
All the mad cows post in here..... beware of Vrooming fruitbats.

Moderators: KiLlEr, HELLFIRE, Taurec

Happy-Go-Lucky Button Pusher
Happy-Go-Lucky Button Pusher
Posts: 3026
Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2003 1:15 am
Location: I'm lost in the evil lands, of soccer-mom piloted minivans...


Post by KiLlEr »

A competitive man wanted to learn how to sky dive. He got an instructor and started lessons. The instructor told the man to jump out of the plane and pull his rip cord. The instructor then explained that he himself would jump out right behind him so that they would go down together. The redneck understood and was ready.

The time came to have the man jump from the air plane. The instructor reminded the man that he would be right behind him. The man proceeded to jump from the plane and after being in the air for a few seconds pulled the rip cord. The instructor followed by jumping from the plane. The instructor pulled his rip cord but the parachute did not open. The instructor, frantically trying to get his parachute open, darted past the redneck.

The man, seeing this, yelled as he undid the straps to his parachute, "So you wanna race, eh?" [/i]
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