Miss Okibasu was very upset. She tried so very hard to be strong for her students, but things were beyond her control. A crazy bus ride out had been a bit much, but she had managed to sleep through a lot of that, miraculously. The shenanigans at the Hendai Inn, including her own imaginary dreams and indiscretions, weighed on her conscience. Kaname Chidori’s run in with the police at the Korakuen Gardens had done nothing to sooth her shaky nerves. Then the museum---obnoxious tour guides, impossible occurrences, and a full scale catastrophe. Those things had all been bad enough. But now, she felt extremely tired. Her face was covered with sweat, and her stomach began to hurt. Her hands were trembling.
What could she do? How could she look after her class like this? It would have been a huge problem, even if they had a place to stay the night and arrangements for dinner. They may have to find a safe location and camp out in the bus overnight.
Looking around didn't help. Everyone else was exhausted too. A long drive in the dark could be fraught with perils, especially with a young driver. She could call school administrators at home, but that had its own problems. The museum had already called limousine services for her, but no one was willing to drive a bus all of the way to Tokyo and ride the rails back. They had also called the bus company for her, intending to ask permission to leave the bus in a safe lock-up. She and the students could have taken the trains, and the company could have sent someone for the vehicle. The telephone recording said the company was under new management, but gave no further details.
Ren, Kyouko, and other girls tried to comfort her, but all the good intentions in the world meant nothing now. This was her responsibility. The students’ safety was at stake. The kids were frazzled, having survived the kidnapping and having spent time in long lines waiting to call home and reassure frantic parents. Tears came to her eyes and her heart was in her throat. What could she do?
“Miss Okibasu?” Sousuke walked up and took a seat on the lawn next to his teacher. “You look as if you are feeling poorly. If you are strong enough to stand, it may be a good time to leave.”
“Leave?” The absurdity of the question almost pushed the distraught woman into hysteria. “How, Sousuke? Where?” Maya and Ryo looked angry. Miss Okibasu was feeling bad enough already.
“I must apologize. I had been very distracted throughout our visit here. Earlier, when I went out for supplies, I arranged for a place to stay. Food will be provided. Tomorrow, after a good rest, I will drive the bus home. It is not a problem.” Sousuke said it in such a matter-of-fact manner that he might as well have been talking about the weather.
“You’re not joking?” Miss Okibasu had the energy to sit straighter and grab ahold of Sousuke’s shirt. Her heart was pounding. There was a feverish look in her eyes.
“No, Teacher. Payment has been taken care of. All that is necessary is to get everybody onboard the bus, drive to the location, and take care of necessary business. You should lay down and rest as soon as possible.” Sousuke felt guilty. Even thought it was Kurz who had done the deed, they were both part of Mithril. This was for the greater good, but it still sat poorly.
“Sousuke, I could kiss you!” If she had more strength, the teacher would have done just that, witnesses be damned.
“Uh…” Now Sousuke was sweating.
“It was just a figure of speech, Mr. Sagara.” Miss Okibasu explained.
“I see.” Sousuke relaxed.
“Tonight, Sousuke. Tonight.” The ill woman gather enough energy to grin.
Sousuke sat speechless. He was too easy a target.
“Perhaps I’m not fit to be a teacher. Tell me, Mr. Sagara, does your apartment building need a new manager?” Though it was unfair to treat her savior this way, teasing Sousuke was the first thing that gave Miss Okibasu reason to smile.
“Well, that’s a matter for another day. Ask Miss Chidori to gather together your fellow students. Bring the bus around, driver. We have food and beds waiting for us.”
It was getting late when Sousuke pulled the bus into a tree-lined parking lot at the outskirts of Okayama City. Quaint lights cast shadows on the poorly kept asphalt. The nearby gardens were choked with weeds. Small pieces of garbage tumbled about in the swirling breeze.
“Well, looks like you found us a class place to stay, Sousuke!” Kaname griped, kicking at her suitcase.
“I will reserve judgment, Chidori. The facilities for buses may be used infrequently. Regardless, I believe it is better to have a place to stay than not. Wouldn’t you agree?” Sousuke shouldered his weapons bag and opened the bus doors.
“Maybe you should thank Sousuke, Kaname.” Kyouko looked very tired, as did many of the students. “It’s been a memorable day. It will be nice to have a place to just rest. Right?”
“Especially since the boys will be too tired to bother with pranks.” Mizuke wobbled a bit, looking forward to bedding down.
“Uh huh. You both make it sound so perfect. Remember, it’s Sousuke we’re talking about. The building’s probably haunted, or it’s a hideaway for gangsters. Maybe it was built on an abandoned ammunition dump. Who knows?” It was Sousuke after all. She didn’t need woman’s intuition around him.
“Come on, Kaname. We’re all beat. Let’s go. I place a vote of confidence for Sousuke. He came to your rescue before, didn’t he? When you messed up the reservations at the last hotel.” Ren’s words were echoed by a number of other students. They did not sit well with a certain blue-haired girl.
“OK. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you wake up and see a headless phantom with a butcher’s knife, blame Sousuke not me. If a gang of kidnappers kick down your door, ropes in hand, thank Sousuke, not me. And if bedbugs as big as motor coaches decide you make a great midnight snack….” Kaname sounded wound up enough to go on for quite a while.
“Yeh, yeh. Blah blah blah. Blame Sousuke. Not Kaname. We get the picture. Let’s go already.” Mizuke grumped.
“It might actually be exciting if there really were ghosts!” Shinki added, his camera around his neck. OUWWW!” Ryo kicked him hard in the shin.
“Hey, class rep, what’s the freakin’ hold up? Misplaced your whistle or something?” One of the rugby boys laughed at his own joke.
“Don’t remind her of THAT, you jackass!” The other members of the team dog piled him.
“Well, you all asked for it.” Kaname picked up her halisen. Miss Okibasu was out of it, so she was in command. It was only proper to have carte blanche. “Ryo, Ren, you two help the Teacher in. Everyone else, let’s get moving. Orderly fashion, if you please.” She smacked a luggage bin hard, tipping it over and spilling loose items out onto the floor. “Remember. I have a fan, and I’m not afraid to use it.”
With good graces and bad, the members of Jindai Highschool made there way out of the bus. In groups, or as stragglers, they followed Kaname as she strode purposely towards the hotel.
OKAYAMA HOTEL SUNSHINE. The ornate neon sign flickered off and on.
“Finally. Peace and quiet.” Kyouko chirped. She should have known better.
The closer they got to the hotel entrance, the better things looked. Spirits rose with each step. Mumbling pessimism changed over to happy chuckles and rambunctious shouts. A large spotlight was in front of the main building, sending a large round circle of light back and forth across the low set clouds. A number of limousines pulled up to the curb, discharging men and women in fancy clothes. Men in black surrounded them, signaling that there were V.I.P.s in the house.
“Well, I might have been wrong after all, Sousuke” kaname said, almost sweetly. “There are certainly a lot of important looking people going in. There must be wonderful dining facilities or a great entertainment. Hotels with those usually have top notch accommodations.”
“Go ahead and say it all, Kaname.” Ryo was smiling, and evil look in her eye. “Tell him that you’re impressed. Maybe even……thankful.”
“Yes, something like ‘Sousuke, you’re SUCH a hunk. How could I have missed that up to now. TAKE ME!!!” Maya laughed, seeing Kaname jump,
“Hey, you hear that. Sagara’s at it again!” A boy from the swim team shouted back to his buddies. “Now he’s got Maya ready to rip her clothes off for him.”
“No…wait…Kaname…” Maya couldn’t get anyone to listen.
“SHIT! Who we gonna pay to put her clothes back on!!!” One of the wrestlers quipped. The resultant laughter startled a number of attendants waiting near the front door.
“What?!” Maya looked perturbed.
“It’s OK, Maya.” Kaname patted her friend’s cheek. “I personally wouldn’t call Sousuke a hunk, but don’t let that stop you.” She laughted at the look on Maya’s face. “O, and Ryo, I AM impressed. Impressed that you aren’t all over Sousuke, too. After what you said before….”
“HUH?” Now it was Ryo’s turn.
“Whoa! Ryo too, guys.” A rugby player gave Sousuke a salute.
“Man, what does that guy eat for breakfast?” The wrestler walked over and slapped Sousuke on the back. “If girls keep taking their clothes off, we’re going to think we’re in Private Eyes or some other strip joint!”
“Hey…we didn’t…” Both Maya and Ryo tried to make themselves heard over the rabble.
“Well, that’s the LAST type of place any of us girls would want to end up!” A girl from the debating club sounded insulted.
“You’ll NEVER get us in a place like that!” One of her friends blanched just thinking about it.
“T-H-A-N-K G-O-D ! ! !” It sounded as if every girl spoke up at once.
A number of women dressed as bunnies walked up with baskets, handing out complementary opera glasses and packets of moist toilettes. The boys in the class immediately forgot anything about teenage girls.
“What are these for?” Kyouko asked. Everyone was at a loss.
Two very large men with less than one neck between them sauntered over to the front of the group. “Do you have reservations at the club? If not, we are going to have to ask you to clear the area.”
“I am Kaname Chidori, class representative for Jindai Highschool.” Kaname meant it as an introduction, not as a justification for being there.
“O? I see. Nobody of any consequence. Move along. This is not a shopping mall or video game arcade.” Both men took short staves out of their jackets. One flexed his muscles. Another blew his nose just to the side of kaname.
“W-w-what?” Kaname clenched her teeth, her hackles up. The halisen tapped against her leg.
“I will handle this Chidori.” Sousuke stepped forward, hands held away from his side.
“What can you do, Sousuke? This isn’t an otaku convention.” Kaname hmmppffed.
“You have something to say to us, little man?” The bouncers smiled gap-toothed smiles. One spat.
“Yes. Girls. I had made an arrangement with the owners.” Sousuke had spoken quietly. No one from his class could hear what he was saying. “Dancing.”
“O!!! Why didn’t you say that first?” The change in the over-sized men was remarkable. Their amusement and condescension melted away, replaced with shock, embarrassment, and fear. They bowed, repeatedly. “This way, please. Mr. Katsura and Mr. Shicho are expecting you.” They both held the doors, sweat on their brows.
“Yeh! Sousuke for class representative.”
“No, Sousuke for emperor!”
Everybody was gossiping over Sousuke’s effect on the bouncers. Everyone except Kaname. She refused to even look at Sousuke. Just what had he said?
Sousuke was almost bowled overby the ecstatic rush of two men. It was the two gentlemen he had met in the sushi bar. The taller man, Shijaku Shincho, dabbed nervously at his damp forehead. His squat companion, Kokontei Katsura, held a bottle of ulcer medicine in a white-knuckled hand.
“Mr. Sagara. Thank god! We were so worried.” Mr. Shincho offered a sweaty hand for Sousuke to shake. “You don’t know how happy we are to see you.”
Kaname was taken aback. She had never seen a hotel manager so concerned for his customers.
“It is not a problem. We ran into some tragic circumstances at the museum, but thankfully everyone is safe. It is a matter of good fortune that we were able to make it here at all. As it is, we made it before your appointed time.” Sousuke was glad he was not a business man. Such work obviously led to a nervous constitution.
“I just knew you’d make it Mr. Sagara, what with the contract and all. We saw the news. I must say I am impressed by the courage and dedication of the young ladies, honoring their commitment after that. Impressed, and greatly relieved.” Mr. Katsura gulped down a handful of tablets.
Contract? People often had to sign vouchers and give a credit card imprint to hold a large number of room. But, a contract? And what did he mean about a commitment? Suddenly, Kaname began to feel suspicious. When things started to look too good to be true….
“Yes. The girls in my class are true troopers. I cannot imagine a better group.” The girls from Jindai High all looked at Sousuke with pleasant and surprised smiles. He could do no wrong in their eyes, if he kept up like that. “Miss Chidori deserves the most credit of all. No one puts as much effort into her routine as she does. She will stop at nothing to ensure the satisfaction of others.”
Kaname couldn’t help herself. Her cheeks felt hot. She hadn’t realized that Sousuke appreciated the hard work that she put in for the class.
“Well, that is very nice to hear!” Mr. Shincho looked Kaname up and down. “I bet there will be a lot of appreciative individuals visiting here tonight!”
“Yes. She is such an attractive young lady, too!” Mr. Katsura’s hand spasmed, causing his medicine container to hit the floor and roll away, spilling its pills as it went. He took no notice of it.
“Please. You give me too much credit.” Kaname felt flushed. It was nice to receive praise, but she didn’t want the rest of the class to feel envious. Against her better judgment, she found herself opening up to the two considerate innkeepers.
“I take it that our prior agreement stands?” Sousuke was thinking clearly. He didn’t want to be handed a surprise bill at the end of their stay.
“O, but of course. We are men of our word! A full dinner for everyone. Rooms for all. And to show our appreciation, we will present each young woman with a keepsake necklace, and we will provide drinks on the house for the young men. Naturally, we will take no notice that they are underage.” Mr. Shincho waved his hand in a rather effusive manner.
Kaname stood as if struck by a bolt out of the blue. Sousuke had managed to do all this? Without weapons or some crazy otaku scheme?
“Give me an S!” “S!” “Give me an….” The chant was back in force. The guys were stoked beyond belief.
“Dude, you R-O-C-K-!-!-!” One boy fell on his knees and bowed to Sousuke.
“Sousuke, I want you to have my baby!!!” One girl shouted like a groupie. No one could tell if she was serious or just joking.
“Uh….” Sousuke said.
Kaname quickly searched the crowd. Just WHO said THAT???
“It looks like you are the Cat’s Meow, Mr. Sagara.” Mr. Katsura wished he could have been that popular back in school. “I bet you’ll be a big hit around here tonight. There are men in attendance who are always looking for someone with vision. Such men are always on the look out for people who can get things done.”
“I see. Could we all come inside now?” Sousuke asked, concerned about another item issue that needed to be addressed. “Our teacher is very ill, and needs to retire to her room.” Ryo and Ren helped a very drowsy Miss Okibasu sit down in a chair.
“O! But of course. I will have a room prepared immediately. Also, as there are a number of hospital administrators here tonight, I will have an aide check and see if they brought a doctor or two as guests. We pride ourselves at providing the best.” Mr. Shincho rang a small hand held bell. Things were set in motion.
“How about the rest of us? Can we go directly to our rooms. No doubt everyone would like to freshen up before dinner.” Kaname was not going to let Sousuke steal all the thunder.
“Ah! I must truly apologize, Miss, seeing that we are terribly in your debt. But, we are rather busy tonight, and you were later than we had expected. We’ll work as hard as we can to get your rooms ready, while you prepare yourselves.”
“But…prepare….” What exactly were they referring to?
“Certainly. We understand you may need to get your selves ready for this. It really is a big deal. Trust me, you’ll look lovely just as you are.”
“For dinner?” The words were flying by Kaname too fast. There was something she felt she should put a finger on, but her head was spinning.
“O, yes, for that too. I know you must all be hungry, but we do have nice plates made up back stage. The boys can all order their meals at the bar. And Mr. Sagara, I’m certain that any number of people will be buying you the best that the house can offer.”
“Backstage?” Kaname eyebrows shot up. Something was screwy here!
“Yes. I must apologize again. We do not have enough dressing rooms. Miss Chidori, as the lead attraction, you will have a private room of course. Don’t worry. Everything will be kept private.”
“LEAD ATTRACTION???” Kaname’s voice rose considerably. “SOUSUKE!!! Do you have something to explain here?” The halisen was swinging like a pendulum now.
“I shall do so, Kaname. We needed a place to stay, and food to eat, because of your scheduling mistakes.” Sousuke was tired, so he was even more clueless than usual. “These gentlemen needed customers for this business. They would appear to need women to dance. If women start to dance, no doubt men will get up and dance as well. When everyone has found the place to their liking then, they will stay longer. That way they will provide more and more business.” Sousuke was proud. His explanation was complete.
“Uh…” Mr. Shincho turned pale, but couldn’t get a word in. He rang his bell, spoke to an aide, and sent the man running.
“Umm…” Mr. Katsura had gone beet red. He too was interrupted.
“WHAT?” Kaname brought the halisen down on a nearby table. Sending a large bowl of courtesy mints rolling across the floor in every possible direction. “You plan on using us girls as cows, to coax the bulls into the the arena?” Kaname sounded on the verge of going volcanic.
The girls all started talking. Things threatened to turn ugly.
Sousuke suddenly felt as if he had walked far into a minefield, with a crossfire keeping him from tracing his footsteps back out. The men had SAID they wanted girls to dance!
“No. That’s not it at all. We don’t have a large dance floor here. Our establish does not cater to that kind of crowd.” Mr. Shincho didn’t tell kaname everything. He swallowed. That girl has CRAZY eyes. I need back-up.
The susurus were less angry now. The girls looked relieved.
Sousuke felt the adrenalin coursing through him. Why did this feel like a classic fight or flight situation?
“We have a different kind of dancing here….” Mr. Katsura had become drenched with sweat.
“Line dancing?” One girl clapped her hands, hopeful. That could be done in smaller spaces.
“Spotlight couples dancing?” Another girl bushed. Her boyfriend swore. His friends would get on his case if his sweetheart dragged him up to dance.
“The Cha Cha?” Everybody turned to stare incredulously at one girl. Was she on drugs?
“No, none of that. There seems to have been a misunderstanding here.” Mr. Shicho looked visibly relieved. A group of large men in dark coat and shaded glasses were walking in his direction.
“Just what ARE we talking about here?!!” Kaname cut straight to the point. She wasn’t looking at Mr. Shincho or Mr. Katsura. If her eyes were laser beams, Sousuke would have been reduced to a smoking heap of slag.
“Well, for starters, there is Fan Dancing….” Mr. Katsura was cut-off.
“Oh. NOW I get it.” Maya stepped forward. “You expect us to dress up in full geisha outfits, make-up and all. We’d have those adorable painted fans. That might be fun girls. We can certainly put up with a little discomfort if it gets us room and board.” The girls quickly began talking among themselves. A number of guys had a rather intense look on their face. There was an entirely different type of Fan dance.
“Yes, and there is the Bubble Dance….” Mr. Shincho wasn’t able to say anything more.
“Thas fun!” One girl sounded rather pumped. “I’ve been to discos when they filled the room with bubbles. That’s really neat.” Her friends were getting excited. The boys were talking amongst themselves, chuckling.
“Table dancing. Couch dancing. Seven Veils. Lap dancing. Private dancing.” Mr. Katsura ounted things off on his fingers.
The girls were stunned. Some of them knew just what that implied. The boys looked ready to jump out of their skin.
“Yes, with good quality ostrich feathers….giant clear plastic globes….tassels….pasties….G-strings and thongs….everything possibly needed.” Mr. Shincho looked uncomfortable. He had a good read on the situation. Things would come as a nasty surprise to the innocent students, but there were bigger things at stake here. Like his livelihood. Like his life.
"OOO LA LA! Take it off. Take it ALL off!" One of the rugby guys yelled. A chorus of wolf whistles followed.
"What does all that mean?" Kaname asked a frightened Mr. Katsura, standing nose to nose with the quivering man. She was pretty certain she knew the answer.
"E-e-e-exotic dancing. Strip tease." Mr. Shicho stammered.
“Y-Y-Y-You want us to dance NAKED???” Kaname was absolutely livid. She wasn’t speaking to either of the hotel managers. Her hands were rough on the sides of Sousuke’s collar, as she strove to lift him off the ground.
“Of course NOT!” Mr. Shincho replied. “This is a classy establishment. There wouldn‘t be any mystery in that. You can keep the tassels on.”
A number of the girls stared at the tall man. His words hit them like a ton of bricks. Everbody started speaking up, saying they wouldn't be doing any dancing.
“But, you did not speak of any of this before,” Sousuke put in. “You said nothing of shameful acts.”
“Well, it WAS clearly written into the fine print of the contract…” Mr. Katsura held up the document in question. “And you DID sign it.” The man pointed to Sousuke’s signature.
“Sousuke….” Kaname’s voice was very quiet, and all the more frightening for that fact. “You signed a contract…for all of the girls in the class…and you…did not…read…the CONTRACT?!!” She shouted that last word in the disgruntled soldier’s ear.
“Well?” Kaname brought the halisen behind her head.
“Sousuke?” Kaname spread her feet apart and shifted her balance forward on her toes.
“SOUSUKE!!!” Every muscle in Kaname’s body was tence.
“No, Kaname. I did not read the contract.” Sousuke realized now that he had made a mistake. He never had to deal with legal matters at any time during his life. As long as he had been with Mithril, a huge Legal Department dealt with those issues.
“I see. Quite understandable. You are not a lawyer, are you?” Kaname’s voice was down to a whisper.
“You are an idiot!” Kaname swung for the fences and whacked Sousuke hard against the side of his head. “Here, let me show you MY fan dance, Sousuke!” The halisen was a blur. Spittle flew from Sousuke’s mouth as he was pummeled unmercifully. “I trusted you, Sousuke. Miss Okibasu trusted you. We ALL did!” Kaname sounded totally disgusted.
“And you did all of us guys proud!!!” One of the wrestlers shouted. A round of scattered applause followed
“Yeh, better than panty raids and skinny dipping!” That appeared to be the opinion of a minority of the boys present. The others knew exactly how they might feel if they showed up at a PTA bake sale and were expected to put on a Chippendales routine or a rendition of The Full Monty.
“It seems we have a misunderstanding, here. It is only my name on the contract. I am the sole one at fault. You may hold me accountable in any manner you wish. The others have no debt, as they have never signed anything with me.” Sousuke thought about borrowing one of the other student’s cellular phones. A call to the safe house, and a transfer to the Mithril lawyer on-call, would help clarify rights and obligations. “If necessary, I will dance.”
A number of the girls whistled. None of the others saw anything to feel good about.
“I understand that, Mr. Sagara. Truly, I do. That's very noble of you. But tonight, none of that matters.” Mr. Katsura had gotten down on the floor, on his hands and knees, and was gathering up his pills. “And, if you danced, we’d probably get shot.”
“Yes. We are really sorry, but things are completely out of our hands. We‘re dealing with an entirely different set of laws now.” Mr. Shincho stepped back as one of the strangers walked closer.
“Are you the spokesman for the dancers?” The tall dark man had a scar running down from the corner of one eye to the edge of his chin. His breath stank. A bulge in his suit likely represented a handgun.
“As I have explained to these gentlemen, the girls are NOT dancers.” Sousuke prayed that this man had the authority to defuse the situation. He was not too hopeful.
“They are now. A lot of arrangements have been name. Important people changed their schedules to be here. They do not take kindly to misunderstandings. They expect me to prevent mistakes. For good reason. My friends and I make mistakes disappear.” The smile on the man belonged in an age before dentistry.
Sousuke considered taking down the three men. Unless they were of the quality of the late Miss Krieger or Mr. Mishka, it should be possible. However, in these tight quarters, any stray shot had a high likelihood of striking a student. “We are just high school students. Not entertainers. We cannot help that people made arrangements under incorrect assumptions.”
Kaname’s anger had been snuffed out like a candle. Now she was frightened. She had a good idea what would happen next. She whispered to Kyouko “Tell the nearest people to start backing out of the lobby slowly. Tell them to pass it on. Hurry.” Kyouko did as she was told.
“Sure you can!” The ugly man said in response to Sousuke. “You are the one responsible for the wrong assumptions, right?” He gave Mr. Shincho and Mr. Katsura a haughty but meaningful look. They shrank. “You said you had girls. I see girls here. You said they’d dance. You were quite right. They will. Don’t let their lack of experience bother you. My bosses appreciate effort.” He laughed, a short hyena like bark. “Trust me. The girls will make an admirable effort.” A Walther pistol appeared in his hand. His comrades were also armed.
A shot rang out.
“Ichi, what is going on?” The scarred man asked his subordinate.
“Sir, there is too much covert whispering going on. People were heading out the door.” The man pointed with his gun. A small hole was visible in the door frame above the head of a visibly shaking boy.
“Good work. I’d better take care of this before things get out of hand. You, Shincho, get me a chair!” When he had the chair, the man stood on it and addressed the crowd, making certain they all saw his gun. “I do NOT suggest that anyone try to make a run for it. Mind you, it is not an order. I’m not your teacher or your parent.” His voice was almost pleasant. “But, if anyone runs, that person dies. Remember, it’s only my suggestion.”
“This is not NOT legal. This is wrong. You have no right to treat them that way.” Sousuke knew his words would be useless. But, he needed to keep up an act of a frantic teenage boy. The less self-assured he seemed, the less likely anyone would view him as a threat. “Please. Just let us all go home. Don’t any of you have any children?”
“You’re right, of course. How rude of me. I’ll take care of it right away.” The man got back up on the chair. “Change of plans. Anyone who wants to leave is free to go. Just remember my earlier suggestion.” He changed the clip on his gun. No one had moved even an inch. “You see? No problem. And, I DO have children.” The man put his hand over his eye like a look-out looking for signs of land. “But, I don’t see any of them here.”
The men with the guns started herding the Jindai students like cattle. “Sir? Shouldn’t we have them leave their belongings here?” One of the men was clearly on the ball.
“Well, they are going voluntarily, aren’t they? In the spirit of the occasion, we can make things easier for them, don’t you think?” The Yakuza officer didn’t see much threat from a bunch of children. What were they going to do, hit the clan head with a shoe, or strangle the senior advisor with a bra strap? No, when they realized just who they were dealing with, they would be very well behaved boys and girls.
“Sir, I ask you again. Let the others go. I will come with you and accept whatever punishment you require. If I can talk to your boss, perhaps I can get him to see reason.” Sousuke would like very much to get close to the man in charge.
“O, don’t you worry young man. The Oyabun wants to see you, alright. He wants to show his appreciation for the fine show you’ve set up for us tonight.” The man patted Sousuke on the back, as if he were a favorite son. “But, I should explain something to you….” The Yakuza slammed a fist hard into Sousuke’s gut, doubling him over. “One does not get a clan chief to see reason. Whatever HE wants is reason enough, understand?” A knee to the face rocked Sousuke back on his heels.
“Yes. Yes, sir.” Sousuke made certain to sound cowed.
“Good. Good. No hard feelings then? We all make mistakes.” The look on the man’s face made it clear that he would not put up with any more mistakes. “Mr. Yamataka would be very unhappy if you viewed him in a bad light. You see, he wants to get on your good side.”
“Good side?”
“Yes, if only to get your inside opinion on the auction.” The large man chuckled.
“O, that’s right! No one has told any of you yet." He snapped his fingers. "Let me take care of that right away.” He whistled loudly.
“LISTEN UP EVERYONE!” The scarred man’s voice carried, even in the growing crowd noise. The students stopped and gave the man their full attention. “You pretty ladies will want to an extra special job tonight. If you do, most of you will get to go home safe and unharmed. The luckiest ones, though, will get a special treat. They will get to stay for the girl auction.”
The girls all looked frightened. None of the boys was in the slightest bit excited any more. Things had gone from bad to worse. They could only imagine what would happen to any girl auctioned off.
“Exciting, isn’t it?” The Yakuza officer cleared a path for himself and Sousuke to walk down. “Something you can tell your kids about some day.”
End of pt 15
[FIC] Class Act (part 15)
Moderators: KiLlEr, HELLFIRE, Taurec
[FIC] Class Act (part 15)
Last edited by dd on Mon Mar 22, 2004 5:24 pm, edited 20 times in total.
- Rezident GunBunny
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- Location: the fine line between creative genius and insanity
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Re: [FIC] Class Act (part 15)
...long as you don't ask what's it gonna cost to actually GET those thingsdd wrote:We have food and beds waiting for us.”

Waiting dd!
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On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.