I think that maybe I'd like to work on this project here, on the forum, since it would allow this information to be shared and accessible- without everyone else having to wait until I have it all formatted for the site.
So- I have a stack of scans I will make- there are 5 gun spec sheets in the design book, plus some from other things- and I'll post the links here when I have them up.
There are also weapons info boxes in the guide books, I can scan them too.
But here is a starter list (these names are exactly as they were printed)-
*Character faves from the Super Guide, with links to the accompanying pics
Sousuke- Glock 19
Kurtz- Accuracy International Super Mugnam/L96A1
Mao- H&KMk23 Mod.0 SOCOM Pistol
Tes- Walther TPH
Obviously, there are alot of other weapons that get used- these are the ones I could get the names of easy.