comes around picking fights! And I'm DEFINATELY not jealous of him!!!
Sesshoumaru: (pushing Inu-Yasha out of the way) Shuttup, I wathn't finished anthering hith question yet! Well, you thee, I've worked for thome of the most famous movie starth in Holl-
Inu-Yasha: (grabbing Sesshoumaru by the hair) No one wants to hear your make-up tips, you cross-dresser!
Kagome: Umm, actually, I would like his suggestion for picking out an eyeliner to go with a dress that I have...
Sesshoumaru: Great! What color ith it?
Inu-Yasha: *vein popping in head* What the HELL is wrong with you, Kagome?!!
Brandi: Okay, looks like I'm going to have to intervene a little early. Everyone's going to have to calm down, we still have a long way to go.
Miroku: Inu-Yasha's the only one who's upset.
Shippou: He always gets upset.
Inu-Yasha: Well, why can't people ask questions that make sense?!
Sango: Well, I have to admit, I've always wanted to know Sesshoumaru's secrets, too.
Inu-Yasha: I can't believe that I'm surrounded by idiots!
Kagome: OSUWARI!
Inu-Yasha: (slamming to ground) BWAHH!
Brandi: THIS is a good start.
First, for Inuyasha-sama and Kagome-chan: I know you've probably heard this a million times already, but why don't you just admit your feelings for each other? It's so frickin' obvious, but you're both in a state of denial!! Ve could haf a leetle dizcushin time, vif Sigmunt Furrrreud......
OK, I'm scaring myself... Anyway, why don't you just talk about it? Discuss how you feel... I mean, if you keep hiding your emotions, you're gonna explode!!!!! Trust me, I would know... Oh, Motoki, where are you?!?! (Motoki is the name for my illusion of the perfect guy... Just a little taste of how weird I am... ^_^ I AM PROUD TO BE WEIRD)
Just tell her how much you REALLY care, already, Inuyasha-sama!!!!! Swallow you pride already! Stop being so macho!!! "Oh yeah, I'm just protecting her coz of the shards." Puh-leaze!!!!
And Kagome-chan, hasn't the modern times taught you enough?!?!? Don't just sit on your butt waiting for him to make the first move!!!! If he doesn't, YOU have to!!!!!!!
BTW, Sesshoumaru, have you ever considered a speech conselor...?
Inu-Yasha: Why does everyone always ask about that?!
Miroku: Because it's obvious to everyone but you.
Inu-Yasha: Monk, your really starting to get on my nerves...
Sesshoumaru: *crying* WAHHHH! She'th making fun of the way I talk!
Shippou: It's nothing to cry about...
Sesshoumaru: But ith not even my fault! Ith her'th! (points to Brandi)
Brandi: What?
Sesshoumaru: You don't have to make me talk thith way, you know!
Brandi: Eh, so what are you going to do about it.
Sesshoumaru: I'm going back to the pit! Ith better than thith plathe!
Kagome: But I thought you were going to help me out!
Sesshoumaru: Well, I'm holding a Mary Kay party tonight in the pit. You can come, but you have to by thomething.
Kagome: I'll see if I can get away...
Inu-Yasha: Hmph! Go! See if I care!
Brandi: Have you ever considered taking vitamins? It might help your mood some.
Inu-Yasha: Why would I need to take those things? They're for weaklings.
Brandi: Well, sometimes I think you have low blood sugar or something...
Inu-Yasha: Low blu-what?
Brandi: Nevermind...next one.
Hi everyone! I have a few questions that I would like answered, if you don't mind.
To Kagome: Now, what do you honestly feel about Hojo? He's really nice, and cute and everything but how do you really feel? Is he totally better than Inu-Yasha?
To Inu-Yasha: How long have you "liked" Kagome? Do you prefer Kikyo or Kagome?
To Miroku: Have you ever received a "yes" when you asked someone to bear their child?
To Sango: How much does that boomerang weigh?
To Shippo: Hmm...I don't think I have an question...but you're really cute!
To Sesshomaru: Jaken is really annoying, so why don't you just kill him?!
Ok, that's all. Bye!
Inu-Yasha: See?!! Everyone ALWAYS asks that question! Wait a minute, who's Homo?
Kagome: That's Hojo. Umm, well you see, he's one of my classmates back home, and...
Shippou: Is he your boyfriend in your time, Kagome?
Kagome: No! Of course not! It's just, well, uh...
Inu-Yasha: Well uh what, Kagome? If he was just a classmate, you wouldn't be stuttering like this.
Miroku: Well, I think it's only fair that if Inu-Yasha has two girlfriends, then Kagome can have two boyfriends.
Inu-Yasha: NAN~~I?!! When did I ever have two girlfriends?!!
Sango: Oh, come on. You're always putting Kagome through hell because of Kikyou.
Miroku: That's right. Personally, I think Kagome should just dump you all together for this Hojo guy. He sounds like a good guy.
Shippou and Sango: Ganbatte! Kagome!
Kagome: *blushing* Hold on a minute, guys, it's not like tha-
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, good luck, Kagome! Why don't you just go back to your time and stay there forever to be with this Hobo guy for all I care!
Group together: That's Hojo!
Kagome: Why won't you ever listen to me?!
Miroku: You know, I don't even think I remember the other questions that were asked.
Brandi: Me either, let's move on...
Miroku- since you seem to be deeply immersed in the world of the pervert (many sites refer to you as the perverted monk, you know) what do you think of our modern day fashions- I.E. miniskirts, halter tops, etc? And Kagome, I know this has probably been asked before but- why not get yourself some durable clothing from the Sengoku Jidai and wear that instead of your school uniform? You looked pretty good in the priestess outfit you wore at the very beginning- and it'd save a lot of wear and tear on your modern clothes (how do you explain the rips, tears and bloodstains, anyways?).
~A Miroku Fan
Miroku: Why does everyone always think I'm a pervert?
Inu-Yasha: See?!! Now you know how it feels!
Miroku: Anyway, the only modern day fashions I've really seen are what Kagome wears, and I have to say that I like the mini-skirts very much.
Sango: You would.
Kagome: Well, as for my question, I wear my school uniform so that if for some reason I was caught by one of the teachers coming back, the blood stains might help me convince them that I really am sick.
Miroku: Speaking of your clothes, Kagome, why don't you let Sango borrow some of them for a while? She would look great in one of your skirts.
Sango: (hitting Miroku on the head with the boomerang) Mind your own business!
Brandi: Umm, okay. Next:
Yo gang! Whatsup?
1. Miroku. You are sooooo Kawaii, but you really need to reevaluate your life. What if you met the one woman you were suposed to be with forever (soul mate). Would you give up being a pervert? (my character did....)
3. Shippo, do you have a crush on Kagome?
4. Sango, How much do you want for that totally awsome boomerang? i got *checks wallet* about 50 bucks.
--Bastet Kitten
Sango: Well, there's another question for you, pervert.
Brandi: Umm, he can't answer. He's still unconscience.
Sango: Oh. Well, the boomerang's not for sale.
Kagome: My backpack...let me see... (starts unpacking) I just have my school books, clothes, hair accessories, make-up, firs-aid kit, discma-
Brandi: Sorry to interrupt, but we don't have unlimited time here.
Kagome: Oh, sorry.
Inu-Yasha: Well, what about YOUR question, Shippou?
Shippou: Huh?
Inu-Yasha: Do you have a crush on Kagome?
Shippou: *blushing* Umm, well...
Inu-Yasha: See, Kagome? Now you have another boyfriend.
Kagome: Oh, please.
Brandi: Here's another question.
Inu-Yasha: Is this damn thing ever going to end?!
How old is Inuyasha (not counting the 50 years sealed to the tree)? Oh and Kagome-chan I think you're really cool and I admire you alot!
Inu-Yasha: How old I am? Umm, well, I don't really know...
Kagome: You don't even know how old you are?
Inu-Yasha: Well it's not like I ever think about it anyway!
Kagome: *teary eyed* You poor thing! Never to have had a birthday!
Inu-Yasha: (taken aback) Uhh, well...
Kagome: I know! Let's have a birthday party for you!
Inu-Yasha: Huh?
Kagome: Just wait right here and I'll run and get some stuff. (leaves the room)
Inu-Yasha: Oi! Where do you think you're going?!
Brandi: Umm, okay. Well, anyway, here's the last letter!
Hi! I have a few things to say to the gang^,~: Before I say the first thing I'm gonna say, I'm not a prostitute, kay? Well, I think Miroku is basically the best lookin' guy on the whole show, so I wouldn't mind at all going on a date with Miroku! I have this thing for monks...{???} Oh & by the way, I'm NOT a guy either... As for what else I wanted to say: I'd really enjoy it if Inu-Yasha was nicer to Kagome every now & then! Get over stupid Kikyou! C'mon, you KNOW they love eachother deep down^.~ And just to let Shippo have a chance to talk, I think your adorable Shippo! I think you should get ALOT more parts, {including Miroku.} And one more thing: Sesshoumaru, you're just WRONG!!!!!!!!
Inu-Yasha: There it is again...
Miroku: It's obvious that this young lady's smart.
Sango: When did you wake up?
Miroku: Nevermind that. By the way, you didn't happen to keep that email address, did you?
Brandi: Well, yes, but...
Sango: What are you talking about?
Miroku: Well, I don't want to dissappoint our fans by not complying with their requests.
Shippou: What about me?! She wanted me to talk! Let me talk!
Inu-Yasha: Well, maybe when you have something more interesting to say, we'll let you.
Shippou: Like you ever say anything that's worth listening to.
Inu-Yasha: You really want to get hurt, don't you?
Kagome: (running back into room with party supplies) I'm back!
Miroku: Brandi-sama, if you would be so kind as to show me how to use your computer...
Brandi: Umm, no one touches my computer.
Kagome: Huh? What did I miss? (reads email) 'Sesshoumaru, you're just wrong'...? What does that mean?
Inu-Yasha: You hear that, you cross-dresser! I'm not the only one!
Sesshoumaru: (from the pit) I'm not listhening!
Kagome: Umm, anyway, here's the cake!
Inu-Yasha: Why is the top of it on fire?
Kagome: Well, since you don't know how old you are, I just guessed at your age.
Brandi: There has to be at least 70 candles on that cake.
Kagome: Well, we know he was asleep for 50 years, so...
Inu-Yasha: So now what?
Kagome: You blow them out, of course! And make a wish!
Inu-Yasha: I wish this stupid thing would end...
Brandi: You can't say it out loud.
Kagome: Anyway, blow them out!
Inu-Yasha: Umm... (leans over to blow, but hair gets caught on fire) AAHHH!
Kagome: Uh-oh! (throws water on Inu-Yasha)
Inu-Yasha: Are you trying to kill me?!!
Kagome: No! You're not supposed to get your hair in it!
Miroku: (eating) Kagome-sama, this is really good cake.
Shippou: Mm-hmm, really good!
Sango: What's that awful smell?
Brandi: Burned hair.
Sango: Inu-Yasha, could you leave the room so the rest of us can eat? Your hair smells awful. Oh, yeah, Happy Birthday!
Inu-Yasha: Whatever! (stomps out of room)
Kagome: Wait! I didn't mean for this to happen! (runs after him)
Brandi: Well, I guess that wraps it up for now.
Sango: Do you mind if I take some of this to the Mary Kay party tonight?
Brandi: Uh, not at all.
Okay, that's all the gang has in them for now. For those interested, Sesshoumaru throws Mary Kay and Avon Parties every other Tuesday and Thursday.
Ask the Gang
Welcome to part 1 of 3 of ATG specials ^^ Why special? Because I haven't had time until now to get to answering questions, and, umm, it's kinda backlogged, so I decided let's do something cool. I've decided that I'm not a very good moderator, b/c the characters always end up fighting, so we're going to experiment with some different therapists. I've invited Dr. Sigmund Freud to see if he can help (yes, I know he's dead, but it's MY imagination, so HA!). Anyway, let the 1st therapy session begin!
Brandi: Okay, everyone understands what's going on, right?
Inu-Yasha: No! Why the hell would anyone think that I have a temper problem?!
Brandi: Umm, anyway, our esteemed guest Dr. Sigmund Freud is going to ask you the questions sent in, and he's going to try to help you guys by gaging your responses to them.
Kagome: I remember reading about him in high school, but I don't know if he could really help us...
Inu-Yasha: So you're taking her side?!
Kagome: No, that's not what I meant...
Brandi: Anyway, here's Dr. Freud!
Dr. Freud: Guttentaug!
Miroku: What did he say?
Dr. Freud: Ack, okay every-une, lez get toun to bizness.
Sango: I can't understand a word you're saying.
Brandi: Uh, maybe I should probably read the questions...
Hey, Inuyasha, Did your rat skin clothes brake or something?! You broke a sword on it before and now it gets stabbed easily by a sword. Wassup with that? Is is from all the times it's melted?
Inu-Yasha: How would I know?
Dr. Freud: Now, Inu-Yaksa, hoo duez zat make you veel?
Inu-Yasha: You know, I didn't understand a word you just said.
Sango: Excuse me, but why is he speaking like that?
Brandi: Well, he was from Germany or around that area, so of course I have to write him with a cliche German accent.
Miroku: But how are we supposed to answer if we can't understand what he's saying?
Brandi: Well, to tell the truth, I haven't really thought it out that far. Just work with me.
Dr. Freud: I'm note feelink the spirit ov cooperation heare.
Brandi: Umm, let's try another question.
Yo Sesshomaru, My friend Colleen would like to know if you are free Saturday at 8. I wanna know if Miroku is free... Anyvay.... Inu-Yasha- Why dont ya just ask Kagome out. I mean dwelling on the past isn't going to help... I actually have a question for Kikyo... I know the little dragon thingys are souls (call in an exorscist *sp*) what is up with the floaty ball thingys???
And as a parting note i would like to say-- GO SOAK YOUR HEAD FLUFFY! (hey i said my friend likes you. i never said *I* did.)
Dr. Freud: Now, hoo dues zat make yo-
Sesshoumaru: *bursts out crying* Whaa! Why doeth everyone want to be mean to me?! What did I ever do?!
Inu-Yasha: Well, for starters, you're a cross-dresser...
Dr. Freud: Inu-Yaksa, I'm sensing sume tenson between you un your broser.
Inu-Yasha: What did he say?
Miroku: I think he said you have dress sense like your brother.
Inu-Yasha: I'm going to kill that old man!
Brandi: Wait! He said that he can sense some tension between you and Sesshoumaru.
Inu-Yasha: Well, let's see- maybe it's because he tries to KILL ME!!!
Dr. Freud: Zere's alot of anger here.
Brandi: Yeah, no kidding, doc.
Kikyou: I have a question, too.
Brandi: Ahh! Where did you come from?!
Kikyou: Haven't you noticed that I appear mysteriously out of nowhere, cause trouble and leave again?
Sango: Yeah, why do you do that, anyway.
Kikyou: Adds to the evil effect. Anyway, those are my patented evil aura balls. I'm going to be marketing them when the movie comes out, so be sure to get some for the kids. *turns to walk away*
Brandi: Leaving already? You haven't even threatened Kagome yet.
Kikyou: *turns back around* Oh, almost forgot. Kagome, I'm going to kill you, Inu-Yasha's mine. *leaves and disappears*
Inu-Yasha: Wait, Kikyou!
Kagome: *looking shocked* Inu-Yasha, didn't you just hear what she said?
Inu-Yasha: But she doesn't mean it- You can't understand!
Dr. Freud: Ah, finally somezing interezing.
Sango: Yeah, yeah, real interesting. They fight all the time. Look, some of us have appointments to keep. Can we get on with this?
Hiya guys!
I got a few questions for you all! ^_^
1. Inu-Yasha, why do you put up with these people???? Why don't you just KILL that... gay thing, Sessma whatever. You know, the cross dressing guy!?
2. Shippo, why are you even there? Stop annoying inuyasha-sama and go die somewhere. Or you'd make a simply wonderful fur pouch for the gay guy!
3. Miroko you're awesome! but not as much as inuyasha!
4. Kogome, what makes you think you got a chance with inuyasha if you keep smacking him into the ground all the time??? Cant you be nice????!!
5. Sango, why dont you just admit you like Miroko?? <3 <3 We all know you do!!
Thanks! Long live the dog demon!
Inu-Yasha: Finally, someone gets it!
Shippou: *starts crying* What did I ever do?! Whaaa!
Inu-Yasha: Nothing, that's the point.
Sesshoumaru: Huh, like, he doethn't even match anything that I have.
Sango: *blushing* Why would I ever like that pervert?!
Miroku: Come now, Sango, I am a monk. I have no interest in such pleasures of the flesh.
Group: *long stare at Miroku*
Miroku: *sweatdrop* I'm going to go pray now.
Dr. Freud: I'm not sure zat I'm following.
Brandi: Well, we need to speed it up a little bit- I'll explain later. Next!
Konnichi wa minna;
I was going to ask a question about Inuyasha and Kagome...but it's so obvious I won't even bother. So, I'm going on to the next pair: Miroku and Sango of course -^_^- I really do think they care muchly for each other...And Kagome did say that she thinks Sango may really like Miroku-sama!
My question...I noticed that Miroku is always being nice to Sango when she's down but always ruins it by groping her. I want to know if he does it because he doesn't want to hurt her (as crazy as that sound)? I can't just believe he's some stupid head that does it for a feel, I think he's very understanding besides his letcherous qualities
Well, that's it, ja minna!
Sango: Kagome-chan, when did you say that?
Kagome: Eh heh heh, I didn't mean it like that, umm...
Inu-Yasha: What do you mean? That's exactly what you told me.
Kagome: *turns red* OSUWARI!
Inu-Yasha: *splatting on ground* OOF!
Sango: Why does everyone think I like him! I've never said or done anything! HE'S the one that's groped me!
Miroku: *head bowed in corner* I can't hear you! Praying!
Inu-Yasha: Dammit, Kagome! Why do you always do that?! I just said that you said that Sango liked Mi-
Kagome: Osuwari!
Inu-Yasha: *slams into ground again* AHH!
Dr. Freud: I am seeink a lot of anger und embarrassment here.
Kagome: *sweatdrops* Can we move on to the next question?
First I'd like to say that you are all soooooooooo cool! Even Fluffy. OK, first question. Miroku, do you honestly think that acting like a pervert is going to get some unsuspecting girl to say yes? # 2: Shippo why don't you just use Fox Fire when Inu-Yasha beats you up? You're the cutest one in the group why should you get the butt up with his moody moments? Now, be patient this is going to be long. Inu-Yasha I have a theory about why only you and Kagome can go through the well. Kagome can go through cause she was pulled in and then after the Shikon no Tama broke she now has a connection to that time. YOU can go through because the prayer beads around your neck connect you to Kagome. Now, you're always yell and scream that you want the beads off. But if they were gone you couldn't go through the well. My question? If my theory is right, and I think it is, do you really want the beads off?
~ Tsuki *^_^*
Inu-Yasha: *getting up* Hell yes, I want them off! Whatever it takes to get away from her!
Kagome: Why do you always scream that?!
Inu-Yasha: I think you get some sick pleasure out of cramming my face into the ground!
Kagome: Oh, really? Not like you ever deserve it, do you?!
Sango: Hear that houshii, that's the third person to call you a pervert.
Miroku: Still praying!
Inu-Yasha: I always protect you, and the only thanks you can ever give me is to take someone else's side or scream at me or whatever!
Kagome: You always say that you did it only for the shards, anyway!
Shippou: Hey, what about me?
Inu-Yasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku: Stay out of this!
Brandi: Be thankful, Shippou. So, Dr. Freud, have you made your diagnosis?
Dr. Freud: Ya. Vell, starting wiz Sango, she has severe emotional problems zat keep her from exprezzing her true feelings. Miroku's ego and superego are in conflict, und he triez to cover up his insecurities by his behavior. Kagome is a healsy emotional teenager, but zeems to repress her emotions because of her complicit nature. Now for Inu-Yaksa, I believe zat he is anal retentive and he has problems dealing wit his emotions because he wants to possess his moser (mother).
Inu-Yasha: What did you say about my mother?!
Miroku: Didn't he also call Inu-Yasha anal?
Brandi: That's not what he means-
Inu-Yasha: *turning red* I'll kill that bastard!
Brandi: *quickly* Doctor, thank you for your time, you better go right now-
Dr. Freud: Whut aboot my money?
Inu-Yasha: *flexing claws* I'll show him to talk about me like that-
Brandi: Go, now! I'll mail it!
Dr. Freud: Remember, I only take cash or money orderz-
Brandi: *shoving him out of door* Fine, whatever! Just GO!
Inu-Yasha: Bring that bastard back! I'm going to show him anal!
Brandi: Umm, I think this is a good stopping place for now. See you in the next installment!
Inu-Yasha: I'm going to shrink HIS head when I get my hands on him!
Okay, I hope everyone's happy with this one (now that I've finally gotten one done!). I wasn't able to get to all of the questions in this one, but I will answer them all in the following 2 parts- so please don't be upset if yours isn't in this installment- I will answer it. The next installment will be with everyone's favorite (except mine) TV psycho- I mean, psychologist, Dr. Laura! Yay! It should make for interesting interplay. One more note: it's been YEARS since I've had psychology, and I don't exactly remember all the Freudian terms, so if I've misused them, cut me some slack. I didn't agree with most of what he thought when I was studying it, anyway. Well, see you next time!
Ask the Gang
Okay, so there's a little change in plan- Brandi got really busy for a long time, and therefore didn't have time to do these as vigilantly as she would have liked to- now I have a little free time again, so this is going to be an installment of 'trying to catch the hell up'. Being that this is the 2nd anniversary of this site, I've decided to make a little birthday edition, which means I'm going to try to answer as many of the questions that I have in stock that I can (and believe me, I have a lot). The only problem is that people are writing REALLY long questions, comments, etc., so I'm going to have to trim them up a bit. Don't get me wrong, I love getting ATG questions and such, but from now on if it's really long, I'm going to snag the best part out of it for the ATG. Anyway, on with the show!
*Scene: Gang is gathered around, wearing party hats and streamers are everywhere. Brandi is busy setting things up*
Inu-Yasha: What the hell is all of this stuff for? And why do we have to wear these stupid hats?
Brandi: It's this site's 2nd birthday celebration, so we're going to have a special Ask the Gang.
Inu-Yasha: Oh yeah? What will this one be? Pin the tail on the dog demon?
Brandi: Oh, I didn't even think about that!
Kagome: Well, I like parties.
Sango: I'm still not sure what's going on myself, but why are they here? *points to Naraku and Kikyou*
Brandi: Well, they're part of the gang, too, and it wouldn't have been fair to not invite them since they help with the story so much.
Inu-Yasha: Well, since you have Naraku here-
Brandi: NO! No ripping anyone to shreds this time! I had to hire someone to clean the blood off of the walls from the previous ATGs, and unless someone wants a very painful death, there will be no killing today.
Naraku: *grins evilly* Ku ku ku...
*Enter Kouga and Sesshoumaru, who is wearing a Liberacci rhinestone outfit*
Sesshoumaru: I'm heeere, you lucky people you!
Brandi: Did you two get lost or something?
Kouga: Hey, I can't help it if you can't get this place organized!
Sesshoumaru: Well, I wathn't loth- I'm juth fathionably late.
Brandi: Whatever, now we can get started.
Naraku... just get a life and a new outfit... you look like a woman... maybe you should hook up with Fluffy... *shudder* Miroku... Did you ever think that you might be gay and that's why you've never actually sought out an ACTUAL relationship? Kikyou *shudder*, wouldn't you melt when splashed with water or turn muddy or something? I mean, you ARE made out of mud...
Miroku: I'm wondering how many more people are going to ask me if I'm gay.
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, it's obvious who the gay one is around here *looks at Sesshoumaru*
Sesshoumauru: Thicks and thones!
Kikyou: I do not melt when I am wet.
Naraku: Ku ku ku...
Inu-Yasha: Is that all he is going to say?
Naraku: I'm going to kill you, Inu-Yasha.
Inu-Yasha: We'll see about that! *takes out Tessaiga*
Brandi: Kagome!
Kagome: OSUWARI!
Inu-Yasha: *splats against the floor* UMPH!
Brandi: Thanks.
Kagome: No problem.
Inu-Yasha: What the hell is this?! Do you just sit me on command now?!
Kagome: Well, she asked me beforehand if I would help her out...
Brandi: Like I said before, I'm not spending the money to clean up bloodshed again.
Inu-Yasha: But-
Brandi: No 'buts', on to the next question.
Fluffy you rock! Inu-Yasha you rock! Everyone rocks! Naraku, go jump in a lake. Or of a cliff. I don't care which. So, dog-boy, here's my question for you. Why do you switch between Kagome and Kikyo? Kagome is soooo much cooler. Oh, and Kikyo is technicly DEAD! She was fine when she was alive, but she is now DEAD and should STAY DEAD!!! Ok. Im done.
Inu-Yasha: ARGH!!!! Why does EVERYONE ask that question?!
Miroku: Maybe because everyone wants to know the answer.
Sango: Yeah, you always evade it.
Shippou: I think Kagome deserves to know where your true feelings lie *all three nod their head in agreement*
Kagome: Look, guys, I was the one who asked to be with Inu-Yasha...
Brandi: Yeah, everyone already knows that Inu-Yasha loves Kagome, and that he only goes back to Kikyou because he feels guilty about her death.
Inu-Yasha: *turning red* H-h-how did you...where did y...
Brandi: Oh, come on. Anyone who's ever read the manga or watched the anime knows that because we can hear your thoughts.
Inu-Yasha: WHAT?!!!
Miroku: You can only hear Inu-Yasha's thoughts?
Brandi: Oh, no. We can hear everyone's thoughts.
Sango: How could you know what everyone's thinking?
Miroku: If that's so, can you tell me what Sango thinks of me?
Sango: *turning red* Everyone knows that already: you're a perver-
Brandi: Well, she has the hots for you, but you always screw up the moment when you grope her.
Miroku: Yes! I knew it!
Sango: I DO NOT!
Miroku: So baby, wanna bear my child now that I know your true feelings for me?
Sango: You PERVERT! *hits him over the head with Hiraikotsu*
Brandi: Umm, okay, this is getting too violent- on with the next question.
1. What would you do if Kagome suddenly died? {for Inu-chan} What would you do if she married Hojo? also...why are you so mean to her?!
2. How much does that boomerang weigh? I mean, isn't it heavy carrying it around all the time?
Shippou: You're always yelling at her- what do you call that?
Inu-Yasha: I DON'T YELL!
Kouga: It's obvious that you don't deserve her, you dog-turd.
Inu-Yasha: You stay out of this!
Kagome: Come on, we don't need to start this again...
Brandi: Yeah, if you two don't settle down right now, I'm going to put both of you on a leash. Anyway, Sango's got a question, too.
Sango: *still in shock from previous question*
Shippou: I don't think she heard it.
Brandi: Yeah, I probably shouldn't have said anything. Oh well- next question!
Kagome, how come you don't cry more seriously more often? I'm surprised that you haven't had an emotional break down because of the way Inuyasha treats you.
Sesshomaru? Do you feel like going shopping with me sometime? ^__^; I want a feathered boa like yours!
Inu-Yasha: I don't treat her that bad! You would think that I beat the hell out of or something the way everyone acts!
Kouga: You bastard! You BEAT Kagome?!!
Inu-Yasha: Are you deaf or just stupid?!
Kouga: That's it! *the two start fighting*
Kagome: *sighs* I swear those two are so immature...
Brandi: I feel for you...
Sesshoumaru: Well, I want to know when and where thith young lady with exthellent fathion thenth wanth to meet up to go thopping!
Brandi: I didn't keep her email.
Sesshoumaru: Uh! No fair!
Brandi: Let's keep moving, shall we?
This is to Sango (So all you others DON'T interupt her>:{) Anyway Sango, assumeing Miroku died somehow like he got sucked into a void of nothingness or he died from the Saimyoushou's poisin or he got his head ripped off and added to Seshoumaru's staff (alerts him when fan-girls are around, they *are* girls after all :}) or just plain got killed off by some youkai what would your reaction be?
Sango: VERY HAPPY! *whacks Miroku again with Hiraikotsu*
Shippou: She's touchy today, isn't she?
Brandi: Eh heh...umm, next question.
Konichiwa! I just wanted to say something to Inu-Yasha. I've realized how everyone's ganging up on you, & it's not right! >_< {insanely loves Inu-Yasha} Just wanted to say, if you feel like takin' a break from all this shikon shard business, you can come hang out wit me! {hmm...how to bribe inu-yasha...} By the way, you are the best fightin' youkai any eye could meet. How do you do it??? {I guess that's my question} And Kagome, let him do as he pleases & don't tell him to sit! It's not nice! {I wish "osuwari" would work on someone else. THAT would be funny.}
Inu-chan Fan
Inu-Yasha: *stops fighting with Kouga long enough to hear* FINALLY! Someone understands!
Kouga: Heh, just someone feeling sorry for you because you're so weak and pathetic!
Inu-Yasha: I'm going to rip your head off! *they continue fighting*
Brandi: About how long do you think this will continue?
Kagome: I don't know, probably a while. Do you want me to say the magic word?
Brandi: No! I'm gonna to start a betting pool! Anyone care to participate?
Sango: I have 500 yen on Inu-Yasha.
Kikyou: I will place 200 yen on Inu-Yasha.
Naraku: Ku ku ku, 1,000 yen on me.
Brandi: I'm sorry- you're not allowed to kill anyone in this fight. Anyone else? What about Miroku? I'm sure he wouldn't want to miss this bet.
Shippou: He's still unconscious.
Brandi: Oh, nevermind. Kagome?
Kagome: I want 5,000 on Kouga.
Brandi: Whoa, that's unexpected.
Sango: Really, Kagome-chan? Are you that mad with Inu-Yasha that you would bet against him?
Kagome: Well, no, but-
Inu-Yasha: *stops fighting and runs up to Kagome* You bitch! You bet against me?!
Kouga: Ha! I knew she never could like a dog-turd like you when she had a real wolf like me!
Kagome: Well, actually, I-
Inu-Yasha: So that's how it is, huh?! I should've known that you and that stupid wolf had something going on!
Kagome: Hey now! I never had anything with Kouga- you just keep accusing me of it!
Inu-Yasha: And what am I supposed to think when you keep picking him over me in a fight?!
Kagome: It's not like that! If you would just listen-
Inu-Yasha: I don't care anymore! Go ahead and shack up with that mangy wolf for all I care! Who knows what you've already done with him anyway!
Inu-Yasha: *slamming a crater into the ground* GAHHH!
Brandi: Well, it looks like Inu-Yasha won't be able to get up for days now, let alone fight. Kouga is the winner by default!
Sango: Well, there went my money for lunch for the next couple of days.
Brandi: These things happen. Well, I guess I'll call the cleaning crew to come in again.
Sesshoumaru: Well, thith wathn't much of a party, wath it? We didn't even thing karaoke.
Kagome: Hey, I've got enough money to treat everyone to a night out on the town if anyone wants to come!
Sesshoumaru: Oh, goody! I'm there!
Sango: What about those two? *points to Inu-Yasha and Miroku, lying unconscious on the floor*
Kagome: Let's leave 'em- they would probably just ruin it anyway.
Sango: Sounds like a good idea to me. Let's go.
Well, it's taken forever (and I mean FOREVER) to finally finish this one. I apologize to those who sent their questions in months ago and still have yet to see them answered, but I really am trying. I hope no one was upset with me cutting up their questions, but I think it's better for the ATG if I do, because I can be a little more flexible. Anyway, if you have any questions for the gang, just email me at sengoku_jidai@hotmail.com <contactme.html>.
Ask the Gang
Alright, here's installment number 10 of the ATG, a very slow going process for someone like me who really doesn't consider herself much of a writer. As I stated in the previous ATG, because of the length of some of the questions that people have sent in, I will be taking the part of the question that I think will fit the story the best, so please don't be upset if I have to do it to a question that you sent in. Okay, let's get started!
Inu-Yasha: Oh, no; not this again. I thought you had given up on doing this already!
Brandi: Nah, I was just a little busy.
Inu-Yasha: Okay, let me rephrase that- it would have been BETTER if you had given this up already.
Sesshoumaru: Yay! I love thethe things! I love hearing from my adoring fanth!
Inu-Yasha: Your fans have problems...
Brandi: Let's get on with the first question:
Dear Gang:
Okay, this is really stupid, but Shippo, what did you do with that fox-thing that belonged to your father? I mean, Kagome risked her life to save it for you and I never saw it again. Sesshomaru: did you ever smile? I mean Inu-Yasha is so cute when he does. Inu-Yasha: Like I told Sess, you should smile more. How else are you gonna get Kagome? Kagome why don't you just admit that you like him? That's all for now minnasan!
Chibi Kagome
Inu-Yasha: You're right; that's really stupid.
Kagome: Inu-Yasha!
Shippou: Umm, after he gave his power to protect us from Hiten, he dissappeared... *tears pooling up in eyes*
Kagome: There, there. *hugs Shippou*
Sesshoumaru: Oh, my GOTH, that ith tho thad! *crying loudly*
Kagome: There, there. *hugs Sesshoumaru*
Inu-Yasha: What the hell do you think your doing! *rips Kagome from Sesshoumaru*
Kagome: Inu-Yasha, he's upset- I was just trying to comfort him.
Inu-Yasha: Why the hell does he need comforting?! It was Shippou's father! Our father's been dead a long time!
Sesshoumaru: Oh, DADDY! I mith our daddy, too! *sobbing uncontrollably now*
Kagome: Honestly, you can be so cruel sometimes! *hugging Sesshoumaru again* Everything's okay...let it all out.
Inu-Yasha: I give up!
Brandi: Umm, right...next question:
Dear Sesshoumaru-sama,
How can you let Brandi address you as a girl? We all know your the coolest villain of all time!! Slice her head open... or something! C'mon! You got more fans then anyone!! How can you take this abuse?
Oh yeah my comments:
Miroku is a pervert (again)
Inu-Yasha is cool
Shippou should hit Inu-Yasha more
Sango should duh... be the way she is.
Kawaii Kitsune
Brandi: Actually, I've never addressed him as a girl. I just write him like someone who lives an 'alternate lifestyle'.
Inu-Yasha: You mean like he's a flaming drag queen?
Brandi: Well, yeah- but I don't want to offend anyone.
Inu-Yasha: You're way past that.
Miroku: *sigh* I see that someone else has labeled me a pervert...
Sango: Well, this person has some sense, anyway.
Miroku: That's it! I'm making a vow never to touch another woman again!
Group: *staring- crickets chirp in the background*
Miroku: What?
Miroku: It's true! I taking my vow of celibacy starting now!
Miroku-Samaaaaaa! I'll bear your child!!!
Miroku: Where is this beautiful young lady at?
Inu-Yasha: Knew it.
Sango: He lasted longer than last time.
1. You know that Inu Yasha becomes human once a month and loses his youkai powers (or as he sees it, becomes a weakling human). So why don't you figure out when that night will be and NOT be out hunting for bad guys. Or better yet, find a place where nothing evil will find and bother you, like...your world. (He'll be human...take him to the movies or something...heh) Hey, why not take everyone with you and have a mini-vacation every month!! (DOUBLE-DATE!!)
2. Have you ever thought of taking a camera with you through the well and snapping some really cool action shots for all of us in this world? Or even as souvenier scrapbook shots to show your family and any friends (who ever learn your little double-life secret). Even Miaak from Fushigi Yuugi brought a camera with her to the other world...
3. Ok, with this one I know I'm gonna get hurt so I'll plant the idea in your head and run away fast. We know that a few of the youkai you've encountered are from the canine-type family (dog, fox, wolf) and you know who they are...but have you ever considered a different type of obedience for a 'certain' canine instead of the S-I-T command? Might I suggest a high-frequency tool that can only be heard by very very sensitive ears? (ie. a dog whistle) Think about it...fighting between him and wolf-boy can be stopped easily... *running away as fast as she can before the hanyou figures it out*
Inu-Yasha: What?!! Not go out and fight just because I'm a human?!
Miroku: Yeah, he couldn't do that, because that would be the smart thing to do.
Inu-Yasha: You trying to say something about me, you lecherous monk?
Kagome: I tried to bring a camera once, but Inu-Yasha thought it was a demon when the flash went off, and, well...
Inu-Yasha: Hey, I thought the damn thing was attacking you- I was just trying to protect-
Kagome: Oh, Inu-Yasha, I'm sorr-
Inu-Yasha: -the shards.
Kagome: *getting red* That was an expensive camera!
Inu-Yasha: You and your junk from your world- why don't you just leave that crap there?!
Brandi: *hands Kagome something* Here you go.
Kagome: What is this?
Brandi: Just a really good suggestion.
Kagome: *blows into it*
Inu-Yasha: *covering his ears* AAAAAAHHHHH! Make it stop!!!
Sango: What's wrong with him?
Miroku: I don't hear anything.
Kagome: *stops* Wow- that was really effective!
Miroku: What was that thing?
Brandi: A dog whistle. Animals with really good hearing like dogs and cats can hear it, but humans can't.
Inu-Yasha: Why the hell was I the only one that could hear it- Shippou and Kirara should have heard it, too!
Shippou and Kirara: *pulling ear plugs out of ears*
Brandi: I had to protect them- I would get angry fan mail because they're too cute to torture.
Inu-Yasha: I'm the show's namesake! Why do I get all the crap?!
Brandi: Fan service. Next!
Kagome: have you ever broken your leg while jumping into the well?
Inu Yasha: pink or red?
Miroku: how MANY times had you got rejected?
Sesshoumaru: how you manage to get all those tangles out of your hair?
Jaken: you are just a ugly frog!
Rin: I'm wondering, how long have you been trying with Sesshoumaru. And do you call him fluffy sometimes, like his fans?
Naraku: kukukukuku?
Kagome: Why would I get hurt? It's only a 20 foot jump.
Brandi: Right- haven't you ever heard of the law in anime that characters can fall from insane heights and not get hurt?
Miroku: There's a law?
Brandi: Okay, maybe not an actual law, but when characters fall from things, one of four things will happen- they don't get hurt, they get the wind knocked out of them, they grab onto something as they're falling, or they dissappear into the fog which means their dead.
Inu-Yasha: That's just crazy- nothing like that ever happens.
Sango: Hey, wait- she's right! Everytime Inu-Yasha falls from something high, he never gets hurt.
Inu-Yasha: That's just because I'm half demon! It has nothing to do with some stupid 'law'.
Brandi: There was also the time that Kikyou fell from the cliff- she didn't get hurt, either.
Inu-Yasha: That's just a coincidence! Aren't there other questions to answer or something?
Sesshoumaru: Yeah, the perthon athked me a quethion, too.
Inu-Yasha: No one cares about you!
*hoards of fluffy fans attack Inu-Yasha*
Fluffy fans: We want fashion tips!
Sesshoumaru: *wiping tear from eye* I'm tho moved! I would do anything for my faithful fanth!
Fluffy fans: Yay!
Sesshoumaru: Well, I uthe both thampoo and conditioner, but the thecret ith to uthe a detangler afterwardth *flips hairs with sparkly background effect*
Fluffy fans: *fainting* Ooooohhhhh!
Kagome: Okay, this is getting weird.
Brandi: I agree, let's move on.
Are You tired of life in Sengoku Jidai? Are you tired of having a female to 'sit' you everyday? And are you tired fighting all the time? Then come to the Yu Babaa hotspring resort! There's a special discount for Inu Yasha -tachi! Sess-sama is also invited!
Yu Babaa
Inu-Yasha: Great, now we have solicitors.
Brandi: I guess the junk filter isn't on high enough.
Sesshoumaru: Ooh, goody! A rethort! I need a mudd treatment.
Inu-Yasha: You need a what?
Sesshoumaru: All thith fighting rethently hath really dried out my thkin- going there would return it'th natural thine.
Fluffy fans: *fainting* Oooohhhh!
Inu-Yasha: How did they get in here, anyway?
Sesshoumaru: Come, faithful fanth- we're going for a thpa treatment!
Fluffy fans: Yay! *everyone leaves*
Miroku: Am I the only one here who's somewhat disturbed?
Brandi: No, you're not. I guess we'll wrap this up with one last question:
Inu-Yasha you know you got powers in ways that don't make sense. As for that thing around your neck, why won't you just cut it off? Out of the infinite sharp objects you come across and have use o
random stuff #4
*ask the gang*
Inu-Yasha: Hey, what are we doing here?
Kagome: I was wondering the same thing.
Brandi: Well, Kimiki let me use you for the ATG.
Inu-Yasha: Why did she go and let you of all people write this? You're not funny. You're American.
Brandi: What?!! There's lots of funny Americans.
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, but you're not one of them.
Kagome: Inu-Yasha, that's not a very nice thing to say.
Miroku: Well, Brandi, can I ask you a question?
Brandi: Don't even try it.
Miroku: What?
Brandi: Haven't you seen my site? I know all about you.
Sango: Looks like your reputation precedes you.
Sesshoumaru: *in sing-songy voice* I'm heerree! Hey, whereth the party?
Inu-Yasha: What party?
Brandi: *sweatdrop* Heh heh, well, I kinda misled you on that.
Sesshoumaru: So there ithn't a Mary Kay party?
Brandi: Umm, no.
Sesshoumaru: I left the torture pit for thith? And I wath having thuch a good time with Mamoru-chan.
Shippou: I thought you were the only one in there.
Brandi: Well, technically he is, but I really hate Mamoru, too. I just don't have the time to make a page for him. Anyway, it looks like you are all here, and since you're stuck here, you can answer the questions from the viewers.
Inu-Yasha: Whoa, whoa, wait: whoever said we were "stuck here".
Brandi: Because I said you couldn't leave, and that's that.
Inu-Yasha: Nani??! I don't have to do what you say!
Sesshoumaru: Right, neither do I. And why do I thill have thith lithp?
Brandi: Because I like you better that way. And you're stuck here untill you can pay me back for borrowing you.
Kagome: What do we have to pay you back for?
Brandi: Well, Kimiki runs a hard bargain. You don't think she let me borrow you for free, do you?
Inu-Yasha: Isn't this slavery?
Brandi: No, it's more like you're indentured servants; you can buy your freedom.
Inu-Yasha: But this is a non-profit site and we don't have jobs!!! How are we supposed to pay you back?!!
Brandi: *under her breath* that's the point.
Inu-Yasha: I heard that!
Brandi: *also to herself* damn dog-hearing
Inu-Yasha: Hey!
Brandi: Anyway, that's the deal. Not much I can do about it now, so you might as well kick around here for a while. It's not such a bad place- I even just re-renovated it.
Kagome: I think it looks nice.
Miroku: A little too pastel for my taste.
Sesshoumaru: Hey, purple ith my favorite color.
Brandi: So are you going to stay now?
Inu-Yasha: I thought we didn't have a choice.
Kagome: Come on Inu-Yasha, this sounds like it might be fun.
Inu-Yasha: Keh!
Brandi: Alrighty, then. Well, the gang is all warmed up for you and waiting.
Inu-Yasha: I think we should start charging for advice.
Brandi: No.
I just want to say that Kimiki did NOT charge me anything to use the characters. Thank you and send your questions or comments in!
Ask the Gang
Whoo-hoo! Someone finally has sent in some questions! Yay! If you have any questions to ask any members of the cast, please send them to sengoku_jidai@hotmail.com <contactme.html>. Thanks!
1). Miroku, How did you ever become a monk?? I really don't know how to put this, but the way you act....ehhhh...you know what I mean.
2). Kouga, do you realize the vibes you give out while wearing the outfit you usually where? Hint: Stay away from Sesshoumaru
Miroku: What do you mean?
Sango: How can you say that? You're a pervert!
Miroku: No, I'm not! I'm just a man like anyone else!
Inu-Yasha: You know, you're giving men a bad name.
Miroku: Anyway, what's the question again?
Shippou: How'd you become a monk?
Miroku: Oh, right. Actually, as far as lechers go, I'm one of the least lecherous monks you'll meet.
Sango: Right.
Miroku: It's true. Why do you think people become monks in the first place? It's a great way to meet women.
Kouga: Hey, what about me? I have a question, too.
Inu-Yasha: What about you? We all know you're gay.
Kagome: Then how come you're jealous of him?
Kouga: I'm not gay! Why would this outfit make me look gay? I think I look great!
Sesshoumaru: Well, I would never hit on you. Earth toneth just don't look good on you at all, and fur is just tho pas faux. Now Liberaci on the other hand...
Kouga: I'm masculine and NOT gay, dammit!
Sesshoumaru: Yeah right, and I'm the Queen of England. You know, if you only did thomething with your hair, it would be a start. Ooh, let me give you a make-over! I have my make-up cathe over there!
Kouga: Hell no! Kagome, tell everyone that I'm not gay!
Inu-Yasha: Why should she tell everyone? She wouldn't know anything!
Kagome: Inu-Yasha, calm down.
Inu-Yasha: Why are you defending him!
Kagome: I'm not defending him!
Kouga: Hey, don't talk to her like that, dog-turd!
Inu-Yasha: Stay the hell out of this, wolf in women's clothing!
Kouga: Who the hell are you to talk?!! You look like Catwoman with a bad bleach job!
Sesshoumaru: Did thomeone say women'th clothing?
Miroku: And everyone thinks I'm a lech; at least I'm straight.
Sango: How does that make you better?
Brandi: I think I need to step in before this gets ugly. Okay, everyone, time to wrap it up!
Sesshoumaru: But I haven't given him a make-over yet!
Kouga: I don't want a make-over!
Inu-Yasha: How would you know, Kagome?!!
Kagome: I wouldn't!
Brandi: I said IT'S TIME TO GO!
Inu-Yasha: Hell if I'm staying!
Kouga: Me either!
Sesshoumaru: Well, if no one wanth a make-over, then I have a date with Ricky Martin that I'm late for.
Brandi: *sigh*
Okay, well now that's over, send in your questions. They should be calmed down by then. And Fluffy boy said for me to say that he does house calls for manicures. Well, that's all for now.
Ask the Gang
Here's a new batch of questions for the ever-knowledgeable gang (yeah right). If you have any questions to ask any members of the cast, please send them to sengoku_jidai@hotmail.com <contactme.html>. Thanks!
To the gang,
I've got the weird queries about people's clothing in Inu Yasha.
1. Why does Inu Yasha's clothes always grow back after fights? They sure get ripped or burnt a lot. Does he have stacks of replacements or something?
2. Kagome, don't you ever get sick from wearing those green uniform? I mean, school top and skirts aren't exactly in fashion at the moment...
Thanks for answering.
From Zappo
Inu-Yasha: What do you mean 'grow back'?
Brandi: I've often wondered that myself. I mean, one minute your clothes are ripped to shreads, and then the next minute they're fine (or near it anyway).
Miroku: I can answer that one. You see, Kagome-sama is an excellent seamstress as well as a nurse.
Kagome: Thank you, Miroku.
Miroku: Now will agree to play doctor with me tonight?
*The gang has just now teamed up to whack Miroku on the head*
Miroku: (holding his head) It was just a joke!
Sango: Is that ALL you ever think about, you pervert?
Shippou: Hey, Kagome, what about your question?
Kagome: Oh, yeah. What's wrong with my clothes? I though I looked cute.
Inu-Yasha: Hey, don't make fun of Kagome just because she wears strange clothes.
Kagome: Hey, if you don't want me to fix your clothes after battles, that's fine with me.
Brandi: Okay, next question.
Sesshoumaru, what, exactly, is that fluffy thing you have over your shoulders. I though it was your tail but recently I looked back at vol. 2 and I noticed that it was quite small then and in vol. 14, 16 and 17, it's grown tremendously. Like, how old are you anyway? Shouldn't you have stopped growing by now?
Sesshoumaru: Well, to tell the truth, ith not a tail at all. Ith my favorite boa, and it doethn't grow, but after volume 13 I got it dry cleaned, and it fluffed back up again. And a true lady never revealth her true age.
Inu-Yasha: That was more than I ever wanted to know.
Kagome: But Boas went out of style in the 80's.
Sesshoumaru: Hey, you can't talk, Mith 'Sailor Scout'
Jaken: But isn't that your favorite show, Sesshoumaru-sama?
Sesshoumaru: Shuttup, toad!
Miroku: (handing Sango 1000¥) Dammit! I thought it was Fushigi Yuugi!
Brandi: Anway, I think there's one more question.
If someone cut off your tail would it affect your balance? I mean you've spent your entire life (presumably) with it resting on your shoulder so you must compensate for it and if it suddenly wasn't there... ?
Sesshoumaru: *with pools of tears in his eyes* What a cruel thing to thay! Whaa! Why doeth everyone make fun of me?
Inu-Yasha: Gee, I wonder.
Kagome: I don't know, I kinda feel sorry for him. I mean, he can't help the way he is sometimes.
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, right! How can you say that after he's tried to kill all of us on MANY different occassions! Don't you EVER get it?!!
Kagome: But what about last time when he could've killed us and he didn't?
Inu-Yasha: How should I know? I was unconscious!
Sesshoumaru: *Still crying* What's wrong with being eviiiiiiiiiilllll? Whaaaaaaaaaaa!
Miroku: Would you shut-up the crying already?
Inu-Yasha: This whining is getting on my nerves!
Kagome: Well, you're part to blame for making him cry.
Inu-Yasha: What? I wasn't the one who asked the question!
Kagome: I know, but you were mean to him afterwords. *hands Sesshoumaru a tissue* There, there.
Inu-Yasha: *vein popping out of his head* What the HELL are you doing?!!
Kagome: Hey, he stopped crying, didn't he?
Inu-Yasha: FINE!!! BE THAT WAY! *stomps off*
Kagome: Sometimes I just don't understand him.
Brandi: Eh heh, *clears throat*. Okay, that's all the questions for now.
Sesshoumaru: *sniffling* Good, I'm going home and watching Dawson's Creek.
Ask the Gang
Well, after a small delay in updating this, I've finally gotten around to it. Hopefully people will send in more questions at sengoku_jidai@hotmail.com <contactme.html> so this section can get updated more often. A big thanks to those who have sent in questions!
Dear Sesshoumaru. You are one cool and funky guy, I love you. Inuyasha`s cool too, and so is Miroku and yeah, I`d love to bear your child except I`m male, is that a problem for you. By the way, do I have to ask a question?
Inu-Yasha: What the hell was that all about?!
Miroku: Uh, eh heh...
Brandi: I think someone needs to stay away from the paint thinner...
Sesshoumaru: Did he leave hith name??
Brandi: Uh, no. Next question:
Dear Gang,
I just wanted to say I think Inu-Yasha should stop being such an up tight jerk wad and be nice to Kagome because she is cool and extremely understanding under the circumstances. I mean, she's handeling the situation really well. She's been zapped into this messed ancient world and she is forced to be seen in public with this arrogant jerk and people are constantly trying to kill her. She is pretty darn understanding and Inu-Yasha should just be nice!
Inu-Yasha: Hey, I AM understanding!!!
Kagome: Well, I wouldn't say that he is a tight wad...
Inu-Yasha: Why is it my fault when she acts stupid?!
Kagome: (turning red) OSUWARI!
Inu-Yasha: (splatting against the floor) OOF!
Kagome: Who are you calling stupid?!!
Inu-Yasha: See?!! She overreacts to everything!
Kagome: Who's overreacting? I try to be nice and stick up for you and all you do is insult me!
Sesshoumaru: Did you save hith email? I would really like to talk to him.
Brandi: No I didn't.
Inu-Yasha: I wasn't insulting you! I get blamed everytime you get mad about anything whether I had anything to do with it or not!
Miroku: I would have to agree with Kagome-sama on this one.
Inu-Yasha: Stay out of this, monk! Why does everyone take her side?
Brandi: I have no opinion in this matter, I just deliver the mail.
Inu-Yasha: Well, stop bringing mail that gets me in trouble!
Sesshoumaru: Well, what about me? Some hot sounding guy said he loved me and I can't even get in touch with him!
Sango: Oh, get over it.
Sesshoumaru: Whaa! Ith not fair! Why can't I have a meaningful relationthip with anybody?
Miroku: Why do you always cry over everything?
Inu-Yasha: I can't say anything without you screaming 'OSUWARI' and running home!
Kagome: Well, maybe I wouldn't do that if you didn't keep insulting me and accusing me of cheating on you everytime I say anything to Kouga!
Inu-Yasha: Hey, I save you from that wolf and how do you thank me?! You take his side over mine!
Kagome: I was just doing it to help you!
Kouga: Come on Kagome, just let the inu-koro know your true feelings for me.
Inu-Yasha: Where the hell did you come from?!
Kouga: I don't know, Brandi's the one writing this.
Brandi: (with Inu-Yasha glaring at her) Eh, I just thought he'd make it more interesting.
Inu-Yasha: What happened to being neutral?
Brandi: I got bored.
Kouga: ANYWAY, Kagome, let me get rid of this han-you for you.
Kagome: Eh heh, Kouga-kun, that's really not what I had in mind...
Inu-Yasha: I'll kick your wimpy wolf a-
Brandi: Okay! That'll do before I have a massacre to clean up.
Shippou: Hey, how come I didn't get to say anything?
Brandi: Be happy that you didn't.
Okay, time to end this scenario of Ricki Lake. Please send in some more questions for the gang! They will be happy to answer anytime!
Inu-Yasha: I'm quitting!
Brandi: You're on contract.
Inu-Yasha: Dammit!
Ask the Gang
Okay, here's yet another installment of me trying to be funny (and probably failing miserably). A big thanks to those who have sent in questions!
I just wanted to say that Inu-Chan is without a doubt, the cutest, best looking anime charrie ever. He's aslo got such a sweet personality..my question? Kagome, if anything goes wrong, can I have him? n.n
Raiko no Ko
Inu-Yasha: Umm, what?
Kagome: Eh heh heh, I guess you could if you really wanted to...
Inu-Yasha: Hey, don't I have a say about that?!
Kagome: Well, I wouldn't stop you is all I was trying to say.
Hey Inu-Yasha. Will you bear my child? Rrwwoooor! ~:~winkwink~:~
Inu-Yasha: WHAT?!!
Miroku: Hey, what about me?!
Sango: Why is everyone asking these questions?
Kagome: I don't even want to know.
Hello, Gang! I have two questions:
Why the heck did Inu-Yasha dump Kagome for Kikyou? (I mean, you'd think he'd at least go for someone who isn't made of rocks and dirt and stuff) And it seems she ends up double crossing both Inu-Yasha's side AND Naraku's side a lot...
What would Inu-Yasha (and party) do if Kagome didn't bring food? I mean, she gives a lot and is a really good sport and I don't think anyone appreciates her very much!
Inu-Yasha: Hey, I never dumped Kagome!
Shippou: Well, there was that time that you weren't planning on seeing her ever again...what do you call that?
Inu-Yasha: You don't understand anything! Anyway, how can I dump her when we've never actually been together?
Sango: How can you say that after the way you've treated her when she's taken care of you time and time again?
Miroku: Well, Inu-Yasha may not appreciate everything that Kagome does, but I do.
Inu-Yasha: Why does everyone automatically gang up on me during these things?! Oi! *pointing to Brandi* You like to cause me trouble, don't you?!
Brandi: I just run this website- I don't actually have anything to do with the questions that people send in.
Inu-Yasha: Well, why the hell does everyone act as if I'm the bad guy?!
Sesshoumaru: What about me? Why dothn't anyone ever athk me quethionth?
Brandi: Probably because you can't say 'questions'.
Sesshoumaru: But you're the one who gave me thith lithp.
Brandi: Yeah, so what're you going to do about it. Next:
2 questions for the gang.
1. Miroku, you're a cute guy and everything, but you need to get a life (and a new hand). Do you really think you can just waltz up to some girl, ask her to bear your child, and she'll actually say yes? Men... And if you really want someone to have sex with you and get pregnant, why not find a prostitute? She gets paid, she's happy, she has your kid, you're happy. Why not go with a prostitute?
2. I've heard that Inu-Yasha has been commercially licensed, who do you guys want your english voice actors to be?
-Sailor Savannah ^_^
Miroku: Really?!! I didn't know you could do that! Why didn't someone tell me sooner? Where can I find one of these 'prositutes'? Are they cute?
Kagome: Miroku-sama, I...uh...nevermind.
Sango: You really are sick, houshii-sama.
Inu-Yasha: What's 'commercially licensed'?
Brandi: I don't know if Inu-Yasha has been commericially licensed here or not yet.
Kagome: Well, I don't really know of many English voice actresses, but I hope I get someone with a sweet voice.
Inu-Yasha: English voice actresses? What the hell are you two talking about?
Brandi: I just hope David Moo is nowhere to be found *despises him*
Inu-Yasha: What the hell is a 'David Moo'? Ah, forget it!
Brandi: Why is he so touchy?
Kagome: Wish I knew.
Okay, that's all for the gang for now. Sorry it wasn't better, but I have a group project that I have to get to work on now- finals are coming up.
Inu-Yasha: Why can't you do projects more often and leave us alone?
Brandi: You're pushing your luck.
Ask the Gang
God, I'm bad about getting to this...and I can tell that this one is going to be rough (especially for the characters), but we'll see how it goes...
This isn't really a question, but let me say this to Inuyasha and co: You are all wimps outside of battle. Inuyasha likes Kagome, but too scared to do anything (of course, NOT when it comes to Kikyou INUYASHA WA BAKA!), and vice versa (Kagome actually realises it and did a few moves *applauds*), Miroku is a letcher, but too blind to see that Sango is head over heels for him....er....he may be the only one who isn't a wimp o_o But Sango...grrr....just kiss that pervert monk Oh yeah, and my friend, Aviy-san, also would like to know if there's any chance that Inuyasha's gay, cause an Inuyasha/Miroku or Inuyasha/Kouga relationship would really work for her. *grin grin* And if either inu-shonen or that letcherous houshi doesn't get their girl soon, I'm afraid I'll have to claim one of them as my man. *nods* *smile* Bai now! ^^
Inu-Yasha: *goes completely white* What tha-!!!
Miroku: I don't even know where to begin on this one...
Sango: How could anyone be head-over-heels for this pervert?!
Inu-Yasha: I-I-I'm not...Kagome wha...
Kagome: *blushing* Inu-Yasha? Are you okay?
Inu-Yasha: *looks at Kagome* Hu-? *gets mad* Of course I'm okay! And I'm not gay! I'm just mad that- I'm not a wimp either!
Kagome: It's alright, it's just a question.
Inu-Yasha: Well, it's nobody's damn business!
Brandi: Well, this is a good start...
Kagome, you're obviously attached to Inu-Yasha. I've even heard rumors that your set yourself up in your mind as his wife, with Shippo as your son! If you're so crazy about him, then why is he still wearing that necklace of prayer beads? C'mon, free him! Turn him loose!
The NightDragon
Kagome: I haven't heard anything about that...
Inu-Yasha: Hey, good point- why don't you take this damn thing off of me?
Kagome: Well, I hadn't really thought about it. I just kind of forgot that you were wearing them...
Inu-Yasha: How the hell could you forget?! You tell me to sit every other day!
Kagome: Well, it's just more of a reflex now. I don't even know how to get them off...
Miroku: I think Kaede would have to be the one to take them off since she was the one who put them on.
Inu-Yasha: Oh, so it's just a 'reflex' to slam me to the ground whenever you feel like it?
Kagome: That's not what I meant.
Brandi: I was just wondering if there's a difference between Kagome saying 'sit' and 'osuwari'...
Kagome: 'Sit'?
Inu-Yasha: *crashing into ground* UGH!
Brandi: Cool! It works in any language!
Kagome: Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know!
Inu-Yasha: Grrrr!!!!
Here's one for shippou:
You are soooo cute, can I adopt you? I know I'm not Kagome, but... please?
Shippou: *blushing* Finally! Someone asks me a question! Sure you can adopt me!
Kagome: But, don't you want to stay with us?
Shippou: Well, I don't think I'm getting enough attention around here.
Inu-Yasha: Well, maybe you would if you did something.
Shippou: See? I don't get treated right!
Inu-Yasha: Aww, poor baby...
Shippou: That's it! I'm leaving! *walks out the door*
Brandi: Crap! We still have another email! *goes after him*
Inu-Yasha: Not like you ever write him in anyway.
Kagome: *tears welling up* Inu-Yasha, Shippou left...
Inu-Yasha: D-Don't cry!! He'll be back!
Kagome: I'm saying go after him!
Inu-Yasha: I can't! That stupid webmistress person has me chained to the chair!
Sango: I never noticed...
Inu-Yasha: She did it after I threatened to leave the last time.
Miroku: Well, there's one more email here...
I have a couple of questions for the gang! ^_^
1. What are you all going to do when you have collected all of the Shikon shards?
2. Have any of you (besides Kagome-chan) considered going to Kagome's time and living there?
3. Inuyasha-sama... When the Shikon Jewel is complete, will you try to steal it again?
4. What will you do with it then? Become human or demon?
Inuyasha's imoto* Eiko-chan *^_^*
Miroku: Well, I guess that's up to Kagome what we do with the jewel.
Kagome: Hmm, I don't know exactly...
Inu-Yasha: What do you mean, you don't know? You're going to give it to me.
Kagome: Why would you think that?
Inu-Yasha: I'm just letting you help me, that's how it's been!
Kagome: Oh, really?!
Sango: She's the protectress of the jewel, after all.
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, she's done a real good job of protecting it so far- she's the reason that we're searching for the shards.
Kagome: I've been trying! It's not like I ever wanted to end up here doing this!
Brandi: *walking back into room* Shippou'll be back soon- this place is so disorganized he won't be able to find his way out. Did I miss something?
Inu-Yasha: Do you think you can just get the whole jewel and then take it with you?!
Kagome: I haven't really thought that far ahead, but why would I just give it to you?
Inu-Yasha: Because I can keep it from falling into the wrong hands, that's why!
Brandi: Okay, I think this will do for now...
Inu-Yasha: Just as soon as she promises to hand over the jewel!
Kagome: I'm not going to make a promise like that!
Inu-Yasha: Why do you have to be so stupid?!
Kagome: *turns red* SIT OR OSUWARI OR WHATEVER!!!
Inu-Yasha: *hits ground* ACK!
Brandi: Yup, it's about to reach bloodshed.
Miroku: What about Shippou?
Brandi: Uh, I guess I'll look for him later...
Sango: What's that screeching sound?
Miroku: Yeah, and there's a strange buzzing sound, too.
Brandi: Oh, good, he must be with Sesshoumaru in the pit.
Miroku: What's he screaming for?!
Brandi: As I recall, Sesshoumaru said once that his tail would make the perfect muff for an outfit that he has. I'll get him later.
Okay, I guess that will wrap it up for now, hopefully Shippou's alright, I just don't have the time to go down there right now.
Sesshoumaru: *from the pit* He'th juth fine!
Shippou: Help me!
Ehh, heh-heh, umm, see you later!
Ask the Gang
Okay, this is going to be a REALLY long one because of my utter lack of will power to do it before now. I probably should do some kind of posting schedule, nee? I'll think about it, anyway, here's the gang!
Hey sesshoumaru I think you're great but I think you should let the rest of the cast know some of your make up secrets. Also Inu-Yasha should stop picking fights with sess-chan we all know you do it cos your jealous of his femininity
from Jezz-Chan
Sesshoumaru: *goes all sparkly-eyed* I'm tho glad you notithed!
Inu-Yasha: Wha-! HE'S the one who comes around picking fights! And I'm DEFINATELY not jealous of him!!!
Sesshoumaru: (pushing Inu-Yasha out of the way) Shuttup, I wathn't finished anthering hith question yet! Well, you thee, I've worked for thome of the most famous movie starth in Holl-
Inu-Yasha: (grabbing Sesshoumaru by the hair) No one wants to hear your make-up tips, you cross-dresser!
Kagome: Umm, actually, I would like his suggestion for picking out an eyeliner to go with a dress that I have...
Sesshoumaru: Great! What color ith it?
Inu-Yasha: *vein popping in head* What the HELL is wrong with you, Kagome?!!
Brandi: Okay, looks like I'm going to have to intervene a little early. Everyone's going to have to calm down, we still have a long way to go.
Miroku: Inu-Yasha's the only one who's upset.
Shippou: He always gets upset.
Inu-Yasha: Well, why can't people ask questions that make sense?!
Sango: Well, I have to admit, I've always wanted to know Sesshoumaru's secrets, too.
Inu-Yasha: I can't believe that I'm surrounded by idiots!
Kagome: OSUWARI!
Inu-Yasha: (slamming to ground) BWAHH!
Brandi: THIS is a good start.
First, for Inuyasha-sama and Kagome-chan: I know you've probably heard this a million times already, but why don't you just admit your feelings for each other? It's so frickin' obvious, but you're both in a state of denial!! Ve could haf a leetle dizcushin time, vif Sigmunt Furrrreud......
OK, I'm scaring myself... Anyway, why don't you just talk about it? Discuss how you feel... I mean, if you keep hiding your emotions, you're gonna explode!!!!! Trust me, I would know... Oh, Motoki, where are you?!?! (Motoki is the name for my illusion of the perfect guy... Just a little taste of how weird I am... ^_^ I AM PROUD TO BE WEIRD)
Just tell her how much you REALLY care, already, Inuyasha-sama!!!!! Swallow you pride already! Stop being so macho!!! "Oh yeah, I'm just protecting her coz of the shards." Puh-leaze!!!!
And Kagome-chan, hasn't the modern times taught you enough?!?!? Don't just sit on your butt waiting for him to make the first move!!!! If he doesn't, YOU have to!!!!!!!
BTW, Sesshoumaru, have you ever considered a speech conselor...?
Inu-Yasha: Why does everyone always ask about that?!
Miroku: Because it's obvious to everyone but you.
Inu-Yasha: Monk, your really starting to get on my nerves...
Sesshoumaru: *crying* WAHHHH! She'th making fun of the way I talk!
Shippou: It's nothing to cry about...
Sesshoumaru: But ith not even my fault! Ith her'th! (points to Brandi)
Brandi: What?
Sesshoumaru: You don't have to make me talk thith way, you know!
Brandi: Eh, so what are you going to do about it.
Sesshoumaru: I'm going back to the pit! Ith better than thith plathe!
Kagome: But I thought you were going to help me out!
Sesshoumaru: Well, I'm holding a Mary Kay party tonight in the pit. You can come, but you have to by thomething.
Kagome: I'll see if I can get away...
Inu-Yasha: Hmph! Go! See if I care!
Brandi: Have you ever considered taking vitamins? It might help your mood some.
Inu-Yasha: Why would I need to take those things? They're for weaklings.
Brandi: Well, sometimes I think you have low blood sugar or something...
Inu-Yasha: Low blu-what?
Brandi: Nevermind...next one.
Hi everyone! I have a few questions that I would like answered, if you don't mind.
To Kagome: Now, what do you honestly feel about Hojo? He's really nice, and cute and everything but how do you really feel? Is he totally better than Inu-Yasha?
To Inu-Yasha: How long have you "liked" Kagome? Do you prefer Kikyo or Kagome?
To Miroku: Have you ever received a "yes" when you asked someone to bear their child?
To Sango: How much does that boomerang weigh?
To Shippo: Hmm...I don't think I have an question...but you're really cute!
To Sesshomaru: Jaken is really annoying, so why don't you just kill him?!
Ok, that's all. Bye!
Inu-Yasha: See?!! Everyone ALWAYS asks that question! Wait a minute, who's Homo?
Kagome: That's Hojo. Umm, well you see, he's one of my classmates back home, and...
Shippou: Is he your boyfriend in your time, Kagome?
Kagome: No! Of course not! It's just, well, uh...
Inu-Yasha: Well uh what, Kagome? If he was just a classmate, you wouldn't be stuttering like this.
Miroku: Well, I think it's only fair that if Inu-Yasha has two girlfriends, then Kagome can have two boyfriends.
Inu-Yasha: NAN~~I?!! When did I ever have two girlfriends?!!
Sango: Oh, come on. You're always putting Kagome through hell because of Kikyou.
Miroku: That's right. Personally, I think Kagome should just dump you all together for this Hojo guy. He sounds like a good guy.
Shippou and Sango: Ganbatte! Kagome!
Kagome: *blushing* Hold on a minute, guys, it's not like tha-
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, good luck, Kagome! Why don't you just go back to your time and stay there forever to be with this Hobo guy for all I care!
Group together: That's Hojo!
Kagome: Why won't you ever listen to me?!
Miroku: You know, I don't even think I remember the other questions that were asked.
Brandi: Me either, let's move on...
Miroku- since you seem to be deeply immersed in the world of the pervert (many sites refer to you as the perverted monk, you know) what do you think of our modern day fashions- I.E. miniskirts, halter tops, etc? And Kagome, I know this has probably been asked before but- why not get yourself some durable clothing from the Sengoku Jidai and wear that instead of your school uniform? You looked pretty good in the priestess outfit you wore at the very beginning- and it'd save a lot of wear and tear on your modern clothes (how do you explain the rips, tears and bloodstains, anyways?).
~A Miroku Fan
Miroku: Why does everyone always think I'm a pervert?
Inu-Yasha: See?!! Now you know how it feels!
Miroku: Anyway, the only modern day fashions I've really seen are what Kagome wears, and I have to say that I like the mini-skirts very much.
Sango: You would.
Kagome: Well, as for my question, I wear my school uniform so that if for some reason I was caught by one of the teachers coming back, the blood stains might help me convince them that I really am sick.
Miroku: Speaking of your clothes, Kagome, why don't you let Sango borrow some of them for a while? She would look great in one of your skirts.
Sango: (hitting Miroku on the head with the boomerang) Mind your own business!
Brandi: Umm, okay. Next:
Yo gang! Whatsup?
1. Miroku. You are sooooo Kawaii, but you really need to reevaluate your life. What if you met the one woman you were suposed to be with forever (soul mate). Would you give up being a pervert? (my character did....)
3. Shippo, do you have a crush on Kagome?
4. Sango, How much do you want for that totally awsome boomerang? i got *checks wallet* about 50 bucks.
--Bastet Kitten
Sango: Well, there's another question for you, pervert.
Brandi: Umm, he can't answer. He's still unconscience.
Sango: Oh. Well, the boomerang's not for sale.
Kagome: My backpack...let me see... (starts unpacking) I just have my school books, clothes, hair accessories, make-up, firs-aid kit, discma-
Brandi: Sorry to interrupt, but we don't have unlimited time here.
Kagome: Oh, sorry.
Inu-Yasha: Well, what about YOUR question, Shippou?
Shippou: Huh?
Inu-Yasha: Do you have a crush on Kagome?
Shippou: *blushing* Umm, well...
Inu-Yasha: See, Kagome? Now you have another boyfriend.
Kagome: Oh, please.
Brandi: Here's another question.
Inu-Yasha: Is this damn thing ever going to end?!
How old is Inuyasha (not counting the 50 years sealed to the tree)? Oh and Kagome-chan I think you're really cool and I admire you alot!
Inu-Yasha: How old I am? Umm, well, I don't really know...
Kagome: You don't even know how old you are?
Inu-Yasha: Well it's not like I ever think about it anyway!
Kagome: *teary eyed* You poor thing! Never to have had a birthday!
Inu-Yasha: (taken aback) Uhh, well...
Kagome: I know! Let's have a birthday party for you!
Inu-Yasha: Huh?
Kagome: Just wait right here and I'll run and get some stuff. (leaves the room)
Inu-Yasha: Oi! Where do you think you're going?!
Brandi: Umm, okay. Well, anyway, here's the last letter!
Hi! I have a few things to say to the gang^,~: Before I say the first thing I'm gonna say, I'm not a prostitute, kay? Well, I think Miroku is basically the best lookin' guy on the whole show, so I wouldn't mind at all going on a date with Miroku! I have this thing for monks...{???} Oh & by the way, I'm NOT a guy either... As for what else I wanted to say: I'd really enjoy it if Inu-Yasha was nicer to Kagome every now & then! Get over stupid Kikyou! C'mon, you KNOW they love eachother deep down^.~ And just to let Shippo have a chance to talk, I think your adorable Shippo! I think you should get ALOT more parts, {including Miroku.} And one more thing: Sesshoumaru, you're just WRONG!!!!!!!!
Inu-Yasha: There it is again...
Miroku: It's obvious that this young lady's smart.
Sango: When did you wake up?
Miroku: Nevermind that. By the way, you didn't happen to keep that email address, did you?
Brandi: Well, yes, but...
Sango: What are you talking about?
Miroku: Well, I don't want to dissappoint our fans by not complying with their requests.
Shippou: What about me?! She wanted me to talk! Let me talk!
Inu-Yasha: Well, maybe when you have something more interesting to say, we'll let you.
Shippou: Like you ever say anything that's worth listening to.
Inu-Yasha: You really want to get hurt, don't you?
Kagome: (running back into room with party supplies) I'm back!
Miroku: Brandi-sama, if you would be so kind as to show me how to use your computer...
Brandi: Umm, no one touches my computer.
Kagome: Huh? What did I miss? (reads email) 'Sesshoumaru, you're just wrong'...? What does that mean?
Inu-Yasha: You hear that, you cross-dresser! I'm not the only one!
Sesshoumaru: (from the pit) I'm not listhening!
Kagome: Umm, anyway, here's the cake!
Inu-Yasha: Why is the top of it on fire?
Kagome: Well, since you don't know how old you are, I just guessed at your age.
Brandi: There has to be at least 70 candles on that cake.
Kagome: Well, we know he was asleep for 50 years, so...
Inu-Yasha: So now what?
Kagome: You blow them out, of course! And make a wish!
Inu-Yasha: I wish this stupid thing would end...
Brandi: You can't say it out loud.
Kagome: Anyway, blow them out!
Inu-Yasha: Umm... (leans over to blow, but hair gets caught on fire) AAHHH!
Kagome: Uh-oh! (throws water on Inu-Yasha)
Inu-Yasha: Are you trying to kill me?!!
Kagome: No! You're not supposed to get your hair in it!
Miroku: (eating) Kagome-sama, this is really good cake.
Shippou: Mm-hmm, really good!
Sango: What's that awful smell?
Brandi: Burned hair.
Sango: Inu-Yasha, could you leave the room so the rest of us can eat? Your hair smells awful. Oh, yeah, Happy Birthday!
Inu-Yasha: Whatever! (stomps out of room)
Kagome: Wait! I didn't mean for this to happen! (runs after him)
Brandi: Well, I guess that wraps it up for now.
Sango: Do you mind if I take some of this to the Mary Kay party tonight?
Brandi: Uh, not at all.
Okay, that's all the gang has in them for now. For those interested, Sesshoumaru throws Mary Kay and Avon Parties every other Tuesday and Thursday.
Ask the Gang
Welcome to part 1 of 3 of ATG specials ^^ Why special? Because I haven't had time until now to get to answering questions, and, umm, it's kinda backlogged, so I decided let's do something cool. I've decided that I'm not a very good moderator, b/c the characters always end up fighting, so we're going to experiment with some different therapists. I've invited Dr. Sigmund Freud to see if he can help (yes, I know he's dead, but it's MY imagination, so HA!). Anyway, let the 1st therapy session begin!
Brandi: Okay, everyone understands what's going on, right?
Inu-Yasha: No! Why the hell would anyone think that I have a temper problem?!
Brandi: Umm, anyway, our esteemed guest Dr. Sigmund Freud is going to ask you the questions sent in, and he's going to try to help you guys by gaging your responses to them.
Kagome: I remember reading about him in high school, but I don't know if he could really help us...
Inu-Yasha: So you're taking her side?!
Kagome: No, that's not what I meant...
Brandi: Anyway, here's Dr. Freud!
Dr. Freud: Guttentaug!
Miroku: What did he say?
Dr. Freud: Ack, okay every-une, lez get toun to bizness.
Sango: I can't understand a word you're saying.
Brandi: Uh, maybe I should probably read the questions...
Hey, Inuyasha, Did your rat skin clothes brake or something?! You broke a sword on it before and now it gets stabbed easily by a sword. Wassup with that? Is is from all the times it's melted?
Inu-Yasha: How would I know?
Dr. Freud: Now, Inu-Yaksa, hoo duez zat make you veel?
Inu-Yasha: You know, I didn't understand a word you just said.
Sango: Excuse me, but why is he speaking like that?
Brandi: Well, he was from Germany or around that area, so of course I have to write him with a cliche German accent.
Miroku: But how are we supposed to answer if we can't understand what he's saying?
Brandi: Well, to tell the truth, I haven't really thought it out that far. Just work with me.
Dr. Freud: I'm note feelink the spirit ov cooperation heare.
Brandi: Umm, let's try another question.
Yo Sesshomaru, My friend Colleen would like to know if you are free Saturday at 8. I wanna know if Miroku is free... Anyvay.... Inu-Yasha- Why dont ya just ask Kagome out. I mean dwelling on the past isn't going to help... I actually have a question for Kikyo... I know the little dragon thingys are souls (call in an exorscist *sp*) what is up with the floaty ball thingys???
And as a parting note i would like to say-- GO SOAK YOUR HEAD FLUFFY! (hey i said my friend likes you. i never said *I* did.)
Dr. Freud: Now, hoo dues zat make yo-
Sesshoumaru: *bursts out crying* Whaa! Why doeth everyone want to be mean to me?! What did I ever do?!
Inu-Yasha: Well, for starters, you're a cross-dresser...
Dr. Freud: Inu-Yaksa, I'm sensing sume tenson between you un your broser.
Inu-Yasha: What did he say?
Miroku: I think he said you have dress sense like your brother.
Inu-Yasha: I'm going to kill that old man!
Brandi: Wait! He said that he can sense some tension between you and Sesshoumaru.
Inu-Yasha: Well, let's see- maybe it's because he tries to KILL ME!!!
Dr. Freud: Zere's alot of anger here.
Brandi: Yeah, no kidding, doc.
Kikyou: I have a question, too.
Brandi: Ahh! Where did you come from?!
Kikyou: Haven't you noticed that I appear mysteriously out of nowhere, cause trouble and leave again?
Sango: Yeah, why do you do that, anyway.
Kikyou: Adds to the evil effect. Anyway, those are my patented evil aura balls. I'm going to be marketing them when the movie comes out, so be sure to get some for the kids. *turns to walk away*
Brandi: Leaving already? You haven't even threatened Kagome yet.
Kikyou: *turns back around* Oh, almost forgot. Kagome, I'm going to kill you, Inu-Yasha's mine. *leaves and disappears*
Inu-Yasha: Wait, Kikyou!
Kagome: *looking shocked* Inu-Yasha, didn't you just hear what she said?
Inu-Yasha: But she doesn't mean it- You can't understand!
Dr. Freud: Ah, finally somezing interezing.
Sango: Yeah, yeah, real interesting. They fight all the time. Look, some of us have appointments to keep. Can we get on with this?
Hiya guys!
I got a few questions for you all! ^_^
1. Inu-Yasha, why do you put up with these people???? Why don't you just KILL that... gay thing, Sessma whatever. You know, the cross dressing guy!?
2. Shippo, why are you even there? Stop annoying inuyasha-sama and go die somewhere. Or you'd make a simply wonderful fur pouch for the gay guy!
3. Miroko you're awesome! but not as much as inuyasha!
4. Kogome, what makes you think you got a chance with inuyasha if you keep smacking him into the ground all the time??? Cant you be nice????!!
5. Sango, why dont you just admit you like Miroko?? <3 <3 We all know you do!!
Thanks! Long live the dog demon!
Inu-Yasha: Finally, someone gets it!
Shippou: *starts crying* What did I ever do?! Whaaa!
Inu-Yasha: Nothing, that's the point.
Sesshoumaru: Huh, like, he doethn't even match anything that I have.
Sango: *blushing* Why would I ever like that pervert?!
Miroku: Come now, Sango, I am a monk. I have no interest in such pleasures of the flesh.
Group: *long stare at Miroku*
Miroku: *sweatdrop* I'm going to go pray now.
Dr. Freud: I'm not sure zat I'm following.
Brandi: Well, we need to speed it up a little bit- I'll explain later. Next!
Konnichi wa minna;
I was going to ask a question about Inuyasha and Kagome...but it's so obvious I won't even bother. So, I'm going on to the next pair: Miroku and Sango of course -^_^- I really do think they care muchly for each other...And Kagome did say that she thinks Sango may really like Miroku-sama!
My question...I noticed that Miroku is always being nice to Sango when she's down but always ruins it by groping her. I want to know if he does it because he doesn't want to hurt her (as crazy as that sound)? I can't just believe he's some stupid head that does it for a feel, I think he's very understanding besides his letcherous qualities

Well, that's it, ja minna!
Sango: Kagome-chan, when did you say that?
Kagome: Eh heh heh, I didn't mean it like that, umm...
Inu-Yasha: What do you mean? That's exactly what you told me.
Kagome: *turns red* OSUWARI!
Inu-Yasha: *splatting on ground* OOF!
Sango: Why does everyone think I like him! I've never said or done anything! HE'S the one that's groped me!
Miroku: *head bowed in corner* I can't hear you! Praying!
Inu-Yasha: Dammit, Kagome! Why do you always do that?! I just said that you said that Sango liked Mi-
Kagome: Osuwari!
Inu-Yasha: *slams into ground again* AHH!
Dr. Freud: I am seeink a lot of anger und embarrassment here.
Kagome: *sweatdrops* Can we move on to the next question?
First I'd like to say that you are all soooooooooo cool! Even Fluffy. OK, first question. Miroku, do you honestly think that acting like a pervert is going to get some unsuspecting girl to say yes? # 2: Shippo why don't you just use Fox Fire when Inu-Yasha beats you up? You're the cutest one in the group why should you get the butt up with his moody moments? Now, be patient this is going to be long. Inu-Yasha I have a theory about why only you and Kagome can go through the well. Kagome can go through cause she was pulled in and then after the Shikon no Tama broke she now has a connection to that time. YOU can go through because the prayer beads around your neck connect you to Kagome. Now, you're always yell and scream that you want the beads off. But if they were gone you couldn't go through the well. My question? If my theory is right, and I think it is, do you really want the beads off?
~ Tsuki *^_^*
Inu-Yasha: *getting up* Hell yes, I want them off! Whatever it takes to get away from her!
Kagome: Why do you always scream that?!
Inu-Yasha: I think you get some sick pleasure out of cramming my face into the ground!
Kagome: Oh, really? Not like you ever deserve it, do you?!
Sango: Hear that houshii, that's the third person to call you a pervert.
Miroku: Still praying!
Inu-Yasha: I always protect you, and the only thanks you can ever give me is to take someone else's side or scream at me or whatever!
Kagome: You always say that you did it only for the shards, anyway!
Shippou: Hey, what about me?
Inu-Yasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku: Stay out of this!
Brandi: Be thankful, Shippou. So, Dr. Freud, have you made your diagnosis?
Dr. Freud: Ya. Vell, starting wiz Sango, she has severe emotional problems zat keep her from exprezzing her true feelings. Miroku's ego and superego are in conflict, und he triez to cover up his insecurities by his behavior. Kagome is a healsy emotional teenager, but zeems to repress her emotions because of her complicit nature. Now for Inu-Yaksa, I believe zat he is anal retentive and he has problems dealing wit his emotions because he wants to possess his moser (mother).
Inu-Yasha: What did you say about my mother?!
Miroku: Didn't he also call Inu-Yasha anal?
Brandi: That's not what he means-
Inu-Yasha: *turning red* I'll kill that bastard!
Brandi: *quickly* Doctor, thank you for your time, you better go right now-
Dr. Freud: Whut aboot my money?
Inu-Yasha: *flexing claws* I'll show him to talk about me like that-
Brandi: Go, now! I'll mail it!
Dr. Freud: Remember, I only take cash or money orderz-
Brandi: *shoving him out of door* Fine, whatever! Just GO!
Inu-Yasha: Bring that bastard back! I'm going to show him anal!
Brandi: Umm, I think this is a good stopping place for now. See you in the next installment!
Inu-Yasha: I'm going to shrink HIS head when I get my hands on him!
Okay, I hope everyone's happy with this one (now that I've finally gotten one done!). I wasn't able to get to all of the questions in this one, but I will answer them all in the following 2 parts- so please don't be upset if yours isn't in this installment- I will answer it. The next installment will be with everyone's favorite (except mine) TV psycho- I mean, psychologist, Dr. Laura! Yay! It should make for interesting interplay. One more note: it's been YEARS since I've had psychology, and I don't exactly remember all the Freudian terms, so if I've misused them, cut me some slack. I didn't agree with most of what he thought when I was studying it, anyway. Well, see you next time!
Ask the Gang
Okay, so there's a little change in plan- Brandi got really busy for a long time, and therefore didn't have time to do these as vigilantly as she would have liked to- now I have a little free time again, so this is going to be an installment of 'trying to catch the hell up'. Being that this is the 2nd anniversary of this site, I've decided to make a little birthday edition, which means I'm going to try to answer as many of the questions that I have in stock that I can (and believe me, I have a lot). The only problem is that people are writing REALLY long questions, comments, etc., so I'm going to have to trim them up a bit. Don't get me wrong, I love getting ATG questions and such, but from now on if it's really long, I'm going to snag the best part out of it for the ATG. Anyway, on with the show!
*Scene: Gang is gathered around, wearing party hats and streamers are everywhere. Brandi is busy setting things up*
Inu-Yasha: What the hell is all of this stuff for? And why do we have to wear these stupid hats?
Brandi: It's this site's 2nd birthday celebration, so we're going to have a special Ask the Gang.
Inu-Yasha: Oh yeah? What will this one be? Pin the tail on the dog demon?
Brandi: Oh, I didn't even think about that!
Kagome: Well, I like parties.
Sango: I'm still not sure what's going on myself, but why are they here? *points to Naraku and Kikyou*
Brandi: Well, they're part of the gang, too, and it wouldn't have been fair to not invite them since they help with the story so much.
Inu-Yasha: Well, since you have Naraku here-
Brandi: NO! No ripping anyone to shreds this time! I had to hire someone to clean the blood off of the walls from the previous ATGs, and unless someone wants a very painful death, there will be no killing today.
Naraku: *grins evilly* Ku ku ku...
*Enter Kouga and Sesshoumaru, who is wearing a Liberacci rhinestone outfit*
Sesshoumaru: I'm heeere, you lucky people you!
Brandi: Did you two get lost or something?
Kouga: Hey, I can't help it if you can't get this place organized!
Sesshoumaru: Well, I wathn't loth- I'm juth fathionably late.
Brandi: Whatever, now we can get started.
Naraku... just get a life and a new outfit... you look like a woman... maybe you should hook up with Fluffy... *shudder* Miroku... Did you ever think that you might be gay and that's why you've never actually sought out an ACTUAL relationship? Kikyou *shudder*, wouldn't you melt when splashed with water or turn muddy or something? I mean, you ARE made out of mud...
Miroku: I'm wondering how many more people are going to ask me if I'm gay.
Inu-Yasha: Yeah, it's obvious who the gay one is around here *looks at Sesshoumaru*
Sesshoumauru: Thicks and thones!
Kikyou: I do not melt when I am wet.
Naraku: Ku ku ku...
Inu-Yasha: Is that all he is going to say?
Naraku: I'm going to kill you, Inu-Yasha.
Inu-Yasha: We'll see about that! *takes out Tessaiga*
Brandi: Kagome!
Kagome: OSUWARI!
Inu-Yasha: *splats against the floor* UMPH!
Brandi: Thanks.
Kagome: No problem.
Inu-Yasha: What the hell is this?! Do you just sit me on command now?!
Kagome: Well, she asked me beforehand if I would help her out...
Brandi: Like I said before, I'm not spending the money to clean up bloodshed again.
Inu-Yasha: But-
Brandi: No 'buts', on to the next question.
Fluffy you rock! Inu-Yasha you rock! Everyone rocks! Naraku, go jump in a lake. Or of a cliff. I don't care which. So, dog-boy, here's my question for you. Why do you switch between Kagome and Kikyo? Kagome is soooo much cooler. Oh, and Kikyo is technicly DEAD! She was fine when she was alive, but she is now DEAD and should STAY DEAD!!! Ok. Im done.
Inu-Yasha: ARGH!!!! Why does EVERYONE ask that question?!
Miroku: Maybe because everyone wants to know the answer.
Sango: Yeah, you always evade it.
Shippou: I think Kagome deserves to know where your true feelings lie *all three nod their head in agreement*
Kagome: Look, guys, I was the one who asked to be with Inu-Yasha...
Brandi: Yeah, everyone already knows that Inu-Yasha loves Kagome, and that he only goes back to Kikyou because he feels guilty about her death.
Inu-Yasha: *turning red* H-h-how did you...where did y...
Brandi: Oh, come on. Anyone who's ever read the manga or watched the anime knows that because we can hear your thoughts.
Inu-Yasha: WHAT?!!!
Miroku: You can only hear Inu-Yasha's thoughts?
Brandi: Oh, no. We can hear everyone's thoughts.
Sango: How could you know what everyone's thinking?
Miroku: If that's so, can you tell me what Sango thinks of me?
Sango: *turning red* Everyone knows that already: you're a perver-
Brandi: Well, she has the hots for you, but you always screw up the moment when you grope her.
Miroku: Yes! I knew it!
Sango: I DO NOT!
Miroku: So baby, wanna bear my child now that I know your true feelings for me?
Sango: You PERVERT! *hits him over the head with Hiraikotsu*
Brandi: Umm, okay, this is getting too violent- on with the next question.
1. What would you do if Kagome suddenly died? {for Inu-chan} What would you do if she married Hojo? also...why are you so mean to her?!
2. How much does that boomerang weigh? I mean, isn't it heavy carrying it around all the time?
Shippou: You're always yelling at her- what do you call that?
Inu-Yasha: I DON'T YELL!
Kouga: It's obvious that you don't deserve her, you dog-turd.
Inu-Yasha: You stay out of this!
Kagome: Come on, we don't need to start this again...
Brandi: Yeah, if you two don't settle down right now, I'm going to put both of you on a leash. Anyway, Sango's got a question, too.
Sango: *still in shock from previous question*
Shippou: I don't think she heard it.
Brandi: Yeah, I probably shouldn't have said anything. Oh well- next question!
Kagome, how come you don't cry more seriously more often? I'm surprised that you haven't had an emotional break down because of the way Inuyasha treats you.
Sesshomaru? Do you feel like going shopping with me sometime? ^__^; I want a feathered boa like yours!
Inu-Yasha: I don't treat her that bad! You would think that I beat the hell out of or something the way everyone acts!
Kouga: You bastard! You BEAT Kagome?!!
Inu-Yasha: Are you deaf or just stupid?!
Kouga: That's it! *the two start fighting*
Kagome: *sighs* I swear those two are so immature...
Brandi: I feel for you...
Sesshoumaru: Well, I want to know when and where thith young lady with exthellent fathion thenth wanth to meet up to go thopping!
Brandi: I didn't keep her email.
Sesshoumaru: Uh! No fair!
Brandi: Let's keep moving, shall we?
This is to Sango (So all you others DON'T interupt her>:{) Anyway Sango, assumeing Miroku died somehow like he got sucked into a void of nothingness or he died from the Saimyoushou's poisin or he got his head ripped off and added to Seshoumaru's staff (alerts him when fan-girls are around, they *are* girls after all :}) or just plain got killed off by some youkai what would your reaction be?
Sango: VERY HAPPY! *whacks Miroku again with Hiraikotsu*
Shippou: She's touchy today, isn't she?
Brandi: Eh heh...umm, next question.
Konichiwa! I just wanted to say something to Inu-Yasha. I've realized how everyone's ganging up on you, & it's not right! >_< {insanely loves Inu-Yasha} Just wanted to say, if you feel like takin' a break from all this shikon shard business, you can come hang out wit me! {hmm...how to bribe inu-yasha...} By the way, you are the best fightin' youkai any eye could meet. How do you do it??? {I guess that's my question} And Kagome, let him do as he pleases & don't tell him to sit! It's not nice! {I wish "osuwari" would work on someone else. THAT would be funny.}
Inu-chan Fan
Inu-Yasha: *stops fighting with Kouga long enough to hear* FINALLY! Someone understands!
Kouga: Heh, just someone feeling sorry for you because you're so weak and pathetic!
Inu-Yasha: I'm going to rip your head off! *they continue fighting*
Brandi: About how long do you think this will continue?
Kagome: I don't know, probably a while. Do you want me to say the magic word?
Brandi: No! I'm gonna to start a betting pool! Anyone care to participate?
Sango: I have 500 yen on Inu-Yasha.
Kikyou: I will place 200 yen on Inu-Yasha.
Naraku: Ku ku ku, 1,000 yen on me.
Brandi: I'm sorry- you're not allowed to kill anyone in this fight. Anyone else? What about Miroku? I'm sure he wouldn't want to miss this bet.
Shippou: He's still unconscious.
Brandi: Oh, nevermind. Kagome?
Kagome: I want 5,000 on Kouga.
Brandi: Whoa, that's unexpected.
Sango: Really, Kagome-chan? Are you that mad with Inu-Yasha that you would bet against him?
Kagome: Well, no, but-
Inu-Yasha: *stops fighting and runs up to Kagome* You bitch! You bet against me?!
Kouga: Ha! I knew she never could like a dog-turd like you when she had a real wolf like me!
Kagome: Well, actually, I-
Inu-Yasha: So that's how it is, huh?! I should've known that you and that stupid wolf had something going on!
Kagome: Hey now! I never had anything with Kouga- you just keep accusing me of it!
Inu-Yasha: And what am I supposed to think when you keep picking him over me in a fight?!
Kagome: It's not like that! If you would just listen-
Inu-Yasha: I don't care anymore! Go ahead and shack up with that mangy wolf for all I care! Who knows what you've already done with him anyway!
Inu-Yasha: *slamming a crater into the ground* GAHHH!
Brandi: Well, it looks like Inu-Yasha won't be able to get up for days now, let alone fight. Kouga is the winner by default!
Sango: Well, there went my money for lunch for the next couple of days.
Brandi: These things happen. Well, I guess I'll call the cleaning crew to come in again.
Sesshoumaru: Well, thith wathn't much of a party, wath it? We didn't even thing karaoke.
Kagome: Hey, I've got enough money to treat everyone to a night out on the town if anyone wants to come!
Sesshoumaru: Oh, goody! I'm there!
Sango: What about those two? *points to Inu-Yasha and Miroku, lying unconscious on the floor*
Kagome: Let's leave 'em- they would probably just ruin it anyway.
Sango: Sounds like a good idea to me. Let's go.
Well, it's taken forever (and I mean FOREVER) to finally finish this one. I apologize to those who sent their questions in months ago and still have yet to see them answered, but I really am trying. I hope no one was upset with me cutting up their questions, but I think it's better for the ATG if I do, because I can be a little more flexible. Anyway, if you have any questions for the gang, just email me at sengoku_jidai@hotmail.com <contactme.html>.
Ask the Gang
Alright, here's installment number 10 of the ATG, a very slow going process for someone like me who really doesn't consider herself much of a writer. As I stated in the previous ATG, because of the length of some of the questions that people have sent in, I will be taking the part of the question that I think will fit the story the best, so please don't be upset if I have to do it to a question that you sent in. Okay, let's get started!
Inu-Yasha: Oh, no; not this again. I thought you had given up on doing this already!
Brandi: Nah, I was just a little busy.
Inu-Yasha: Okay, let me rephrase that- it would have been BETTER if you had given this up already.
Sesshoumaru: Yay! I love thethe things! I love hearing from my adoring fanth!
Inu-Yasha: Your fans have problems...
Brandi: Let's get on with the first question:
Dear Gang:
Okay, this is really stupid, but Shippo, what did you do with that fox-thing that belonged to your father? I mean, Kagome risked her life to save it for you and I never saw it again. Sesshomaru: did you ever smile? I mean Inu-Yasha is so cute when he does. Inu-Yasha: Like I told Sess, you should smile more. How else are you gonna get Kagome? Kagome why don't you just admit that you like him? That's all for now minnasan!
Chibi Kagome
Inu-Yasha: You're right; that's really stupid.
Kagome: Inu-Yasha!
Shippou: Umm, after he gave his power to protect us from Hiten, he dissappeared... *tears pooling up in eyes*
Kagome: There, there. *hugs Shippou*
Sesshoumaru: Oh, my GOTH, that ith tho thad! *crying loudly*
Kagome: There, there. *hugs Sesshoumaru*
Inu-Yasha: What the hell do you think your doing! *rips Kagome from Sesshoumaru*
Kagome: Inu-Yasha, he's upset- I was just trying to comfort him.
Inu-Yasha: Why the hell does he need comforting?! It was Shippou's father! Our father's been dead a long time!
Sesshoumaru: Oh, DADDY! I mith our daddy, too! *sobbing uncontrollably now*
Kagome: Honestly, you can be so cruel sometimes! *hugging Sesshoumaru again* Everything's okay...let it all out.
Inu-Yasha: I give up!
Brandi: Umm, right...next question:
Dear Sesshoumaru-sama,
How can you let Brandi address you as a girl? We all know your the coolest villain of all time!! Slice her head open... or something! C'mon! You got more fans then anyone!! How can you take this abuse?
Oh yeah my comments:
Miroku is a pervert (again)
Inu-Yasha is cool
Shippou should hit Inu-Yasha more
Sango should duh... be the way she is.
Kawaii Kitsune
Brandi: Actually, I've never addressed him as a girl. I just write him like someone who lives an 'alternate lifestyle'.
Inu-Yasha: You mean like he's a flaming drag queen?
Brandi: Well, yeah- but I don't want to offend anyone.
Inu-Yasha: You're way past that.
Miroku: *sigh* I see that someone else has labeled me a pervert...
Sango: Well, this person has some sense, anyway.
Miroku: That's it! I'm making a vow never to touch another woman again!
Group: *staring- crickets chirp in the background*
Miroku: What?
Miroku: It's true! I taking my vow of celibacy starting now!
Miroku-Samaaaaaa! I'll bear your child!!!
Miroku: Where is this beautiful young lady at?
Inu-Yasha: Knew it.
Sango: He lasted longer than last time.
1. You know that Inu Yasha becomes human once a month and loses his youkai powers (or as he sees it, becomes a weakling human). So why don't you figure out when that night will be and NOT be out hunting for bad guys. Or better yet, find a place where nothing evil will find and bother you, like...your world. (He'll be human...take him to the movies or something...heh) Hey, why not take everyone with you and have a mini-vacation every month!! (DOUBLE-DATE!!)
2. Have you ever thought of taking a camera with you through the well and snapping some really cool action shots for all of us in this world? Or even as souvenier scrapbook shots to show your family and any friends (who ever learn your little double-life secret). Even Miaak from Fushigi Yuugi brought a camera with her to the other world...
3. Ok, with this one I know I'm gonna get hurt so I'll plant the idea in your head and run away fast. We know that a few of the youkai you've encountered are from the canine-type family (dog, fox, wolf) and you know who they are...but have you ever considered a different type of obedience for a 'certain' canine instead of the S-I-T command? Might I suggest a high-frequency tool that can only be heard by very very sensitive ears? (ie. a dog whistle) Think about it...fighting between him and wolf-boy can be stopped easily... *running away as fast as she can before the hanyou figures it out*
Inu-Yasha: What?!! Not go out and fight just because I'm a human?!
Miroku: Yeah, he couldn't do that, because that would be the smart thing to do.
Inu-Yasha: You trying to say something about me, you lecherous monk?
Kagome: I tried to bring a camera once, but Inu-Yasha thought it was a demon when the flash went off, and, well...
Inu-Yasha: Hey, I thought the damn thing was attacking you- I was just trying to protect-
Kagome: Oh, Inu-Yasha, I'm sorr-
Inu-Yasha: -the shards.
Kagome: *getting red* That was an expensive camera!
Inu-Yasha: You and your junk from your world- why don't you just leave that crap there?!
Brandi: *hands Kagome something* Here you go.
Kagome: What is this?
Brandi: Just a really good suggestion.
Kagome: *blows into it*
Inu-Yasha: *covering his ears* AAAAAAHHHHH! Make it stop!!!
Sango: What's wrong with him?
Miroku: I don't hear anything.
Kagome: *stops* Wow- that was really effective!
Miroku: What was that thing?
Brandi: A dog whistle. Animals with really good hearing like dogs and cats can hear it, but humans can't.
Inu-Yasha: Why the hell was I the only one that could hear it- Shippou and Kirara should have heard it, too!
Shippou and Kirara: *pulling ear plugs out of ears*
Brandi: I had to protect them- I would get angry fan mail because they're too cute to torture.
Inu-Yasha: I'm the show's namesake! Why do I get all the crap?!
Brandi: Fan service. Next!
Kagome: have you ever broken your leg while jumping into the well?
Inu Yasha: pink or red?
Miroku: how MANY times had you got rejected?
Sesshoumaru: how you manage to get all those tangles out of your hair?
Jaken: you are just a ugly frog!
Rin: I'm wondering, how long have you been trying with Sesshoumaru. And do you call him fluffy sometimes, like his fans?
Naraku: kukukukuku?
Kagome: Why would I get hurt? It's only a 20 foot jump.
Brandi: Right- haven't you ever heard of the law in anime that characters can fall from insane heights and not get hurt?
Miroku: There's a law?
Brandi: Okay, maybe not an actual law, but when characters fall from things, one of four things will happen- they don't get hurt, they get the wind knocked out of them, they grab onto something as they're falling, or they dissappear into the fog which means their dead.
Inu-Yasha: That's just crazy- nothing like that ever happens.
Sango: Hey, wait- she's right! Everytime Inu-Yasha falls from something high, he never gets hurt.
Inu-Yasha: That's just because I'm half demon! It has nothing to do with some stupid 'law'.
Brandi: There was also the time that Kikyou fell from the cliff- she didn't get hurt, either.
Inu-Yasha: That's just a coincidence! Aren't there other questions to answer or something?
Sesshoumaru: Yeah, the perthon athked me a quethion, too.
Inu-Yasha: No one cares about you!
*hoards of fluffy fans attack Inu-Yasha*
Fluffy fans: We want fashion tips!
Sesshoumaru: *wiping tear from eye* I'm tho moved! I would do anything for my faithful fanth!
Fluffy fans: Yay!
Sesshoumaru: Well, I uthe both thampoo and conditioner, but the thecret ith to uthe a detangler afterwardth *flips hairs with sparkly background effect*
Fluffy fans: *fainting* Ooooohhhhh!
Kagome: Okay, this is getting weird.
Brandi: I agree, let's move on.
Are You tired of life in Sengoku Jidai? Are you tired of having a female to 'sit' you everyday? And are you tired fighting all the time? Then come to the Yu Babaa hotspring resort! There's a special discount for Inu Yasha -tachi! Sess-sama is also invited!
Yu Babaa
Inu-Yasha: Great, now we have solicitors.
Brandi: I guess the junk filter isn't on high enough.
Sesshoumaru: Ooh, goody! A rethort! I need a mudd treatment.
Inu-Yasha: You need a what?
Sesshoumaru: All thith fighting rethently hath really dried out my thkin- going there would return it'th natural thine.
Fluffy fans: *fainting* Oooohhhh!
Inu-Yasha: How did they get in here, anyway?
Sesshoumaru: Come, faithful fanth- we're going for a thpa treatment!
Fluffy fans: Yay! *everyone leaves*
Miroku: Am I the only one here who's somewhat disturbed?
Brandi: No, you're not. I guess we'll wrap this up with one last question:
Inu-Yasha you know you got powers in ways that don't make sense. As for that thing around your neck, why won't you just cut it off? Out of the infinite sharp objects you come across and have use o

- Rezident GunBunny
- Posts: 9569
- Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 12:42 am
- Location: the fine line between creative genius and insanity
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AKraze up to #153 now... and yeah, Miroku a gentleman for once.
Errrr.... InuYasha's his usual clueless self about that behavior
Kikuyo wants to see InuYasha, huh?
Well, I'm sure it's NOT
for tea and a rehash of old times. So what's the deal with Abihime's
mother and her 'ability to open a path to the afterlife'? And what did
it have to do with that (recycled) shot from InuYasha's father's grave?
Errrr.... InuYasha's his usual clueless self about that behavior

Kikuyo wants to see InuYasha, huh?

for tea and a rehash of old times. So what's the deal with Abihime's
mother and her 'ability to open a path to the afterlife'? And what did
it have to do with that (recycled) shot from InuYasha's father's grave?

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On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
- RussianFox
- Cannon
- Posts: 1174
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:55 am
- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era
- RussianFox
- Cannon
- Posts: 1174
- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:55 am
- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era
Welcome to Big Buttocks! This is not a section where we put up screencaps of Bishounen bums, (hey! not a bad idea! What d'ya reckon?) rather it is a takeoff of the ridiculously popular Big Brother series, shown across the globe. We've put the cast of Inuyasha into the house, and they'll be voted off one by one by you! In the meantime, you can read what has happened this week on Big Buttocks andobserve with glee the relationships, fun, games and tears of the Inuyasha cast!
Big Buttocks
Week 1
4.00 am
Everyone is asleep, except for a certain someone who has gone out for his secret daily fag.
"Hey!" Says a shifty Jaken as he sees the cameras turn on him, "Piss off, would ya?" Jaken appears to be having trouble holding the cigarettes in his mouth, as frankly, he has no lips. After a time he seems to realise this and gives up in disgust.
4.10 am
Grumblings from a nearby tree and also the kitchen signify that both Inuyasha and Naraku are awake. Since the eviction of Kaede, Naraku appears to have become more paternal, and has woken at 4.10 every day to cook waffles for the cast. Kikyou appears to enjoy these considerably. Naraku's tongue hangs out of his mouth slightly as he works. He is not wearing his makeup yet and bears a striking resemblance to Paul Hogan.
4.20 am
Big Buttocks calls Inuyasha to the living room... Big Buttocks appears to have had a late night out, and asks Inuyasha grumpily why he doesn't use the house toilets, opting instead to complete his toiletries behind a tree and directly in front of camera 5b. Inuyasha's incomprehensible reply comes out rather like...
"Whydontyagotof***hellgrummutkagomef***offyoubastard I'llpeewhereibloodylikebloodypervertgrumblehanyouKikyousnot."
Big Buttocks gives a punishment to Inuyasha- he is to supervise Shippou's daily bath. Inuyasha smashes camera 6a and is heard to curse into his microphone as he goes outside to dig a hole for "No frickin' reason you bloody pervert!"
5.20 am
Naraku has been ordered to put his tongue back in his mouth for fear it will drop off. Inuyasha has fallen into his hole. "I friggin forgot it was there!"
9.00 am
It's breakfast time for the cast. "These are… nice," Says a menstrual Kikyou as she eats Naraku's offering of "Toasty warm scrummy waffles hot from the oven, just for you, my poppet!" The cast sit in silence as they eat, tired from a stressful night concerning Kikyou. Big Buttocks reads the weather forecast to them as they eat, and cracks the occasional lame joke. Big Buttocks also enquires about Sesshoumaru's health. His refusal to eat human food means that he hasn't eaten since the start of the program. Rin's absence is also concerning Big Buttocks. Sesshoumaru is in the bathroom in front of camera 7a, beginning his three-hour routine of grooming. "Do I look lovely this morning?" He asks the camera as he applies globs of mascara to his unnaturally long lashes.
9.30 am
Kouga asks Kagome to take a swim with him. An enraged Inuyasha can't do anything about it, as he's on SBD, or 'Shippou Bath Duty'. The cast prefer to refer to it as "Shippou's Bum's Dirty" or "Stupid Bloody Diarrhoea" (courtesy of Inuyasha). Kikyou fixes him with an evil look and asks him what is so wrong with SBD. After all, he hates swimming and he never did it with her. Miroku chooses that moment to enter the room and Kikyou is the victim of a bad end to a sentence. Inuyasha is called to SBD.
10.00 am
Water trickles from underneath the door of bathroom two, and Kagome anxiously knocks on the door. "You're not drowning him in there, are you Inuyasha?" She can hear sounds of splashing, shrieks, frequent "Get in there you little [censored]!" and less frequent "Kitsune-Bi!" The camera in the bathroom has not worked ever since Sesshoumaru decided to give a rendition of Antonin Dvorak's Rusalka in bathroom two because "It has good acoustics.".
10.05 am
Miroku turns up to bathroom two, grumbling about needing a piss. He looks up and sees an anxious Kagome wringing her hands outside the door. "Ah, Kagome-sama," Miroku says, ever the gentleman. "No chance of me using this bathroom? Are you first in the queue? Sesshoumaru's in bathroom one, you see." Kagome explains the situation to Miroku who concedes defeat and decides to release the contents of his bladder in the garden, ironically in the favourite spot of Inuyasha. The producers of Big Buttocks decide to relocate camera 5b. Miroku decides to wash himself using the hose. Naraku finishes washing up and starts on the ironing. Sango creeps into the garden, and hides in the fern next to camera 5b. This belies her statements on the confession cam, where she continually denies any romantic feelings towards the houshi.
Viewers are reminded of the Tabcorp betting line-
Call 1800 239 439 to bet that Sango and Miroku will get together during the filming of Big Buttocks
Call 1800 239 432 to bet that Sango and Miroku won't get together during the filming of Big Buttocks
10.30 am
"Kitsune-bi! HELP!"
"Sankon Tetsu-"
11.00 am
Shippou sits shivering on a table while Kagome dries him with a towel. Shippou askes Big Buttocks if he can file a harassment case against Inuyasha. Big Buttocks states that it's beyond his jurisdiction. Shippou says Big Buttocks is incompetent and Big Buttocks bursts into tears. Inuyasha retreats to the kitchen where he finds Kikyou stuffing herself with Kagome's supply of hot chocolate. "Well, I have got my period and we are the same person…"
12.00 pm
It's lunchtime, and there is no lunch on the table. Sesshoumaru has completed his beauty routine, and floats outside with Jaken at his heels for his daily wistful gaze at the sky. "Where's Naraku?" Demands Kikyou at the same time Miroku discovers that the bedroom door is locked.
"I'm not coming out!" Squeals Naraku.
"Why is he in there?" Asks Sango, as Inuyasha threatens to bash the door down if he doesn't come out and cook lunch.
"No! I don't want to. I'm having a break!" Naraku's voice is extremely high and squeaky.
"Just tell us what's wrong!" Kagome says kindly through the door.
"I'm only talking to Kikyou," Wheedles Naraku. Kikyou arrives. "What is it? I'm hungry."
"It's my transformation cycle," Cries Naraku, "Every time Gardening Australia is repeated on the ABC I transform for twenty four hours."
"What do you turn into?" Asks Kikyou. "A furry grapefruit," Naraku squeaks and bursts into heartfelt sobs. Big Buttocks viewers are reminded that video footage of this amazing transformation is available on the Big Buttocks website.
12.30 pm
Even Kikyou can't persuade Naraku to come out of the bedroom, so the cast are forced to make their own lunch, and also must set up the couches so they have somewhere to sleep. It turns out that there are only three couches that can be turned into double beds. Kouga and Inuyasha volunteer to sleep outside, and Sesshoumaru stakes out the velvet couch. Miroku volunteers to share a bed with Sango, but she would rather share a double bed with Kikyou and Kagome, with Shippou and Jaken if really necessary. Miroku is disappointed, but the opportunity to sleep single in a double bed is too good to miss. Inuyasha realises he's never had to make food for himself in his life and retreats outside in a filthy mood. Kikyou decides to sleep in the bath.
1.00 pm
Naraku finds a potato in the bedroom, and tells it his life story. The potato remains obstinately silent.
2.00 pm
Big Buttocks calls everyone to the living room. Big Buttocks announces that it is now daylight savings, and the time now should actually be 4.00. Kikyou asks Naraku through the door if this means he now only has 20 hours of his transformation left. Naraku tells Kikyou to get lost; he's trying to chat up the potato. Naraku asks the potato if it hurt when it fell out of heaven. The potato grows mould spontaneously.
4.30 pm
Confession cam time.
Shippou- "That bastard Inuyasha, I'm gonna vote him off next time!"
Kagome- "Inuyasha can be cruel sometimes, but he still has a good heart…I suppose he just needs somebody to teach him how to be gentle…"
Naraku- Naraku was absent from confession cam. He will be punished.
Sango- "I don't like Miroku. I don't find him attractive. Honest!"
Inuyasha- "Why they make us go in this room, I have no friggin idea."
Inuyasha has never really understood the point of confession cam. In fact, Inuyasha doesn't even know he is being filmed.
Jaken- "I just want some caffeine. They have no caffeine in this goddamn place. A fag. Coffee. Anything. Please! I'll do anything!
Kouga- "Kagome's my woman. Got that? And I'll take that dog turd to the peak of pain just to prove it!
Miroku- "Times in this place are growing more interesting every day. I think someone will crack under the pressure eventually. It's a shame about tonight, though, as Sango grows more beautiful every day. One day I'll be lucky…one day…
Kikyou- "I'm mad. Grrr. First Inuyasha betrays me…and now I'm dead. Tell me. How can a dead person be menstrual? I don't understand! GRRR!
Sesshoumaru- "Am I beautiful, my lovely viewers? Don't hold back, c'mon, tell me! Am I gorgeous? Am I stunning? Is my name Sesshoumaru?
5.00 pm
Kagome asks everyone what they are going to do about dinner. Miroku suggests take away, there's a lovely Turkish place at the junction. Kouga reminds him that he isn't allowed outside. Kagome offers to cook every one some oden. Everyone thinks they can last one night without food. Kagome gets angry and tells them to prove it, and storms into the kitchen. Miroku produces a bottle of sake and states that it's about time he shared his stash with the cast.
5.05 pm
Big Buttocks states angrily that alcohol isn't allowed on the premises, and that it's irresponsible to drink in front of Shippou. Miroku tells Big Buttocks to go stuff himself, and Miroku's told he's on SBD tomorrow.
6.00 pm
Kagome emerges from the kitchen carrying a package and goes outside. Everyone in the living room has had one drink. Kouga suggests a game of strip poker. Kikyou thinks it isn't suitable for Shippou. Shippou is sent outside. Naraku has decided that the potato is a big turn off and has decided to approach a group of parsnips in the corner. "So, come here often?"
6.15 pm
Kagome finds Inuyasha on his favorite tree, and she climbs up to sit next to him. Inuyasha has gone through a transformation and is now human, and extremely grumpy. "Hi," Says Kagome and gives him a bowl of oden. "I thought you might be feeling down about your transformation, so I made you some food." Inuyasha mutters some rare thanks, which are taken back once he tastes the oden. Kagome starts to cry. Shippou is bored and gloomy. If only he was an adult.
7.30 pm
The game of strip poker is getting nowhere. Sesshoumaru keeps losing the round but he wears so many layers, bows and attachments that the participants are starting to get bored. Shippou is spying on Kagome and Inuyasha, who have removed their microphones. Inuyasha is emotional as he pulls Kagome into a passionate hug, but stops as soon as Big Buttocks commands them to "Stop canoodling!"
9.00 pm
Shippou has gone to sleep on the couch after a stressful day. The game of strip poker still hasn't been too eventful, though Sesshoumaru has removed his outer layer and Miroku swears he saw Sango's bra strap. After an enlightening conversation with the group of parsnips, Naraku feels much better about himself and feels ready to approach an avocado. After all, it's not what's on the outside but the inside that counts.
11.00 pm
Everyone is out cold on the couches, including Inuyasha and Kagome who came in for the night. Naraku and the avocado got off to a good start, but the avocado felt it wasn't ready for commitment.
After one hell of a day, the cast are exhausted, and so the house is relatively quiet. Quiet, that is, apart from the sounds of Kagome murmuring in her sleep, and Naraku still attempting to chat up the commitment-fearing avocado. The only interruptions to this peaceful night time atmosphere is the sound of a slap, followed by muffled swearing, as Sango feels the need to reprimand Miroku's indecent behavior.
There is movement coming from the lounge room. Camera 4d confirms that this is just another one of Sesshoumaru's nightly trips to the bathroom to reapply his passion fruit scented lip-gloss. Big Buttocks remarks that it is fortunate the lip-gloss isn't avocado flavored. It is not known precisely what Big Buttocks is doing at this hour of the night…
For the second time that night, there is movement. Camera 8h spots Inuyasha moving from the top of the bookcase - his substitute for a tree. As he passes by Kagome's bed he pauses, and Camera 8h goes in for a close up, only to receive The Look courtesy of Inuyasha.
Following a loud thump, a string of swear words can be heard as Inuyasha trips over an object lying in the dark. This is immediately countered by another string of swear words coming from the object. "CAN'T A GUY GET ANY F***ING SLEEP AROUND HERE?? WHAT THE F*** DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??" With that, Inuyasha leaves a disgruntled Jaken and makes his way outside.
Big Buttocks
Week 1
4.00 am
Everyone is asleep, except for a certain someone who has gone out for his secret daily fag.
"Hey!" Says a shifty Jaken as he sees the cameras turn on him, "Piss off, would ya?" Jaken appears to be having trouble holding the cigarettes in his mouth, as frankly, he has no lips. After a time he seems to realise this and gives up in disgust.
4.10 am
Grumblings from a nearby tree and also the kitchen signify that both Inuyasha and Naraku are awake. Since the eviction of Kaede, Naraku appears to have become more paternal, and has woken at 4.10 every day to cook waffles for the cast. Kikyou appears to enjoy these considerably. Naraku's tongue hangs out of his mouth slightly as he works. He is not wearing his makeup yet and bears a striking resemblance to Paul Hogan.
4.20 am
Big Buttocks calls Inuyasha to the living room... Big Buttocks appears to have had a late night out, and asks Inuyasha grumpily why he doesn't use the house toilets, opting instead to complete his toiletries behind a tree and directly in front of camera 5b. Inuyasha's incomprehensible reply comes out rather like...
"Whydontyagotof***hellgrummutkagomef***offyoubastard I'llpeewhereibloodylikebloodypervertgrumblehanyouKikyousnot."
Big Buttocks gives a punishment to Inuyasha- he is to supervise Shippou's daily bath. Inuyasha smashes camera 6a and is heard to curse into his microphone as he goes outside to dig a hole for "No frickin' reason you bloody pervert!"
5.20 am
Naraku has been ordered to put his tongue back in his mouth for fear it will drop off. Inuyasha has fallen into his hole. "I friggin forgot it was there!"
9.00 am
It's breakfast time for the cast. "These are… nice," Says a menstrual Kikyou as she eats Naraku's offering of "Toasty warm scrummy waffles hot from the oven, just for you, my poppet!" The cast sit in silence as they eat, tired from a stressful night concerning Kikyou. Big Buttocks reads the weather forecast to them as they eat, and cracks the occasional lame joke. Big Buttocks also enquires about Sesshoumaru's health. His refusal to eat human food means that he hasn't eaten since the start of the program. Rin's absence is also concerning Big Buttocks. Sesshoumaru is in the bathroom in front of camera 7a, beginning his three-hour routine of grooming. "Do I look lovely this morning?" He asks the camera as he applies globs of mascara to his unnaturally long lashes.
9.30 am
Kouga asks Kagome to take a swim with him. An enraged Inuyasha can't do anything about it, as he's on SBD, or 'Shippou Bath Duty'. The cast prefer to refer to it as "Shippou's Bum's Dirty" or "Stupid Bloody Diarrhoea" (courtesy of Inuyasha). Kikyou fixes him with an evil look and asks him what is so wrong with SBD. After all, he hates swimming and he never did it with her. Miroku chooses that moment to enter the room and Kikyou is the victim of a bad end to a sentence. Inuyasha is called to SBD.
10.00 am
Water trickles from underneath the door of bathroom two, and Kagome anxiously knocks on the door. "You're not drowning him in there, are you Inuyasha?" She can hear sounds of splashing, shrieks, frequent "Get in there you little [censored]!" and less frequent "Kitsune-Bi!" The camera in the bathroom has not worked ever since Sesshoumaru decided to give a rendition of Antonin Dvorak's Rusalka in bathroom two because "It has good acoustics.".
10.05 am
Miroku turns up to bathroom two, grumbling about needing a piss. He looks up and sees an anxious Kagome wringing her hands outside the door. "Ah, Kagome-sama," Miroku says, ever the gentleman. "No chance of me using this bathroom? Are you first in the queue? Sesshoumaru's in bathroom one, you see." Kagome explains the situation to Miroku who concedes defeat and decides to release the contents of his bladder in the garden, ironically in the favourite spot of Inuyasha. The producers of Big Buttocks decide to relocate camera 5b. Miroku decides to wash himself using the hose. Naraku finishes washing up and starts on the ironing. Sango creeps into the garden, and hides in the fern next to camera 5b. This belies her statements on the confession cam, where she continually denies any romantic feelings towards the houshi.
Viewers are reminded of the Tabcorp betting line-
Call 1800 239 439 to bet that Sango and Miroku will get together during the filming of Big Buttocks
Call 1800 239 432 to bet that Sango and Miroku won't get together during the filming of Big Buttocks
10.30 am
"Kitsune-bi! HELP!"
"Sankon Tetsu-"
11.00 am
Shippou sits shivering on a table while Kagome dries him with a towel. Shippou askes Big Buttocks if he can file a harassment case against Inuyasha. Big Buttocks states that it's beyond his jurisdiction. Shippou says Big Buttocks is incompetent and Big Buttocks bursts into tears. Inuyasha retreats to the kitchen where he finds Kikyou stuffing herself with Kagome's supply of hot chocolate. "Well, I have got my period and we are the same person…"
12.00 pm
It's lunchtime, and there is no lunch on the table. Sesshoumaru has completed his beauty routine, and floats outside with Jaken at his heels for his daily wistful gaze at the sky. "Where's Naraku?" Demands Kikyou at the same time Miroku discovers that the bedroom door is locked.
"I'm not coming out!" Squeals Naraku.
"Why is he in there?" Asks Sango, as Inuyasha threatens to bash the door down if he doesn't come out and cook lunch.
"No! I don't want to. I'm having a break!" Naraku's voice is extremely high and squeaky.
"Just tell us what's wrong!" Kagome says kindly through the door.
"I'm only talking to Kikyou," Wheedles Naraku. Kikyou arrives. "What is it? I'm hungry."
"It's my transformation cycle," Cries Naraku, "Every time Gardening Australia is repeated on the ABC I transform for twenty four hours."
"What do you turn into?" Asks Kikyou. "A furry grapefruit," Naraku squeaks and bursts into heartfelt sobs. Big Buttocks viewers are reminded that video footage of this amazing transformation is available on the Big Buttocks website.
12.30 pm
Even Kikyou can't persuade Naraku to come out of the bedroom, so the cast are forced to make their own lunch, and also must set up the couches so they have somewhere to sleep. It turns out that there are only three couches that can be turned into double beds. Kouga and Inuyasha volunteer to sleep outside, and Sesshoumaru stakes out the velvet couch. Miroku volunteers to share a bed with Sango, but she would rather share a double bed with Kikyou and Kagome, with Shippou and Jaken if really necessary. Miroku is disappointed, but the opportunity to sleep single in a double bed is too good to miss. Inuyasha realises he's never had to make food for himself in his life and retreats outside in a filthy mood. Kikyou decides to sleep in the bath.
1.00 pm
Naraku finds a potato in the bedroom, and tells it his life story. The potato remains obstinately silent.
2.00 pm
Big Buttocks calls everyone to the living room. Big Buttocks announces that it is now daylight savings, and the time now should actually be 4.00. Kikyou asks Naraku through the door if this means he now only has 20 hours of his transformation left. Naraku tells Kikyou to get lost; he's trying to chat up the potato. Naraku asks the potato if it hurt when it fell out of heaven. The potato grows mould spontaneously.
4.30 pm
Confession cam time.
Shippou- "That bastard Inuyasha, I'm gonna vote him off next time!"
Kagome- "Inuyasha can be cruel sometimes, but he still has a good heart…I suppose he just needs somebody to teach him how to be gentle…"
Naraku- Naraku was absent from confession cam. He will be punished.
Sango- "I don't like Miroku. I don't find him attractive. Honest!"
Inuyasha- "Why they make us go in this room, I have no friggin idea."
Inuyasha has never really understood the point of confession cam. In fact, Inuyasha doesn't even know he is being filmed.
Jaken- "I just want some caffeine. They have no caffeine in this goddamn place. A fag. Coffee. Anything. Please! I'll do anything!
Kouga- "Kagome's my woman. Got that? And I'll take that dog turd to the peak of pain just to prove it!
Miroku- "Times in this place are growing more interesting every day. I think someone will crack under the pressure eventually. It's a shame about tonight, though, as Sango grows more beautiful every day. One day I'll be lucky…one day…
Kikyou- "I'm mad. Grrr. First Inuyasha betrays me…and now I'm dead. Tell me. How can a dead person be menstrual? I don't understand! GRRR!
Sesshoumaru- "Am I beautiful, my lovely viewers? Don't hold back, c'mon, tell me! Am I gorgeous? Am I stunning? Is my name Sesshoumaru?
5.00 pm
Kagome asks everyone what they are going to do about dinner. Miroku suggests take away, there's a lovely Turkish place at the junction. Kouga reminds him that he isn't allowed outside. Kagome offers to cook every one some oden. Everyone thinks they can last one night without food. Kagome gets angry and tells them to prove it, and storms into the kitchen. Miroku produces a bottle of sake and states that it's about time he shared his stash with the cast.
5.05 pm
Big Buttocks states angrily that alcohol isn't allowed on the premises, and that it's irresponsible to drink in front of Shippou. Miroku tells Big Buttocks to go stuff himself, and Miroku's told he's on SBD tomorrow.
6.00 pm
Kagome emerges from the kitchen carrying a package and goes outside. Everyone in the living room has had one drink. Kouga suggests a game of strip poker. Kikyou thinks it isn't suitable for Shippou. Shippou is sent outside. Naraku has decided that the potato is a big turn off and has decided to approach a group of parsnips in the corner. "So, come here often?"
6.15 pm
Kagome finds Inuyasha on his favorite tree, and she climbs up to sit next to him. Inuyasha has gone through a transformation and is now human, and extremely grumpy. "Hi," Says Kagome and gives him a bowl of oden. "I thought you might be feeling down about your transformation, so I made you some food." Inuyasha mutters some rare thanks, which are taken back once he tastes the oden. Kagome starts to cry. Shippou is bored and gloomy. If only he was an adult.
7.30 pm
The game of strip poker is getting nowhere. Sesshoumaru keeps losing the round but he wears so many layers, bows and attachments that the participants are starting to get bored. Shippou is spying on Kagome and Inuyasha, who have removed their microphones. Inuyasha is emotional as he pulls Kagome into a passionate hug, but stops as soon as Big Buttocks commands them to "Stop canoodling!"
9.00 pm
Shippou has gone to sleep on the couch after a stressful day. The game of strip poker still hasn't been too eventful, though Sesshoumaru has removed his outer layer and Miroku swears he saw Sango's bra strap. After an enlightening conversation with the group of parsnips, Naraku feels much better about himself and feels ready to approach an avocado. After all, it's not what's on the outside but the inside that counts.
11.00 pm
Everyone is out cold on the couches, including Inuyasha and Kagome who came in for the night. Naraku and the avocado got off to a good start, but the avocado felt it wasn't ready for commitment.
After one hell of a day, the cast are exhausted, and so the house is relatively quiet. Quiet, that is, apart from the sounds of Kagome murmuring in her sleep, and Naraku still attempting to chat up the commitment-fearing avocado. The only interruptions to this peaceful night time atmosphere is the sound of a slap, followed by muffled swearing, as Sango feels the need to reprimand Miroku's indecent behavior.
There is movement coming from the lounge room. Camera 4d confirms that this is just another one of Sesshoumaru's nightly trips to the bathroom to reapply his passion fruit scented lip-gloss. Big Buttocks remarks that it is fortunate the lip-gloss isn't avocado flavored. It is not known precisely what Big Buttocks is doing at this hour of the night…
For the second time that night, there is movement. Camera 8h spots Inuyasha moving from the top of the bookcase - his substitute for a tree. As he passes by Kagome's bed he pauses, and Camera 8h goes in for a close up, only to receive The Look courtesy of Inuyasha.
Following a loud thump, a string of swear words can be heard as Inuyasha trips over an object lying in the dark. This is immediately countered by another string of swear words coming from the object. "CAN'T A GUY GET ANY F***ING SLEEP AROUND HERE?? WHAT THE F*** DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??" With that, Inuyasha leaves a disgruntled Jaken and makes his way outside.

- Esyla
- Crossbow
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- Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2004 1:19 am
- Location: stuck butt first in the trash can
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RF do you have more of that last one i have to know what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!1
these are great
these are great
Violence is not the answer....duct tape is.
The library is my base of operations
"You could be crazy drunk, tripping balls on mushrooms, getting a bj and still beat Oblivion on very easy."
"It couldn't have been me, I'm too busy building probes."
The library is my base of operations
"You could be crazy drunk, tripping balls on mushrooms, getting a bj and still beat Oblivion on very easy."
"It couldn't have been me, I'm too busy building probes."
- RussianFox
- Cannon
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- Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:55 am
- Location: Sengoku Jidai Era