I watched the raw, below is a full review. it's not 100% accurate when it comes to the dialogs.. I might be off by miles especially in the last scene.
The opening starts rather intense. The TDD 1 is under attack and Tessa orders Mardukas to do a emergency blow.
But Mardukas didn't relay the order and keeps quiet. When she looks up, she sees Mardukas has changed into Sousuke ... and so has the rest of the crew.
Then a choir of Sagara's all started saying that they like/love her.
She goes into girly giggles mode and falls out of bed ... well the command chair.
She wanders off sleep drowsy ....
Scene changes to Sagara who is behind a computer in the hangar, where he is running some combat simulations with the ARX7 AI.
Tessa stumbles in wearing not enough

and he doesn't relax while Tessa starts cuddling him.
Stand in attention sailor <grin>
<insert lmao moment while seeing Sousukes face>
Gawd she is devious... when still drowsy...
Another dialog between Sagara, Tessa and the ARX occur, seems like the ARX gave Tessa some answers Sousuke didn't like to hear. <g>
Suddenly a rude awakening when she finally comes to her senses....
While trying to cover herself she stumbles giving Sousuke a view he doesn't want to see. <grin>
She gets up and spurs off in the distance shouting apologies.
Do I need to mention the shower / getting dressed fanservice scene ? .... better skip that...

After getting dressed Tessa is having a girl to girl talk with Mao, She comforts Tessa ..We see some flashbacks of Tessa and Mao during the talk ... <insert WTF!!! question>.. you know what I mean when you see it.
Mao was programming some M9's and she made them dance the Tango.
LMAO !!!! I swear !!!
Watching the raw makes me realise how bad my Japanese is.
There is a dialog scene next in a store? - lost and found section.
Kurz enters and returned some anime dvd's .. but "forgot" to sign for
Clouseaut enters and seemed like the dvd's were his .... (but didn't want to admit they were his (Squad leader watching anime is a no no).... lost in translation sorry. (lol is it me or does he use a good sleep?)
Next Tessa visits Kalinin (wearing a apron ..) seems he's a strict cook.
He was making Borscht with military timed precision... yay !!!
She took a bite and <insert rotfllmaopmp> said it was delicious.
Just watch it, it's hilarious.
Tessa made it outside alive where she meets Kurz wearing a Gun, he ducks for cover because a few seconds later a very pissed off Clouseaut is showing up, seems Kurz is quite the video editor totally destroying a romanic scene from the anime dvd's <LOL>
Kurz thinking he's off the hook comes out and after a little chat with Tessa, Clouseaut shows up and whoops his ass.
Tessa unable to stop the fight gets help from Mardukas who gives them a long loooong looooooong speech.
A dialog follows (clueless here) and she's on her way to Sagara again.
Sagara is leaving to Tokyo and while he's standing in the hatch of the plane I think Tessa confesses ... But Sousuke declines it ... prolly some "you are my captain it's not done bla bla" ...then plane takes off...
She then has a small talk with Mao again .... (I'll get him next time ?) and the anime ends.
I knew I should have watched more romantic anime's maybe the last scene would have made more sense.
I liked this episode animation, sound and story all worked pretty well.
After a grimm TSR it's nice to see a lighthearted ova.
Lets hope this sells and they consider to continue another season.