Avlor wrote:
Yes Sousuke is SEXY.

Isn't he how you want most gusy to be? Strong, handsome, will do what ever it takes to do the right thing, smart in someways but completely clueless and innocent in others... (sigh)
/Av looks over at her hubby playing on HIS compy... (sigh)

(Engineers are often like Sousuke)...
BTW - welcome!
Thanks for the welcome! I agree that engineers are often like Sosuke in the knowledge/innocence area, my hubby's a computer engineer (
pic of him here) He's also got the whole tall, dark thing going on, and his eyes are the lightest shade of blue, like Sosuke!!
Eidolon wrote:Volume 3 has an even better pullout:
It is definitely a great pullout, but I think maybe better for the guys than the girls...

When I get volume 3 and 4 I plan on making some kind of pretty background from their color pages as well.
Avlor wrote:There are several of us of the female type here. (Shounen anime and manga isn't just for boys you know... ) I was the one who started several guys in my town on FMP
I'm really happy to hear it, it means I can

over Sosuke with other like-minded fems. Don't think the guys would necessarily want to hear all about which outfit Sosuke looks hottest in (my personal fav is when he's given his coat to Kaname, and he's just wearing his school pants and collared undershirt, and he's looking all beaten up like Bruce Willis - SexySexy!!) In fact, that might be my next scanning project, scan all the pics of Sosuke looking sexy....
I'm trying to get my husband interested in it as well, though I think he likes the serious stories better than the fun ones (in that way he's also like Sosuke, always so serious!)
Finally, not to change the subject, but does anyone have FMP manga vol. 5? Some of the
online book sitessay it's available now, however my local comic shop hasn't gotten them yet (and comic book stores usually get manga releases
before they're available to general book stores, so I thought that highly strange.)