Bush: I wonder how he gets his head so shiny?
Nagin: I wonder how his brain got so small?
"Can I help you?, "you know this section is.." she broke off her sentence as the man walked towards her and nodded, "I think you can Captain".
Tessa looked down, "I haven't been called Captain in 4 years," Wha..what do you want?"
He gave her a devious grin, "I'm here to make sure you keep your promise."
๏̯͡๏﴿ <- they know....
█ Raaaaaaaaawr!!!
Bush: SO what can I do for you, Mayor Nagin?
Nagin: Be yourself.
".... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain..."
Bush: why is a black dude sitting beside me & why is he looking at me like that? Nagin: Geez i wonder what jerk put him in charge and now he's looking at me like he's in love.
IT'S TRUE THAT WE HAVEN'T SEEN EACH OTHER IN A LONG TIME. BUT YOU ACTUALLY SAID " DO I KNOW YOU? ". IT ALMOST MADE ME CRY~SIGH~ Questions Regarding the forum?Have you read our policy? | Where to download? Questions Regarding FMP Pm:Me, Taurec, HELLFIRE, Killer or CPOK we will be able to help you.
Bush: "Now when I look into your eyes, Mayor, I can see into your soul. We don't look like it, heh heh, but you and me, I can tell, we're like brothers."
Nagin: "Damn straight, Mr President, I know what you're talking about! We both have that dumbshit gene." Aftermath
Bush studies up on gene theory. Decides the introduction of manimals might be a positive impact on his public image.
Nagin lobbies for New NewOrleans to host KBR's federally funded Aquatic-Chimera Development Team, AKA the Survivor-Human Project.
The audience applauded, even though it was not clear what Bush meant.
If i were Pinocchio my nose would be thiiiiiiis long..
"Can I help you?, "you know this section is.." she broke off her sentence as the man walked towards her and nodded, "I think you can Captain".
Tessa looked down, "I haven't been called Captain in 4 years," Wha..what do you want?"
He gave her a devious grin, "I'm here to make sure you keep your promise."
๏̯͡๏﴿ <- they know....
█ Raaaaaaaaawr!!!
"With the miracle of modern science, today, at a undisclosed, classified location, brilliant american scientists will be creating a chimera for the benefit of all of mankind. See, they can take material from a whale, and different material from a human being, and create a person with body parts ....this long. Let me tell you, this will not just be for the benefit of the good people of San Fernando Valley."
(long live the manimal!)
The audience applauded, even though it was not clear what Bush meant.
"With the miracle of modern science, today, at a undisclosed, classified location, brilliant american scientists will be creating a chimera for the benefit of all of mankind. See, they can take material from a whale, and different material from a human being, and create a person with body parts ....this long. Let me tell you, this will not just be for the benefit of the good people of San Fernando Valley."
(long live the manimal!)
SL shakes his head*
You know not all of us here in the SF are pornstars...
anyway good one Jae
I have one
"I'm wondering... how come they can't find a DEVICE about this big in Iraq..."
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.