Description from AnimeNFO:
"* Based on a game by Princess Soft.
On Valentine’s Day, Mizuhara Ryo met a girl whose name was Masuda Suzuka. She suddenly took a box of chocolate, and gave it to him. Then she put a ring on his third finger, and she said that it would explode if he put it off. While he was amazed, she added that she was the bride elect. In this way, his normal life suddenly ended, and the troublesome life began."
"Can I help you?, "you know this section is.." she broke off her sentence as the man walked towards her and nodded, "I think you can Captain".
Tessa looked down, "I haven't been called Captain in 4 years," Wha..what do you want?"
He gave her a devious grin, "I'm here to make sure you keep your promise."
๏̯͡๏﴿ <- they know....
█ Raaaaaaaaawr!!!
I found this on google, some info on the anime from a French anime board.
"Un autre jeux bishoujo de Princess Soft va être adapté en série TV : Final Approach. Le titre japonais est actuellement "Fainaru Apuro-chi. Voici le staff de cette future série :
- Directeur : Yamamoto Takashi
- Scénario : Hasegawa Katsumi
- Character design : Shimasawa(?) Noriko
- Production : Trinet(?) Entertainment / ZEXCS
La diffusion est prévue pour la fin de l'automne 2004"
Now, let's use my 4 or so years of half-paying attention in French class to do a rough translation
"Another bishoujo game of Princess Softs' that is being adapted into a TV series: Final Approach. The title in Japanese is actually "Fainaru Apuro-chi"
Her is the staff for the future series:
Director : Yamamoto Takashi
Scenario : Hasegawa Katsumi
Character design : Shimasawa Noriko
Production : Trinet Entertainment/ZEXCS
Airing? is planned for the autumn of 2004"
I'm sure someone else can do a better job at translation, but you get the idea.
So... fall anime of 2004, I like all the female characters so far, so I hope the male isn't a total assclown.
hmm.. i didn'y notice this... oh well... the show is about this girl(looks like naru doesn't she) who appears out of nowhere and calls our main character her husband.... sadly it turns out to be a 15min per ep series with only 13 episodes...
*Shudders* Nothing good has ever come out of half-time series... Well, not any that I've seen really, especially when you're waiting for the next episode to come out.
Well, I saw it, pretty nice show. The time format doesn't bother me as much in this show since we won't really be seeing a cohesive storyline.
Sorry if I don't post in this forum that often anymore... I usually talk about the newest anime at the AnimeSuki forums now under the moniker "Timeless Enigma."