Hello everyone, I'm Raspberry and I'm new on this forum, which was introduced to me by Miz Chidori You can blame her

Although I've seen all FMP series just recently, I was hunting for the title for over 3 years - when I first saw the opening... I've been a member of other fanfiction forum for few years now, where I had the chance to taste a little bit of FMP... And back then - I knew I had to get grip on those series... BUT it couldn't have happened untill I got in 'heritage' my bro's computer and permanent internet connection

Why do I like FMP? I won't say anything new: amazing characters (funny, yet with strong personalities), balanced, intriguing plot (in every comedy episode there's a piece of solemnity and in every serious episode there's something funny), character, models and enviroment design on high level, and - last but not least, beautiful mechas...
Well, I suppose that's all... If anyone has any questions - go ahead, I'll try to answer my best ^^