Another new guy here!
Read the new chapter and loved it. Kaname's taking control of Mythril by forcing them to use her plan. Tough girl.

Good thing Sousuke will be there to protect her, I'm sure.
Someone a few pages back mentioned Sousuke having a crush on Tessa and Kaname having a thing for Leonard. I really hate to make waves my first day here, but I think I have to respectfully disagree.
I've seen nothing throughout the whole anime, manga or novels that I've read that suggests that Sousuke has some kind of romantic interest in Tessa. He's clearly intimidated by her as a high-ranking officer. By the same token, he holds a lot of respect for her. And later in the series, he starts to recognize her as a friend. He mentions at one point that he viewed her as a goddess, but that's to be expected when you have that level of respect and fear of someone.
Anysia mentioned that she didn't understand why Sousuke yelled at Kaname and not Tessa. Tessa explained it in that chapter. Sousuke is very reserved around her. Sousuke's a soldier and he has a hard time getting over the fact that she's his superior officer. I honestly can't see anything beyond that.
Then there's the issue of Kaname and Leonard. Gatou did a pretty good job rationalizing Kaname's actions. She smacked him instead of beating him to a pulp. She was confused and startled rather than seething mad. But when she normally acts like that, where do those actually usually come from? Her pride. But her internal monolog after the fact explains that all the pride, strength and confidence she had built up to that point had been taken away when he kissed her. Could there have been a resonance issue? Probably, given what we know of the Whispered then they have physical contact. However, I think there's more to it than that.
Consider the situation: She's just barely survived an encounter with an assassin hell-bent on killing her. Her protector whom she had been falling in love with has suddenly abandoned her. Then along comes a good-looking, yet suspicious and creepy guy who gives an order to snap some guy's neck and blow a hole through him without a second though. At this point, she's probably an emotional wreck and at least a little afraid of Leonard. Then out of NOWHERE this murdering lunatic kisses her.
Now think about that. That was Kaname's first real kiss. Kaname seems to be something of a romantic under the surface. To her, it was very important that she share her first kiss with someone she liked. She'd been saving it for 16 years because that's how strongly she believed in it. Now she's got a guy who seems to fit the role, but they haven't quiet gone that far just yet. Then in an instant, it's all gone. Something very precious to her is stolen from her by some cold-blood killer who she knows nothing about, and she can never have it back again. Not to exaggerate, but in a way, it was like she was raped. So her spirit is crushed and with it her drive to fight. At least until she decides she needs Sousuke back and goes to drag him home by his hair. If she'd had a thing for him, I doubt she'd have been crying in distress over it.
I really don't think I'm embellishing the scenario any. When Kaname reflects on the event after Leonard leaves, I thought it was made pretty clear. But then again, your milage may vary.
Anyway, I'm not trying to be disrespectful. Just voicing a difference in opinion. And also using an opportunity to discuss elements of the story. It's fun to analyze characters when they're as deep as they seem to be in this story.