I was always under the impression that Sousuke was a very hard man to get to really know. Though she'd like to, Tessa never puts Sousuke at ease like Kaname does - SPOILER ALERT, highlight to read
At the very end of the last episode, after Kaname instructs Sousuke to comfort Tessa, Sousuke turns right around and takes Kaname fishing. In the first episode Sousuke (honestly) tells his new classmates that he enjoys fishing and reading - his honesty is attested to by the depth he goes into in his reading list and how excited he gets about it.
Having said that, Sousuke seems to have extremely well defended emotions - it would take a lot of work to get through to them. He tells Kaname in so many words that he cares for her very much ("Its because of you that I'm here right now. So please don't tell me that you're alright on your own.", or something to that effect). Tessa never hears anything remotely close to that from our Sergeant. Kaname is not only told that she is important in Sagara's life, she is taken to his secret fishing spot! Sousuke is making a distinct declaration of who is more important to him than whome, because Kaname is allowed to be part of something that Sousuke holds dear, which indicates that she is close to his heart - Tessa is still far on the outside looking in at that point. I've heard that in the manga its even more blatant, that Sousuke regains his will to live when he meets Kaname, but since I haven't read it, I can't comment. Can anybody confirm what I heard?
Its ok that Tessa ranks second - that gives the rest of us a shot at her!
Fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way since 1983.
What you heard was correct, however, you missed a little tidbit in the last episode. Sousuke did say that "the only other person who knows about this place is back at the base. Hmmmm, who could that be?
In all honesty, Souske and Kaname are meant to be together :D Tessa just isn't fun imho. And anyway, what kind of kid, no matter whispered or not, designs and commands submarines at the age of 16? That makes the whole thing rediculous :D Although a reference to Martian Successor Nadesico will let us understand that Captains these days are nothing more than figure heads... I still think that the Major and not Tessa should be in charge of the sub :-D
If it is Tessa (who knows about the spot), then it's because he had to report where he was going on his time off. But it's not because he shared it with her. His obvious discomfort with her throughout the series should show that.
Tessa's captian of the Daanan for a special reason that is not the same situation as in Nadesico. She's not intended to be a figurehead. Tessa's special ability and unique understanding of the sub (having designed much of it) means she's the best person to command it. She is the only one who really has a full grasp of it's capability and command of the computer system.
Notice that she doesn't really issue personnel commands (that's mostly Kalanin), and she has Mardukas to help her with the other stuff. The Daanan isn't an ordinary sub, and Tessa isn't an ordinary captian
So, the sub is her jursidiction, while the other ordinary command roles are picked up by the other two (although they do defer to her in respect, as they should honor the rank).
The audience applauded, even though it was not clear what Bush meant.
It may also have been Kalinin
Maybe they'd make good fishin partners. LOL
Or it could even be another character not in the Anime series all together.
Tessa is captain, but that doesn't mean she's the highest ranking officer at the base. In which case, Tessa would not be the one who gives permission to Sousuke. It would be the base's CO (possibly after him being cleared by Mao and Kalinin, it depends at which level the report changes). Tessa would clear him to leave the sub, but once off the sub he would be under another high ranking officer which belongs to the base.
Heh. My first instinct was to say that it was Kurtz, seeing as that's the only one who Sousuke seems to be almost chummy with (by Sousuke-standards).
But then I too was thinking, maybe it's Kalanin, but their relationship seems more professional, even when it's personal
I was thinking about, if it were Tessa, why would it be her?
But I agree that it's not likely to be her for any reason.
soon-to-be-standard disclaimer: Saying Sousuke doesn't love Tessa is not a personal attack on Tessa.
The audience applauded, even though it was not clear what Bush meant.
Jae: i'm not necessarily comparing her to the nadesico, just expressing disgrunt that a 16yr old chick is in command of a sub, for _whatever_ reason
now that i think about it, kalinin would make sense too. i mean, they go way back, even before the whole kurz/mao thing. maybe kalinin taught souske how to fish
Hehe, well I understand your gripe about 15yo captians, but what I like about FMP is that there is an acutal constructed reason for it
FMP parodies alot of anime stereotypes, but manages to work them well into the framework of the FMP world, so it hardly seems like a parody, but it is So, of course it's natural that both of the main girls have the same stereotypical birthday, too.
The audience applauded, even though it was not clear what Bush meant.
OT: DON'T MESS with Yurika else i'm gonna open up a can of Whoopass
please continue.....
on a side note ... the dialog "hey Sousuke turn off the mic's in your tin can " so i can have a word with that blue haired bimbo ...
"yo blue mamma i'm gonna fight for that boy"
does suggest that Tessa isn't (yet)(wants to be) involved with Sousuke.
that means on that moment Sousuke still loves his Glock better than the female population .. and the game is still on ...
Kaname instructs Sousuke to comfort Tessa
You don't know that . for sure.
maybe she told him to tell her she has won ..
*starts another sousuke has a Tessa sister complex rumor*
"Can I help you?, "you know this section is.." she broke off her sentence as the man walked towards her and nodded, "I think you can Captain".
Tessa looked down, "I haven't been called Captain in 4 years," Wha..what do you want?"
He gave her a devious grin, "I'm here to make sure you keep your promise."
๏̯͡๏﴿ <- they know....
█ Raaaaaaaaawr!!!
Hmm...I saw the end last night, and the translation I have says "I'm the only one that knows about this spot back at the base." But I think Taurec is right and I was wrong, we dont know what Kaname tells Sousuke to say.
Fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way since 1983.
it's just a cheap ploy to leave open hooks and thereby extend the lifetime of the franchise i think many ppl are were wondering/hoping that season 2 would answer open questions form season 1... which of course it won't... but oh well
Taurec wrote:on a side note ... the dialog "hey Sousuke turn off the mic's in your tin can " so i can have a word with that blue haired bimbo ...
"yo blue mamma i'm gonna fight for that boy"
Great scenes of dialog that ended up on the cutting room floor... DARN!!
Taurec wrote:does suggest that Tessa isn't (yet)(wants to be) involved with Sousuke.
that means on that moment Sousuke still loves his Glock better than the female population .. and the game is still on ...
...maybe Sousuke SHOULD stick with his Glock... They're reliable, low
maintenence, and give a satisfying kickback when they're used
The thing that is the BIGGEST point in favor of Sosuke liking Tessa over Kaname is the fact that when you watch the series you see that Sosuke defineitly sees Tessa as a woman before Kaname.
Sosuke blushes, gets VERY uncomfortable (as he in he gets HOT), and is desperately trying to keep his hands to himself around his madame Captain.
Sosuke is almost unable to relate to Kaname in any terms resembling that of a friend let alone a boyfriend/girlfriend because he's so mission orientated.
Somehow that seems to be less of a problem with Tessa than it does with Kaname.
Sosuke furthermore has a great deal more in common with Tessa, they are both warriors, and frankly I've got to ask...WHAT IS SO GOOD ABOUT SOSUKE AND KANAME? He's a quiet, stoic, duty bound individual that has lived his entire life in isolation. Tessa is a person who fits those to a tee.
Sosuke might actually make a MOVE on Tessa and wouldn't refuse the advances TOO HARD. The whole scene on the beach was cute because Sosuke didn't really want to be out from under her and that's what made it so cool.
Seriously, the anime should play up the triangle since I think the underdog has a serious shot!
I mean Sosuke needs someone who can understand the pressures of the world around him and he turns to Tessa quite often after they start getting together more. Plus, there's the fact that Tessa needs protecting JUST AS MUCH as Kaname and that is the basis of his relationship with her.
Hence, as soon as they start dating...it'll happen with the Whispered girl's ability....he'll be all over her.
With the power of the Whispered, Miss Chidori could end up with Tessa' personality and vice versa...then Sagara could have a harem.