Drink and Drive

All the mad cows post in here..... beware of Vrooming fruitbats.

Moderators: KiLlEr, HELLFIRE, Taurec

Happy-Go-Lucky Button Pusher
Happy-Go-Lucky Button Pusher
Posts: 3026
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Location: I'm lost in the evil lands, of soccer-mom piloted minivans...

Drink and Drive

Post by KiLlEr »

One night, a police officer was staking out a particularly rowdy bar for potential violators of the Driving Under Influence law. At closing time, the officer notices a patron stumbled out of the bar, tripped on the curb and tried his keys on six different cars before finally finding his own. The fellow then opened his car door and proceeded to sit in the front seat.

By now, everyone else has left the bar and driven off.

After some trouble, the fellow starts the engine and begins to pull away. The police officer stops the driver in his tracks, reads him his rights and administers a Breathalyzer test. Amazingly, though, the results show a reading of 0.00. The puzzled officer demands to know how this could be. "I don't get it. You stumbled out of the bar, tripped on the curb and tried your keys on six different cars before finally found your own. How can it be that you blow an alcohol content of 0.00?"

Replies the driver, "Fooled you, sir... I'm just the designated decoy."
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