It was remarkable, the difference a small piece of colored paper could make. The subject might have proven rather enlightening for Buddhist monks of old, and could have convinced many an ancient Greek philosopher to ponder something other than hemlock draughts. Indeed, it might even have prompted spirited arguments between arrogant Freudians and upstart Jungians.
Sousuke---neither a holy man, nor a philosopher or psychologist---was royally puzzled. What has gotten into Kaname? Is she well? I must keep a close watch on her actions and decision making.
Kaname moved through the harsh and unforgiving world surrounded by a veritable nimbus of tranquility and good fortune. A knight of the Round Table, the Grail in his hand, could not have been any more satisfied than Kaname. Ponce De Leon, bathing in the fountain of youth, would have looked upon her with envy. As long as she held that lottery ticket, what did she have to be unhappy about. You know, in this light, Sousuke looks kind of handsome. It’s certainly nice to have a bodyguard now.
There was a certain sprightliness to her step. Her shoulders were thrown back and her chin lifted. Nothing registered on her vision that was not straight ahead and in the direction she was headed. Suddenly, with no advance warning whatsoever, she was struck on the side of her head and body by a large shovelful of dripping wet snow. She continued on her way, never missing a beat. It was doubtful that she took any notice of Sousuke’s flying kick intended to teach manners to the sorrowful perpetrator.
She had a feeling of good will for everyone and everything she passed by. When a dog savagely took hold of her favorite skirt in its teeth and tore a large gaping hole, she was total unawares. She took no notice when Sousuke grabbed the hapless hound by the hind legs and flung it far away. She was not watching when it landed with a yelp and a solid thump in the back of a speeding pickup truck.
The sounds of the streets and the invigorating feel of the chill air continued to excite her, even when a wildly swerving carload of drunken college students purposefully drove close to the curb, sending the frigid contents of a deep and broad swath of water hurling towards her, accompanied by a loud beeping of the horn and rude and raucous laughter. If someone had asked her if she saw that sedan careen out of control, bounce off of parked cars, and slam into a police cruiser on the other side of the street, she would have told them “no.” Likewise, she didn’t see Sousuke run out and covertly retrieve his combat knife from the front tire.
Sirens and the loud calls of air horns grew louder as they continued on their slow walk down the street. Turning one corner, Sousuke was alarmed to see smoke and occasional whisps of fire issuing forth from the windows of a small housing unit. The sidewalks were open on one side of the street, but the road and opposite walkway were cordoned off by cones and large metal signs.
Kaname did not flinch once when she strolled through the cold spray of the hoses, windblown and forming a large dancing cloud of particles. She had the same dreamy look on her face when Sousuke ran out of the stricken building with a bundled infant in his hand as she had when he broke free of the grasp of a fireman, rushing into the roaring inferno with his a wet jacket over his head.
Singing quietly to herself, she felt no anger or unhappiness as her mind recalled the events of the day:
Covered with snow, her books scattered on the frigid ground, she flung Sousuke into the Principal, sending the two of them sliding in the snow and mud. No problem.
Embarrassed and ridiculed in English class, she was blamed for Sousuke’s overly exaggerated defense of her honor. It was sweet that he cared.
Added to the periodic table as yet another example of an unstable element, and doomed by her mishandling of the bleach, she had been great entertainment for the students in Chemistry. Laughter is a wonderful thing.
Sousuke’s volunteering of her in World History had led to her receipt of a temporary Failure and earned her a sore and painful right arm. It was her fault. She should have done her work earlier.
Struggling painfully through the athletic challenge, only to miss the grade and watch as Sousuke grabbed the honor in her place. She really should have congratulated him. It was a magnificent achievement.
Watching her hopes for an exciting opportunity in Okinawa wash away as her guardian tried to flush the visiting Superintendent’s head down the crapper. Look on the bright side! She would have missed Kyouko, Ren, and her other friends terribly.
And so forth, and so on. With her darling ticket in hand, what did any of that matter?
Kaname stopped when one thought finally managed to worm its way past her numbing aura of bliss. I’m thirsty. REALLY thirsty. As luck would have it, she and Sousuke were very close to a small roadside pagoda sheltering a number of vending machines from the weather. There was a machine dispensing cans of hot, warm, and chilled coffee there. She would get one of each.
It could have been due to the cold outdoor temperature. It may have been the result of faulty equipment maintenance. Or, it may just have been an unfortunate random event. Whatever the cause, Kaname’s first can of coffee jammed on its way out. Hoping to jar it loose, she put in more money and sent two more cans on their way. They were stuck too.
Momentarily, the ticket was forgotten. Damn machine. You have my money. YOU HAVE MY COFFEE. She became angry…then irate…and then furious. Despite diagrams and wording exhorting the customer to avoid tipping the machine, at risk of great bodily harm, Kaname began rocking the device back and forth vigorously. The firm grip of a hand on her wrist stopped her. Sousuke.
“I am very concerned about your behavior, Kaname. Your reactions during your walk here were uncharacteristic, to put it mildly. Your disregard of clearly marked prohibitions at the expense of your own safety frightens me.” He took his pistol out of his pocket. “Above all else, Miss Chidori, you should pay strictest attention to safety. Your actions must NOT exceed the boundaries of physics and common sense.” He fired four shots into the recalcitrant vending apparatus.
The echoes of four gunshots was neatly contrasted by three successive clunks, as the three tardy coffee cans rolled down into the receiver. Intially stunned, Kaname shook her head as she walked over to collect her purchase. Just as she was bending over, four high pressure jets of coffee shot out of the machine, drenching her from hair down to shoes with java.
“Do not be concerned, Kaname. That last bit of coffee is lagnape. You do not have to pay for that.”
After she made certain that her ticket was safe, Kaname ran after Sousuke, pelting him with the cans of coffee.
The smell of coffee was strong. But, she wasn’t too worried. Kaname could put up with that for the relatively short walk that remained. Just as Sousuke would survive his limp and sore coccyx.
Sousuke had been following too closely again. He ran into her when she abruptly stopped, staring at a small store she had never given a second thought before. The clothing in the window was spectacular---it was also very expensive. No, strike that. It was VERY expensive. There was no way in seven hells that she could ever afford to breath the air in that boutique, much less buy anything more than one of the complimentary breath mints. That is, until today. She looked at her ticket. Why should it be any different than her credit card? Buy something today, pay for it later.
“Sousuke. Can I trust you to behave?” Kaname felt stupid just asking that question. “I am going into that shop over there, and will be trying on clothing. It may take a while. If you do not feel capable of waiting patiently and behaving in a civilized manner, you will have to wait outside!” Tossing her coffee-encrusted hair, she grimaced when it stuck in place. It might be embarrassing to walk in looking like THIS, but they would shower her with praise and attention soon enough, when they realized just how much she was willing to spend.
A lovely sounding bell rang as the door to the shop opened. The first thing Kaname saw was a well-dressed matronly woman holding a measuring tape and a full pincussion. “May I see evidence of a viable line of credit please, young…uh…lady?” That made Kaname bristle. What does she think I am, some bum off the street? I have a winning LOTTERY TICKET!!! Putting on a fake smile, she handed over her Platinum Card, something she rarely used---it was never pleasant to listen to her father gripe and expostulate over each and every item on the credit report.
Kaname’s thermostat was turned up a couple of notches when Sousuke walked in. “Oh my, what a handsome young man. Such dashing good looks. And that mysterious scar, how perfectly enchanting. You must be quite a heartbreaker, Sir!” The woman rushed over to take Sousuke’s coat, stepping on Kaname’s foot in the process. “I only wish my niece were working here tonight.” She thought a moment. Ringing a bell, she spoke quietly to the small wizened man who answered her summons. “Give Minuzke a call. If she’s home, let her know that she might want to come over and fit a fine young man.”
The woman threw Kaname’s credit card over her shoulder unlooking. Reaching up to grab it, Kaname knocked an expensive fur coat off of a hanger. All noise in the store ceased. One attendant looked as if she were about to pass out. Again, without turning around, the woman acted. She snapped her fingers. The attendant ran over and brushed off the coat, putting it back from whence it came. “That item will now have to be put on sale. If she wishes to stay, the young lady will have to make up the difference, or purchase it at full cost.” She actually tittered after that, turning to Sousuke. “You have me flustered, young man. I don’t know what’s come over me. I’m never that forgiving.”
It took every bit of Kaname’s will power to keep from knocking EVERYTHING off of the racks and running out into the street laughing like a manic. It went against every fiber of her being, but she paid the penalty and continued shopping.
“Uh, Madame….” Sousuke blushed and stammered, feeling very uncomfortable.
The store owner ran her hands all over Sousuke’s chest and arms. “You do not need to be so formal, young man. Call me Yukina. You are extremely muscular and well-defined. I know just what lines will suit you. May I be so bold as to ask your name?”
“Uh. It’s Sagara. Sousuke Sagara. But I’m only here….”
“Let me collect a few items, then I’ll take you back to be fitted.” She held a small fan in the air, opening it once and then closing it. Seeing the signal, all the the stock girls dropped their inventory books and ran for the back room giggling. Along the way, they tapped the shoulders of a receptionist and a woman serving trays of sweets, an invitation to join the burgeoning exodus. Kaname started to walk in the same direction, quite certain she knew just what was going on. Peepholes. She’d put a stop to that.
“I’m sorry, Miss, but customers are not allowed back there.” It was the wizened old man. He wheezed like a leaky set of bellows as he labored under the weight of a large roll of fancy suit fabric. “Feel free to serve yourself a pastry or crab puff if you like. They are over there.” As he turned, he clouted Kaname across the back with his burden, knocking her onto a table of scarves and fancy gloves, tipping the lovely antique onto its side and spilling the perfectly placed items onto the floor. “There is a chance that someone will see to you before the shop closes. Please try to be more careful.”
A breathless and coatless young woman ran into the store, a pair of shoes held in her hands. Her bare feet were bright red. “Aunt Yukina, I’m here! Where are you?” She took one glance at Kaname and the nearby mess, sneered, and disappeared through a curtain-like door.
Kaname heard Sousuke raise his voice, an octave or two higher than usual. “But, I am only here to….”
Yukina’s voice grew louder as she headed back to the main room. “I hate to miss anything, but I must see to a mishap out front.” Seeing Kaname, and watching her place items back on the table, the older woman spoke in a cold and dismissive voice. “Still here, I see. You must not have checked any of the prices yet. I do not have the time to berate you, so I will simply say that if you replace everything most exactly, you shall owe nothing further.” With that, she disappeared again.
“No Minuzke, he can keep his undergarment on. There is no need to measure that.” Hearing those words, Kaname came very close to rushing the back room. Just what do they think they are doing? No. WHAT DOES SOUSUKE THINK HE’S DOING! “I’ve never seen a man blush so much before. It‘s so sexy.” “He’s SO dreamy….” “Shouldn’t we take his measurements?” “Whatever for?”
By the time Sousuke emerged, surrounded by a chatting crowd of women, Kaname had selected a number of items to try on. She aksed one of the younger women which of the dressing rooms she could use.
“Oh. I am very sorry, but you cannot go in unattended. Someone will be there to help you soon, I’m certain. I would gladly be of assistance, but I don’t want to miss the drawing.” With that, she ran off. She joined a circle of girls, each of whom picked a straw out of a deep cannister, comparing the lengths. A happy scream marked the winning girl. The victor grabbed Sousuke by the hand and dragged him towards a dressing room, while each of the dejected losers carried a set of clothing in the direction the fitter and fittee had headed.
Kaname was about to leave the shop. You can stay HERE for all I care Sousuke. HMMPPFF!!!
“Perhaps I can be of assistance” the old man offered, a wicked look in his eye. “I have helped many a young beauty undress.”
“N-No T-Thank you” Kaname stammered, a look of distate clearly evident on her face. Dirty old creep!
Seeing the look on Kaname’s face, the old man shrugged, sighed, and purposely knocked a fancy vase full of flowers onto the floor at Kaname’s feet.
Like a shark attracted to blood, Yukina quickly materialized. “It seems I must find someone to help you, if I wish to keep my store intact. I hope you credit card has a HIGH limit.” Her voice oozed with contempt. “I do wish the idea of finishing schools had not gone out of vogue.” Clapping her hands, she walked away.
Not much later, Minuzke walked over to assist her. They retired to a small room with fragrant cedar planking. Kaname earned her attendant’s scorn when she made certain there were no spy holes. “Mr. Sagara mentioned your name when we were taking note of his requirements….” The young lady came close to hissing as she spoke. “You’re not his wife or fiance, are you?” With the words wife and fiance, Minuzke pushed the pins she was using too far in.
“Ouch. NO!”
“I see. Good. You’re not his girlfriend, then?” Again, with the word girlfriend, the pin made Kaname jump. “Please, if you don’t stay still, I can’t guarantee your safety.”
“Ouch. Definitely NOT!”
“Wonderful. Very good. Are you interested in him? Is he interested in you?” The painful pricks came with interested, him, and you.
“Yeow. Ouch. Aaah. No. Definitely not. NO WAY!
“How nice.” The woman smiled a feral smile. “Do you happen to know his phone number? If you tell me, I won’t make you purchase this dress. You’ve gotten your blood all over it….”
The process went on longer---less painfully, fortunately---and Kaname was pleased with her final selection of outfits. Clothes for every occasion. I should be the talk of the school, at the very least. Thank you, my precious ticket.
Sousue was nearly done with his ordeal. Kaname sighed in relief. Good. Then we can finally be on our way. At one point, she dropped all the clothes she was carrying onto the floor. Sousuke had walked out of the fitting room in a vest and slacks outfit that left her breathless. What’s with you Kaname. It’s only Sousuke. Get a grip!!!
“How will Sir pay for this?” Yukina asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh. As I had tried to tell you, I was here waiting to escort Miss Chidori home.” At those words, Yukina upped Kaname’s bill by 10%. “But, seeing that everyone worked so hard, I do have a number for a secret Swiss bank account.” Hearing that, a number of the younger girls fainted. Kaname’s expression soured.
“Well, secret or not, Swiss accounts are fine with me.” Yukina winked and courtsied. “However, seeing that it was our fault that we misunderstood you, there is no obligation on your behalf.” Despite losing a large sale, the woman continued to grin. “If you are game, there is a way you may earn those fine outfits.”
“Unless I am mistaken, one or two of the girls might have found you somewhat attractive.” Every young lady in the shop pointed to her own chest and nodded her head. “If you were willing to model clothes at our next big event, your fee for services would easily cover the cost. Is there anything you can do, any special talent that you have, that might enhance your effectiveness as a model? Any noteworthy props?”
“Uh. I will let you be the judge.” Sousuke asked to have his coat and his bag brought out to him from the back room. He took out his Glock and showed Yukina that.
“Oh my. Simply dangerous. The spy look. It would be so suave, so exciting.” Yukina smiled as she heard all the girls sigh. “Might I convince you to strike a pose?” She clapped when Sousuke complied. “Ahh, Mr. Bond, that is shaken not stirred, if I remember correctly.”
Her bags of clothing a heavy load, Kaname tapped her one foot angrily as she waited for this nonsense to come to an end.
“Yes, you will most certainly do, Mr. Sagara. As icing on the cake, do you have any special effects?”
Kaname could not get a warning out in time. Sousuke reached into his coat pocket, pulled a pin, and dropped a flash grenade on the floor. It went off with a blinding glare of light, causing the shop staff to cover their eyes. Blinded during her rush to stop Sousuke, Kaname tripped over a large rack of evening dresses.
“Wonderful Mr. Sagara. Simply wonderful. We have ourselves a deal. We’ll prepare your clothes for you and call you with the date of our next show.” Yukina turned and walked towards the back room.
Kaname picked up her parcels and headed for the door out of the shop.
“Oh. Before you leave Miss Chidori, please give your card to Minuzke again. That rack was special order….”
The most recent events had scraped some of the luster off of Kaname’s expansive mood. But, she was only a few blocks away from home. She, and her glorious ticket. A hot bath. A warm meal. Cuddling with her ticket. She laughed. Let’s not go off the deep end, Kaname!
She looked behind her, seeing Sousuke walking hunched over under the weight of her bags and parcels. He was slogging onward quietly, never uttering a single complaint. Even in the dark, she knew that his eyes would be constantly looking, analyzing, and looking again Nothing would escape his scrutiny. Nothing she said or did would cause him to turn away. A blessing and a curse.
“How’s my pack mule doing back there? If you’re good, I might throw you a nice carrot or a handful of oats. If you’re really good, I might give you a sugar cube.” She laughed, feeling so free as she heard the sound of her voice disappear into the gusting wind.
“I am doing fine, Kaname. But, I should remind you, I am a Specialist, not a mule. Did I do something in that clothier’s shop that upset you, Kaname?”
“W-What?” Kaname almost stumbled, caught off guard. “Don’t be stupid, Sousuke. What could you do that would matter to me?” She felt a twinge of guilt and regret when the words left her mouth.
“I see. It is not a problem then. I will continue to do my best to protect you, Kaname.” His voice held neither regret nor enthusiasm. “At the cost of my own life, I will make certain that you come to no harm.”
“Oh.” Kaname did not know exactly what she was feeling. Then, inspiration hit her. She could reward his dedication without offereing anything of herself. “Sousuke, would you like to see it? Should I show you my ticket?” She did a pirouette and a little hop step. “Of course, what could a winning lottery ticket mean to a moody military misfit?”
Her shadow blurred and became sharp again as she danced about. To Sousuke’s eyes, shrouded by the halos formed around the street lamps, she seemed like an unearthly spirit. Then abruptly, she ran towards him with the ticket waving in her hand.
Serendipity struck, its fangs sinking deep into Kaname’s heaving bossom.
Stepping in a deep pot hole, she twisted her ankle. Grimacing in pain, her hands spasmed, just as an exceedingly strong gust of wind swirled around her like a small twister. The ticket slipped from her grasp, joining countless other scraps of paper garbage in their fluttering flight.
Nooooooooo!!! My TICKET! My precious.” Kaname’s cry was gut wrenching. Her eyes darting here and there, she zeroed in on a colorful piece of paper. “There you are!” She took off running, heedless of her own safety.
Sousuke was not watching Kaname. Adept at tracking multiple targets simultaneously, he easily followed the course of the true prize. Taking a few steps, he swiped his hand against the breeze, snagging the errant paper. He turned to reassure Kaname, shocked at what he saw.
A number of large flatbed dumpsters were lined up along the side of the street, their true extent hard to appreciate in the reduced light. Kaname had climbed up the metal handholds on the side of one container, jumping out of sight when she reached the top.
“KANAME!!!” Sousuke’s voice blew back to him in the relentless wind. “KANAME, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I HAVE YOUR TICKET!!!” There was no way she could have heard him. He rushed to see if she was alright. As he ran, he saw various items fly out of the dumpster and on to the street. Chicken carcasses. Jars. Empty cans. Soggy magazines. Diapers. A clock. An old sock. Boxes. Small bags of refuse. A scrawny looking cat, fishbone in mouth.
Deep within the dumpster, kicking the snow off of the trash, Kaname was frantically looking for her ticket. She was certain it had flown in here. Most of the trash had been emptied, but there was still an ungodly stench coming off of the disgusting and clinging garbage. Her hands, arms, and face were soon covered with crystals of ice and bits of slime and filth. No! Damn it. WHERE’S MY TICKET. MY TICKET….
Climbing up the side of the dumpster, Sousuke caught the slightest hint of mechanical noise. Blurred, but growing steadily larger, he saw what appeared to be pairs of yellow eyes heading in their direction. Lights. Vehicle lights. What kind? He had a sinking suspicion. He finished his climb, but Kaname ran to the far end of the dumpster, paying him no heed. The lights were getting too close. There was no time to jump down and carry her up against her will.
Sousuke sprung off the top of the enclosure and ran off into the dark. It was just what he had feared. Large front-end loaders. At least four of them. Make that five. Headed straight for the dumpsters. If they were carrying snow---and if the snow was destined for Kaname’s dumpster---he would have to stop them all.
Like a knight, Sousuke steeled him self to go forth and face the dragons. Rolling into clearer view, five huge yellow Komatsu tractors approached in a long staggered line, their huge front shovels heaped with snow and debris. Black smoke was driven out of rear smoke stacks. Snow and ice flew off of the massive rotating tires. The top mounted lights were strong, causing him to squint.
Front one first. It’s risky, but it might just work. If not, it will no longer be my problem. Sousuke ran, taking off his coat and waving it. The lead vehicle did not slow or deviate from its path. I hope their visibility is sufficient. It would be good if their brakes were strong. Saying a short prayer, he threw himself to the ground and watched with baited breath.
The driver was exhausted. It had been a long day. His attention was wandering. His head thrown back, he downed the remained of the now cold coffee in his Thermos. When he looked back on the street, he saw a body laying right in his path. His reactions took over. There was absolutely no time for thought. Won’t trust my ability to stop this puppy in time. He jerked the wheel hard to the left, away from the fallen form. He pushed hard on the horn button.
Distracted, he had allowed his speed to fall. He had not seen how close the second front-end loader had gotten. Too late, he realized that he had set his vehicle on a collision course. His tractor rammed the other. He had a fleeting look of the other driver’s startled expression as his own vehicle was forced up onto the sidewalk, tipping over after one set of wheels ran up and over a series of large metal benches. Snow tumbled far out into the street as the machine slid on its side. The loader causing the impact bounced over a number of squat city mailboxes, running one set of its wheels up along a collapsing metal rail, through the front window of consecutive roadside shops and cafes, and down onto the sidewalk again. It stopped short of a prized piece of avantgarde sidewalk art. The sound of alarms filled the night.
That takes care of two. Move it Sousuke. There is no margin for error. The one machine had effectively flanked him. He could not use the same trick again. There must be some way he could get the operator’s attention. YES!!! Running, he took his remaining two flash grenades in hand, pulled the pins, and threw them onto the the load of the third machine.
WHAMFLASH. WHAMFLASH. The bright light temporaily blinded the driver. His instinct to go for the brake was overwhelmed by his complete and total shock. He pushed down on the accelerator involuntarily. Hands going to his eyes, he relinquished control of his tractor to fate. The massive piece of construction equipment veered away from the dumpster, crushing the hood of an expensive parked Lexus and flattening the rear end of a Nissan Sklyine. The operator regained control just as the scoop knocked a fire hydrant off of its mooring, sending a huge geyser of water skyward. The Nissan burst into flames.
Go! Two more.... As the fourth loader rumbled by, Sousuke grabbed ahold of its stair rail. Swinging him self up, he jumped up to the top of the stairs. He banged on the driver's window with the but of his gun, but the man took no notice, his eyes locked onto his destination. Executing a side vault move, he pulled himself up onto the leading edge of the cabin, then stepped around, blocking the front windshield. Huge brakes locked firmly, bringing the 40,000 pound machine to a sliding stop.
No. KANAME!!! He was too late. The fifth and final WA-400-5 dropped nearly 6 cubic yards of heavy snow out of its bucket and into the waiting dumpster.
Sousuke shot up the handrails on the huge garbage bin as if he were rocket-propelled. Assuming a diver's stance, he tried to knife his was deep into the snow, thwarted by its sodden density. He dug at the snow with his two hands until they bled, getting nowhere. Regaining his faculties, he whirled about, ready to hijack one of the tractors so he could tip the dumster over, spilling out the snow and Kaname. Move!!!
"Sousuke, what are you up to now? What the hell happened around here." Kaname's voice was loud, but not angry. Her shoulders were slumped. There were dirty tracks where tears had coursed down her face. She was sitting at the bade of the dumpster.
"Kaname, you're OK!!!" Sousuke fought to maintain his composure. Why was he so excited? "I thought you were still in there. I was afraid you were going to die!"
"I almost wish I did, Sousuke." She held up her hand when she saw his mouth open. "Almost, Sousuke. It was only a ticket. A scrap of paper. A thing. Worth a lot of money."
Jumping down, Sousuke showed Kaname what he had clenched in his fist. It was the ticket.
Kaname was speechless. She picked up the ticket, unable to express her thanks. She felt the urge to hug Sousuke, but he had taken off running.
"Sousuke. What are you DOING???" Kaname saw a number of men running in her direction. Were they after Sousuke?
"Your clothes bag. I had to drop it. It's hooked to the back of that tractor." Sure enough, the one machine, free of its heavy load, moved slowly off into the night. A low hanging piece of metal had snagged her bags of fancy clothes. Sousuke was in hot pursuit. What a night. What a totally unbelievable day. No, not unbelievable with Sousuke around. That was the scary part.
Kaname walked away from the dumpster and towards the site of one of the accidents. She looked at her ticket in the light of the burning car. It had gotten wet, and some of the obscuring grime had rubbed off. She felt tears come to her eyes again. She couldn't help it. She was physically spent and emotionaly exhausted.
Why did I make that assumption? Why? How could I be so stupid? How could I put so much hope into anything again? It was a January lottery ticket. Last January....
Kaname wandered the street alone. For a while she saw no one, heard nothing, and had nowhere she wanted to go. How long was she out there? She neither knew nor cared. It wasn’t that part of her didn’t realize her actions were silly and immature. She just didn’t give a damn.
Her ticket was worthless.
She had rung up a huge bill on her credit card, but the clothes were likely gone or ruined.
Looking for a tissue to blow her nose with, she realized she had left her book bag back at the grocery store.
She was freezing, soaking wet, covered with dirt, and smelling of coffee. Her skirt was ripped and her blouse irreparably stained.
The unwanted litany of the events at school paraded before her eyes again.
How could things get any worse?
She stood at the doorway to her apartment building for ten minutes before she convinced herself to go in. Oblivious, she did not slide her key all of the way in before turning it sharply. It broke off in her hand. Fifteen minutes later, she buzzed the manager’s office. He was not happy at be awakened at that hour.
Head resting against the cool metal wall of the elevator, it took her ten more minutes to realize she never punched a button. She looked for a button labeled New Life. There wasn’t one.
Totally drained, she almost didn’t turn the light on in her apartment. When she did, her world turned around again.
The majority of her garment bags and all of her parcels lay across her coffee table, an envelope sitting on top of them.
More than a dozen bags of groceries sat on the floor, overflowing with food and household items.
She walked over to the table and picked up the envelope, her hands trembling ever so slightly. She opened it. The note was from Sousuke:
I have retrieved your clothing. Most of it appears in great condition. One group of blouses and slacks was soiled, so I have retained them. I will deliver them to the cleaners early next morning.
I will apologize if the groceries are insufficient. I had noticed the items in your shopping cart. Additional useful items were added through logical progression. You will notice the total absence of MREs.
I saw the lottery ticket, and understand that you must be upset. I am sorry. There is nothing I can do about that.
I noticed that you were missing your school bag. I do not recall seeing it after the grocery store. It is likely there. I will visit the store and retrieve it for you, so it will be available before school starts. I will not use either of the doors into the meat locker.
Rest well.
Sousuke Sagara
Sergeant, Mithril, Special Response Team
Assigned to covert duty.
Kaname couldn’t help herself. She smiled and wiped away new tears. Until she read the postscript:
Tomorrow’s another day.
It certainly was. If it was going to be anything like today, she was going to chain her leg to her bed and throw the key out of her window!!! There was absolutely NO WAY she was going to leave this apartment again!!!
She thought of Sousuke at the grocery store…looking for her book bag…in trouble again.
In utter disbelief, she found herself putting her coat and shoes back on.
[FIC] A Day In The Life Of.... (part 3) Finale
Moderators: KiLlEr, HELLFIRE, Taurec
[FIC] A Day In The Life Of.... (part 3) Finale
Last edited by dd on Tue Jan 27, 2004 1:55 pm, edited 6 times in total.
- Rezident GunBunny
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Re: [FIC] A Day In The Life Of.... (part 3)
dd wrote:“Oh my. Simply dangerous. The spy look. It would be so suave, so exciting.” Yukina smiled as she heard all the girls sigh. “Might I convince you to strike a pose?” She clapped when Sousuke complied. “Ahh, Mr. Bond, that is shaken not stirred, if I remember correctly.”

Well, guess I lose $10. Kaname's got her ticket, her head's in the
clouds, Sousuke's busy tearing up Tokyo again....
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On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
Hold on there man, you're jumping the gun again...
Look at the ticket again. Kaname did.
Kalinin is Bond? Nahhhh! Sure, he's got the elderly Connery voice. But that's more like the Never Say Never Again Bond. (Arrgghh
) And that's not really Bond as far as I'm concerned....
Almost done with the story. Gotta have Kaname mourn a short bit, then tack on the relatively happy ending.
Hold on there man, you're jumping the gun again...
Look at the ticket again. Kaname did.
Kalinin is Bond? Nahhhh! Sure, he's got the elderly Connery voice. But that's more like the Never Say Never Again Bond. (Arrgghh

Almost done with the story. Gotta have Kaname mourn a short bit, then tack on the relatively happy ending.
- Rezident GunBunny
- Posts: 9569
- Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 12:42 am
- Location: the fine line between creative genius and insanity
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....this was BEFORE you edited the ending... oh
Poor Kaname. NOT!! 
Relatively happy ending, huh?
I leave it in your capable hands, dd

Relatively happy ending, huh?

SEARCH Function | Forum Rules | Forum Fansubs Policy | Boku-Tachi Novel FAQ
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
By now, you ought to know by now it's not over until you see "THE END."
Now, should I frustrate Esyla by thinking up another easy story, or should I go back to the hard stuff???

By now, you ought to know by now it's not over until you see "THE END."

Now, should I frustrate Esyla by thinking up another easy story, or should I go back to the hard stuff???

Last edited by dd on Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Crossbow
- Posts: 592
- Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:19 am
- Location: Curse that Dancing Panda!
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- Rezident GunBunny
- Posts: 9569
- Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 12:42 am
- Location: the fine line between creative genius and insanity
- Contact: ends another typical day in Kaname's life, pre-school trip 
Now WHY couldn't HS be as interesting as that for me?

Now WHY couldn't HS be as interesting as that for me?
SEARCH Function | Forum Rules | Forum Fansubs Policy | Boku-Tachi Novel FAQ
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
On a good day, a Tomahawk can fly into the door of a two-car garage at the distance of several hundred miles. And that can ruin your whole day.
It wasn't? heh heh heh. I thought everybody's was like that.
Now, I remember the time...(should I pull a TT and tell my own tale? Hmmmm). Nah, if I told you, I'd have to kill you....
Yeh, if Kaname can get through something like this, what's the big deal about having her airliner hijacked by Gauron?
Now, I remember the time...(should I pull a TT and tell my own tale? Hmmmm). Nah, if I told you, I'd have to kill you....

Yeh, if Kaname can get through something like this, what's the big deal about having her airliner hijacked by Gauron?