@Wo0 and AB
Nope 2
sharks - finished reading chapy last night.
@just AB now.
I enjoyed this chapter much more than the last. (But as promised will read the rest of the story - even if it doesn't have moosh). I really enjoyed your setup with Kurz confessing and Mao over hearing, and then the
moosh at the end of the chapy.
I know Sousuke would not actually hurt Kyouko, but it was hard to think about him even threatening her. Maybe I didn't sense the urgency that you thought Sousuke saw (and he was WAY tired - that must have been your point...)
i also had a hard time with Kurz calling Kaname a B*TCH. I know he was mad. But knowing that Sousuke was right there listening - would he have reacted more at that? Just made me wonder (now understand I was out in the heat most of the day at the local county fair, before I got to read the chapy...)
anyway - I really enjoyed the chapter and getting to see how you get into the minds of Sousuke and Kaname too.
Looking forward to next chapy.