Arx-7 Arbalest wrote:taurec u mean there is an ova for elfen lied?!?!

Episode 14 will be coming out with the 7th note in May, rumours say that it will be a Nana special (Yay! Though the OVA should be between the time where She returns from her first encounter with Lucy and coming to live at the inn with Kouta, Lucy/Nyuu, Mayu and Yuka), but i'll be happy with that or a continuation (Which is just as 'Yay!' as the first time i said it), just to see if it was Nyuu/Lucy behind that door which is most probably is.
Oh, I loved Elfen Lied.
About the ending, you remember Lucy's horns where knocked off (one by Mariku and the other from the soldiers), in the manga I think this meant that a diclonius would not be as aggresive or render their vectors useless (spoiler at bottom should be here), now supposed Lucy did survive (which i really do hope did happen) she would have lost her horns and would be abit more like how she was when she first met Kouta (ignore the fact that she murdered those kids who got what they deserved). The fact that the clock was fixed (possible symbolizing that Nyuu/Lucy are no longer split personalities and so in a way she is fixed? With the possibility of her vectors being useless it may have been harder for Nana to sense her and so she didn't? and the music box played Lilium which was what played during their first encounter and is playing to show that they will once again meet each other).
I was just happy that Nana stayed alive after
The de-limbing from Lucy
But, as i've said, I loved Elfen Lied I rate it as my favourite anime at the moment as the story is in a word...beautiful.
I just rewatching the series now, onto episode 13 again

In the manga Lucy is supposed to lose her horns, but they regenerate