...and here's the proof! Gawd, some people can drone on and
on about the most inane thing and bore you out of your skull. The
fact that they have it sitting on the same PP slide with the same
generic PP background makes it all the more worse!
I really hope that my teachers read that article and think about it. Those PP things are really killers!
I quess that everybody knows that. Then, why the hell they use methods even they hate? I just don't get it. Specially, it is bad when teachers keep doing things that are not effective.
Maybe even my English would be more readably if my teachers hadn't messed with written and spoked material
(English is not my native language, so my writings are pretty crappy. Try to live with it.)
Actually its the way people use Power point that makes it go for the worse.. A Powerpoint that has been carefully worked out is something that can make people remember stuff better.
If the Powerpoint has too many different effects like pictures flying in from
every angle and text spinning around... off course people start to think more
about the effects than the actual text. and when that happens they lose focus
on the presentation... "voila" its ruined...
To make a good presentation you have to:
- Have a design, nothing fancy but just so it isnt a white page with text on it.
- Use minimal amount of effects, a good one is the "Fade Out" effect as it doesn't disturb the eye
- Don't have to much information on the pages and definitely don't make the presentation too long
- The one speaking should speak with enthusiasm
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