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Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:09 am
by Wonder Druq
HOLOPHONICS is a clever sound technique where it makes something sound louder than it actually is. Here's part of the Wikipedia description:

Holophonics is a trademark for a specific form of sound recording that is based on the (unproven) hypothesis that the auditory system acts as an interferometer. The sound characteristics of Holophonics are most clearly heard through headphones, though can be demonstrated to be effective with ordinary 2 channel stereo speakers. To optimize this effect, loudspeakers have also been specifically designed for reproducing Holophonic recordings

I was so fascinated by this that I went on ebay and bought a vintage Sony Cassette Walkman from the 80's, and a cassette tape copy of Pink Floyd's The Final Cut to experience it. And no, I couldn't just copy the CD onto a tape, BECAUSE the effect of holophonics cannot be re-created if you copy it from one format to another, such as what I just mentioned. This is one of the best demonstrations of holophonics:

And here's the whole wikipedia article for more info:

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:28 pm
by Taurec

More examples. ... the virtual haircut is cool...

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:12 am
by KashimArbalestAS
Nifty stuff.