I found this forum for Anime. It's a UK forum. Well, I've never met a person from the UK I didn't like, so I joined. I posted a hello message like everyone else and was greeted nicely and all that. Then I posted in some other places and people were talking to me.
Then someone asked how old I was and where I lived. I'm 31 and from the US. Well, after that no one will talk to me.

Do you think its because I'm 31 or because I'm from the US? or both?
I know its unusual for someone my age to like Anime, but I've loved it since I was a kid. And its tough finding others my age who still watch it. So when the teens see my age, I know it has to be them thinking, "Oh God, who does this old lady think she's kidding?" But I looked for forums with a more mature crowd and I don't see one anywhere!

What do you guys think?