Chapter 6 - Love is a Pain
The last day passed too quickly…Sousuke’s Tuesday 7:00 AM departure had arrived.
He only let himself look back once, while she could see him. But after takeoff, he was unable to look away from the door, willing it away so he could reach out for her. Melissa put her hand on Sousuke’s shoulder, she knew leaving Kaname today was one of the hardest things Sousuke would ever do. Fate had played an especially cruel trick on him – as soon as he realized love, he had to leave unsure when he’d return.
When he felt he could talk – he thought out loud, “She wore the bracelet today for the first time. I had given it to her just after we met, so I could track her if I needed. Me tracking her appalled her then…I never thought she’d wear it.”
Kurz had to lighten the situation a bit, it was starting to get to him. “Well, my boy, you know that girl – if you don’t return soon, she’ll hunt you down and pummel you with that halisen of hers.” The jest had the effect of a water balloon on the brick wall around Sousuke. Melissa just shook her head. The 6 hour flight to the meeting with Captain Testarossa, just got longer.
Sousuke tapped his past experiences and forced himself refocus. A soldier can’t let himself be overpowered by leaving someone behind. He had to keep looking forward. The core of who he was hadn’t changed.
Sousuke walked into Captain Testarossa’s office and saluted. “Thank you Captain, for allowing me to meet with you about my reassignment.” She nodded and he sensed she wasn’t thrilled about this.
He proceeded the only way he knew how - directly, “I want to be the one to protect Chidori Kaname. What will it take to be reassigned to protect her?”
“It’s not possible. That has already been decided it’s out of your hands and mine,” she curtly answered.
“When I was reassigned to her last time, after the plane hijacking incident – it was no problem. Why is it different this time? I am her “insurance” and I am finally starting to think about my future.” he pushed.
He had never been this pushy before. He always used to go about his orders, never showing if he liked or disliked them. He just obeyed. Why was he behaving so differently? Was it true he had fallen for Kaname? She remembered when she took a vacation and visited Sousuke’s school. She took a big breath and gained momentum putting her petite hands squarely on her desk and raising the volume in her voice several notches, “You weren’t in Japan to build a relationship soldier! It’s not professional! This was not a paid holiday for you to go dating Miss Chidori! You were given a promotion and a choice assignment. Aren’t you appreciative of an assignment so tailored to your talents?” Her anger had peaked and she felt tired from it already. She wasn’t used to this. She knew what she said was harsh, and it probably showed more about her own feelings than she wanted. But it was already said. No time to take it back now.
“Understood, Captain,” he stated flatly while looking at the floor, every muscle in his body was tense. He paused before continuing, “My tour of duty is up in 3 weeks. It may be time for me to think about my future outside of Mithril.”
This totally threw Tessa for a loop, with new anger building in her she rebutted in the only way she could think of at the time, “You’re dismissed Sargent!” He saluted smartly, overstating the whole gesture. Tessa returned a half hearted salute as he left the room. So it was true, her head dropped and tears began to fall on her desk. This feeling of helplessness tortured her far too often.
Later that day, Tessa hunted Sousuke down. She owed him an apology. She’d attacked him because she had been hurt. “Sousuke!” she called down the hall.
He turned around to see what she wanted, “Yes, Captain?”
“I owe you an apology for my outburst today. I am sorry,” she couldn’t bring herself to admit to him why it happened. But she was apologizing and that’s what counted. “I will do what I can to assist you. I know it means a lot to you. Though, I truly don’t know if we can change it. Sure the promotion can be turned down, but we really need your experience training new AS pilots. You’re one of our best. And someone else has already been assigned to Miss Chidori, it is felt the risk for her is minimal now.”
He nodded. “Thank you, Captain. Permission to speak freely?” She nodded and he confided, “You’re stronger than you think you are.” She turned and walked down the hallway to the bridge, confidence in her step and didn’t drop her papers or bump into anything for once.
Sousuke headed over to the range for some target practice. He was still edgy, and target practice usually helped him focus. He noticed Kurz here too, so Sousuke took the lane beside him. As he was just about ready to start, a few other soldiers walked in. Seeing Sousuke, they chuckled to themselves, “Hey did you see Sousuke’s back? He’s so straight – I heard he had a whole 2 years guarding some hot chick in a high school – I bet he never even kissed one of those cute little things and he was surrounded by them!”
Sousuke’s eyes narrowed as he brooded to himself, “Do they think I can’t hear them with this headset on?” He was used to getting guff for being the straight man, but this time it got to him. He squeezed the trigger several times and it hit the man shaped target directly in the forehead every time. Meanwhile Kurz coughed hard at least a dozen times, to try to overcome his laughing fit.
Kurz peeked around the corner when Sousuke retrieved his target. Flashing a huge grin, he conspiratorially said, “Hey little Bro, those guys think they have you pegged. But WE know better.” His eyes widened and he whistled as he saw how close pattern on the paper target was, “You’re a even better shot when you’re mad. Man, you are SCARY sometimes!”
Sousuke was about to go back to practicing, when Kurz pulled a picture out of his pocket and handed it to him. “This was the ID picture I had of Chidori in Japan. It’s of when she was a few years younger, but I thought you might want it.” Sousuke nodded and accepted it. “The Sergeant Major won’t have to buy you a beer tonight, I will,” he offered in thanks.
Two days later…
Tessa was just leaving the teleconference with Rear Admiral Hover at Headquarters. He had been the one who had signed Sousuke’s original reassignment and promotion to Staff Sergeant. She kept her promise, but the meeting didn’t go well. She spotted Melissa, “Sergeant Major Mao please, have Sergeant Sagara meet me in my office in 10 minutes.” Melissa saluted and headed in the direction she thought Sousuke would most likely be.
Sousuke had just returned from Tessa’s office, when ran into Kurz. “Man, you look like you could use a beer – you’re more sullen looking than usual. Why don’t I buy you a drink this time?” Kurz suggested as he put his hand on Sousuke’s shoulder to lead him to the bar.
Sousuke unloaded to Kurz. He told him about Tessa trying to get him reassigned, how they would have promoted him to Staff Sergeant and transferred him to train AS pilots. Kurz inquired, “Well, little Bro, what now?”
“I’m turning in my resignation tomorrow. My tour lasts only 2 weeks, 4 days and 3 hours more,” Sousuke confessed. Kurz’s beer spewed out of his mouth, all over the table and Sousuke.
“What? You? A civilian?”
Kurz’s laughing hysterics were stopped by Sousuke’s unflinching stare. “You mean you’re SERIOUS?”
“Yes, aren’t I always?”
“But…I mean it will do you good to be in the real world for a while. But …Wait a minute…Did you and Kaname do it? How could you be throwing away the only life you have ever know to go somewhere you really don’t fit in, just for her otherwise?” Kurz beamed a lecherous smile thinking he’d figured it out.
Sousuke stood up and his stare bored into Kurz. Kurz put his hands up – he remembered his swollen jaw from Sunday, “I surrender – I’ll leave well enough alone. I’m just surprised that’s all.”
“I need to call her before it gets to late there and I need to change,” Sousuke managed as he left his comrade in wonder.
Wah, here we reach my real weakness. Shoujo moosh is easy for me. But military and action stuff (sigh) – I love to watch it, but I hope I can do the story justice. (I’m doing quite a bit of research as I go, and will have to pummel my gun otaku friend for not getting back to me…)
[Fanfic] Sousuke's last stand - ch 6 (Pg-13)
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- Avlor
- Assault Rifle
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[Fanfic] Sousuke's last stand - ch 6 (Pg-13)

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
- Catapult
- Posts: 987
- Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:02 pm
- Location: Waxahachie, Republico de Tejas ((CS occupied) US occupied)
1) You never salute indoors.
2) Souske would have gone to Kallinin, first. Kallinin is his ranking officer. Then, if he wasn't sastified, he'd go up the chain of command, Capt Testarossa.
These are minor things.
Other then that.
On with the next chapter...........
Gotto read these as our resident Fanworks reveiwer is a slacker and can't respond
2) Souske would have gone to Kallinin, first. Kallinin is his ranking officer. Then, if he wasn't sastified, he'd go up the chain of command, Capt Testarossa.
These are minor things.
Other then that.
On with the next chapter...........
Gotto read these as our resident Fanworks reveiwer is a slacker and can't respond

".... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain..."
exerpt from Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
exerpt from Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
- Catapult
- Posts: 987
- Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:02 pm
- Location: Waxahachie, Republico de Tejas ((CS occupied) US occupied)
Special case there. The crew was trying to show thier apprecation to her. The only time you salute is when you have headgear on, and most of the time you take your headgear off indoors. 

".... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain..."
exerpt from Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
exerpt from Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
- Rezident GunBunny
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- Location: the fine line between creative genius and insanity
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Sousuke... a civilian... Oh BOY!
// beefs up personal insurance policy by a factor of 100 and goes to read more
// beefs up personal insurance policy by a factor of 100 and goes to read more
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On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
- Avlor
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I don't think I can fix that with out taking out things I wanted in the story. I'm going to leave that problem and let people cope with it.Belisarius wrote:2) Souske would have gone to Kallinin, first. Kallinin is his ranking officer. Then, if he wasn't sastified, he'd go up the chain of command, Capt Testarossa.

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.