*Special notes: Been trying to figure out WHERE this took place
geographically. This possibly took place on Soviet soil, according
to the map and dialogue, but freeze-framing on the Air Force symbol
on those MiGs has me convinced it was in China. As such, I've listed
all Soviet equipment with their Chinese counterpart, just in case...
A Google search on Khanka lists the lake seen on Gaulun's map,
and as being under joint Chinese-Soviet ownership.
Model: A-10 Thunderbolt 2
Manufacturer: Fairchild-Republic
In Service With: USAF
Date Deployed: 1977
Armament: 1x GAU-8/A 30mm 7-barrel cannon (1,174 rounds)
full range of US dumb-bombs, GBU laser-guided bombs,
AGM-65 air-to-surface missiles, self-defense AIM-9 Sidewinders
Top Speed: 367knts / 681kmh
Range: 250nm - 540nm, depending on loadout and flight-profile
Special Notes:
- the USAF's Close Air Support weapon, well-known for its gun which is
credited with 1) it's sheer size and weight, 2) putting out 65lb of metal per
second, 3) killing any tank known, 4) literally stopping the A-10 in the air
if the trigger is held down too long.
- Has been supplanted by the F-16C (CAS configuration), but not yet
- Known derisively as the "Warthog" for it's ugliness and/or toughness.
- wasn't actually shown in the anime, it was on the cover of
Shinji's "inflight reading material"

Model: F-16 Fighting Falcon
Manufacturer: General Dynamics
In Service With: 30+ nations, including NATO, former WarPac, Mideast
and SE Asian airforces
Date Deployed: 1979 (F-16A)
Armament: 1x M61 20mm 6-barrel cannon, 2x AIM-9 Sidewinders (typical)
later models have full compatibility with (nearly) all USAF and
NATO-standard air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions
Top Speed: Mach 2
Range: 300nm - 500nm, depending on model, loadout, and flight-profile
Special Notes:
- evolved from the USAF's Light Weight Fighter program into the most
widely used multi-role fighter/bomber.
- Has been progressively updated with new avionics and weapons-
capabilities (F-16Cx /Dx models, F-16 Block 60)
Model: MiG-21 / J-7 (in Chinese service)
Manufacturer: MiG OKB (MiG-21), Shenyang Factory (J-7)
In Service With: numerous nations, including (former) WarPac and
Mideast nations, and China
Date Deployed: 1959 onwards (MiG-21), 1966 (J-7)
Armament: various combinations of 23mm and 30mm cannon(s),
infrared- and radar-guided air-to-air missiles
Top Speed: Mach 2
Special Notes:
- one of the longest-produced, most recognizable aircraft, spawning
numerous variants, sub-variants and derivations.
- grew out of a post-Korean War requirement for a daylight interceptor
under ground control
Model: T-54 (Soviet designation) / T-59 (Chinese designation)
Manufacturer: Former Soviet Union
In Service With: Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Azerbaijan
Bangladesh Belarus Bosnia-Herz. Bulgaria Cambodia Cent. African Rep.
Chad China Congo Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Egypt Ethiopia Finland
Georgia Guinea Hungary India Iran Iraq Korea (north) Laos Lebanon
Libya Macedonia [T-55A] Malawi Mauritania Mongolia Mozambique Namibia
Nicaragua Nigeria Pakistan Peru Poland Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia
Somalia Sri Lanka Sudan Syria Tanzania Togo Uganda Ukraine Uzbekistan
Vietnam Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe
Date Deployed:
Armament: 100mm rifled cannon, 7.62mm MG, 12.7mm MG, smoke
Top Speed: 50kmh / 31mph
Special Notes:
RF detonators
- detonators that are remote controlled by radio-frequency command,
much like how you operate an RC toy. EXTREMELY sensitive to external
RF energy at or near their own operating frequency.
satellite radio
- long-range radio, that transmits to a satellite in low-earth orbit.
referring to Tessa as 'Colonel'
- Comparing the US' command structure, the Army's O-6 rank of Colonel
is the Navy's O-6 rank-equivalent of Captain
*I couldn't make out the Japanese, but in my fansub, they translated it
as 'Colonel'
- hand-held device capable of generating several thousand volts, enough
to stun / incapacitate via electrical shock. Commercially available for
personal self-defense.
Model: C-17 Globemaster III
Manufacturer: McDonnel Douglas (now Boeing)
In Service With: USAF Air Mobility Command
Date Deployed: 1993
Armament: none
Top Speed: 450knts (high level), 350knts (low level)
Range: upwards of 5000nm
Special Notes:
- the latest USAF cargo plane, the concept for a plane capable of handling
a cargo load in the C-141 / C-5 range, yet operate off airfields only
capable of handling the C-130.
- introduction into USAF service was due more to political than technical
- some STO (Short Take Off) capability.
Still need help on these references:
- Gaulun's gun used during the hijacking
- Kalinin, 'old terrorist methods'
- submachine gun (pointed @ Chidori & used by ppl @ the base)
- pistol pointed @ Sagara after he finished his report
- sniper rifle used on Gaulun: I have it down to either a Styer SSG
or M40A