I'd like to say that we're on a discussion board. It is in that light my comments about 'hating certain parts' should be seen - I don't hate reading those parts. I just...really wish they were in a condition that would grip me better.
With that out of the way, I also don't feel I need to look for a positive way of seeing things as I discuss them - I use these boards to talk, and evaluate, and express some of the impressions I got.. While using them to look for positives is fair and square, I've already read the books, and that experience won't be changed, so I don't really care for that.
As for the whole perspective thing...what I meant when I said the 'readers' perspective, I meant you have to see it from a real-world readers perspective....'is a real world reader able to relate to a character in this situation' and that kind of thing...'would a real world reader have empathy with this'...
This is opposed to the writers perspective:
'Is there any way he could have done this better?, could this have been smoother?'
That's what I really meant to say...looking at a situation from a characters perspective does relate to whether the experience is believable, but when looking at it from the readers perspective you can do this too, only, the 'readers perspective' is at a sort of meta-level..
Sorry if that sounded complicated, I probably overcomplexified it 2 or 3 times there