Manga source, probable novel source
Moderators: KiLlEr, HELLFIRE, Taurec
According to ADV, the FMP vol 1 manga was ranked number 7 in bestseller charts.
Well, I personally never trust anything a company says about their own products, but I'd like to believe that the tone of this article will lead to a faster release rate of the FMP manga. I'm also willing to actually go out and buy it, so as to make a statement. Let's hope they keep it up, and let's hope that one day they will release the novels, too.
According to ADV, the FMP vol 1 manga was ranked number 7 in bestseller charts.
Well, I personally never trust anything a company says about their own products, but I'd like to believe that the tone of this article will lead to a faster release rate of the FMP manga. I'm also willing to actually go out and buy it, so as to make a statement. Let's hope they keep it up, and let's hope that one day they will release the novels, too.